Kalisto2010 01-19-2010, 12:05 PM Here's what pisses me off about the Cowboy loving sports media. During the Dallas game I heard the announcer speak of an incident that occurred during the Cowboys training camp. Supposedly Keith Brooking assaulted someone on his team for talking back to him during practice. The announcer gleefully spoke of the incident as If Keith Brooking did the right thing by punching his team mate in the face. When Michael Westbrook did it, he was labeled a thug, and every other derogatory term one can think of. But when Keith does it, he's a stand up guy.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 01-19-2010, 12:06 PM I'll never forget all the cry babies that day. I mean people here wanted to kill Bill B. Calling him classless, a home wrecker, a cheater....you name it and he was called it here on Warpath. lol. Randll Godfrey even confronted BB after that game. But it got very personal around here cause it was Gibbs. But what people forget was Gibbs did it a few times himself his first go around. It's the NFL and as Gibbs use to say.... "if you're up here long enough eventaully you're going to get a knuckle sandwich." lol.
People aren't cry babies for thinking that running up the score is classless and/or dumb. I thought it was classless and dumb in 2007 and I still think it is classless and dumb in 2010, regardless of who is running up the score. I still have no idea why someone would risk injury to his starters and needlessly show more of his playbook when a "W" is well in hand.
I know that some people want to make a statement, but what kind of statement is made when a key player blows out his knee while running up the score? That the coach takes unnecessary risks with multimillion dollar assets?
Also, I was just a teenager when Gibbs left, but when did Gibbs run up the score?
over the mountain 01-19-2010, 12:12 PM They were not running up the score they just ran out of field.
hahaha that was awesome FD
i do think the vikes ran the score up.
Kalisto2010 01-19-2010, 12:28 PM I don't think any team should have compassion for the other. Especially at the professional level. In the NBA for instance teams are blown out on a nightly basis. And I've never seen any of them crying, or anyone calling the other team classless for doing so. It's your job to run up the score, not mitigate the feelings of your opponent.
saden1 01-19-2010, 12:37 PM When you have a chance to score, score....the game is really that simple. Yeah, I remember the whiners here when Skins got pummeled by the Pats. It was a sad and pathetic spectacle too. Don't get mad, get even.
53Fan 01-19-2010, 12:51 PM I'll never forget all the cry babies that day. I mean people here wanted to kill Bill B. Calling him classless, a home wrecker, a cheater....you name it and he was called it here on Warpath. lol. Randll Godfrey even confronted BB after that game. But it got very personal around here cause it was Gibbs. But what people forget was Gibbs did it a few times himself his first go around. It's the NFL and as Gibbs use to say.... "if you're up here long enough eventaully you're going to get a knuckle sandwich." lol.
He has walked off the field refusing to shake the opposing coaches hand. He was involved with another man's wife. He was fined for cheating. He's pretty much been proven to be all those things so what's the problem with calling him what he is? You don't seem to have a problem with calling out our own players or members of the Warpath. A lot of people were pissed after that game but they were just stating the facts about Belecheat. As far as the Cowgirls, they beat Philly pretty bad in the playoffs, I don't recall any whining about running up the score like some sort of injustice was done after that game. And my main point is, I damn sure didn't go to a Cowgirls board to whine about New England like Dallas fans are doing here about Minnesota.
hail_2_da_skins 01-19-2010, 12:54 PM F the Cowboys. Run it up!
12thMan 01-19-2010, 01:03 PM Why do we feel the need to bring up Belichick's personal life? Futher, it has nothing to do with this thread.
Back to the topic, Cowboys are low-life scum. And it hurt Troy Aikman's, and the media at large, little feelings that he couldn't smell Romo's jock for another week. Yeah, right!
12thMan 01-19-2010, 01:04 PM I can't wait to see the signs in the opposing stadiums next year thrashing Brooking for boo hooing.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 01-19-2010, 01:05 PM When you have a chance to score, score....the game is really that simple.
Your main goal is to beat the opponent, but you don't want to lose key players to injury in the process. What is the point of running up the score and risking injury to your players in a game that has clearly been won? Only an insecure person or a moron would do that IMO. Once the game is won (i.e., up by 3 scores with 3 minutes left), call off the dogs.