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warriorzpath 01-05-2010, 01:31 PM I talked about leadership and accountability way back in September. The leaders of a west coast offensive-minded team like the redskins needed to be the head coach and the quarterback - in performance, character, and discipline. I think both Zorn and Campbell has character, but do not have the other 2.
irish 01-05-2010, 01:41 PM They'll work with each other. But ultimately Allen will work for Shanahan. That doesn't mean he will never say no to him.
I kind of expected that Allen would just be used as a cap type guy instead of a true GM.
firstdown 01-05-2010, 01:45 PM So I guess Daniels, Wynn, and Rock thought it was another players roll to become a team leader and now they sit back and are complaining about no other player doing so. I agree that maybe the front office and Zorn helped with the issue but how can they complain about no player taking the roll when they could have done so themself. QB should be that player but we know that JC is no leader from what I have seen. Can anyone recall JC going up to a player on the sidelines and getting in their face and making them listen to him while he explains what needed to be done. I can't, and maybe that because he was also making so many mistakes.
SmootSmack 01-05-2010, 01:48 PM I kind of expected that Allen would just be used as a cap type guy instead of a true GM.
True GM is such a vague term to begin with...but no, he won't just be a cap guy
SmootSmack 01-05-2010, 01:51 PM There's a synopsis from a Cooley interview on that other redskins fan site and i think its very interesting that Cooley said Campbell wasn't a leader.
I think you (or the other site) is misconstruing what he said. Cooley said Campbell has tried to be the leader and has done a decent enough job but the position he was put in by the front office-with all the talk of trying to trade him-has made it difficult for him to assume a full leadership role.
My personal opinion is that that shouldn't be an excuse. They weren't trying to trade him last season when he could have and should have assumed a leadership role, and he's not the first person to be dangled out there as trade bait only to return to his team.
Still, I don't quite think that Cooley was saying Campbell is not a leader in the definitive sense that you're implying.
sportscurmudgeon 01-05-2010, 01:56 PM Never mind last year. How about the roster on 1/4/10
Sorry, haven't gotten into the habit of "10" as opposed to "09" just yet... :confused-
There's a synopsis from a Cooley interview on that other redskins fan site and i think its very interesting that Cooley said Campbell wasn't a leader.
They're good buds, doubt he would throw him under the boss like that. What was the context?
mlmdub130 01-05-2010, 05:40 PM There's a synopsis from a Cooley interview on that other redskins fan site and i think its very interesting that Cooley said Campbell wasn't a leader.
i just heard portis did the same thing, i was listening to 106.7 and they were talking about portis' comments saying campbell wasn't a leader, i can't find anything on it anywhere, they had a guy from the washington examiner talking about it, john something. anyone know where to find transcripts of the two interveiws?
it's weird that they would both say it on the same day, and i thought jc and cooley were boys, i know half the team is done with portis
mlmdub130 01-05-2010, 05:49 PM thomas boswell pretty much summed up this thread in one paragraph, great article
The Redskins' next coach needs to understand what he's getting into. Redskins fans need to understand how much patience they will need. The owner must grasp that, after 11 years, this mess is his and he needs to get out of the way of the professionals. And the players, who know exactly what's wrong with them, need to take responsibility for their own team. When they start acting like winners, instead of just talking like it, they'll have a chance.
Thomas Boswell - With Zorn fired, Redskins criticize lack of discipline on the team - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/04/AR2010010403085_2.html?sid=ST2010010500033)
SmootSmack 01-05-2010, 06:29 PM i just heard portis did the same thing, i was listening to 106.7 and they were talking about portis' comments saying campbell wasn't a leader, i can't find anything on it anywhere, they had a guy from the washington examiner talking about it, john something. anyone know where to find transcripts of the two interveiws?
it's weird that they would both say it on the same day, and i thought jc and cooley were boys, i know half the team is done with portis
Portis was a lot more blunt that Cooley, that's for sure. Don't have a transcript of either. But Portis basically said (and Doc Walker was talking about it as well) Campbell is not ready to be a team captain. He doesn't step up on behalf of his teammates and talk to the coaches. Doc talked about how Theismann went to Gibbs' home unannounced one night and said you have to believe in me, said Campbell would never do anything like that