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CRedskinsRule 01-04-2010, 04:47 PM Correct.
Players need to go to and through the coach for concerns. Perhaps Zorn was to blame for some of it, he didn't exactly have much authority to put his foot down and make them listen, especially later on.
Snyder should have stopped it though. No talking to him or Vinny, talk to the coach and he'll relay anything he needs to.
With Allen and Shanahan, I believe this will stop.
Allen's conference addressed this very well I thought. The HC is the leader of the team period. No one else, period. I hope the words are backed up with actions
SmootSmack 01-04-2010, 05:04 PM That is Bruce Allen's job now right? To say no when the new coach screams I want so and so.
Let's hope so. We need discipline, we don't need to be spending a 3rd round pick on Maurice Clarett or any other similar Shanahanigans...too soon?
sportscurmudgeon 01-04-2010, 05:40 PM The formula for success in the NFL starts with getting sufficient talent on the squad and then molding that talent into a team.
It is pretty clear that I am not nearly as enamored with the talent level on this roster as of 1/4/09 as many others around here are. Of the 22 starters the Skins put on the field for most of the games this year, I'd be surprised if half of them would be starters on a team with a winning record. The team needs a talent upgrade.
Having said that, the Redskins have not been a real team for years now. Bruce Smith used to whine to Danny Boy when he didn't get enough snaps; this is not something that just happened the day before yesterday. And when there are "back-channel" ways to get around the coach, you don't have a team; you have an assemblage of individuals who are playing for individual agendas as much as for team outcomes.
Dirtbag59 01-04-2010, 05:49 PM Let's hope so. We need discipline, we don't need to be spending a 3rd round pick on Maurice Clarett or any other similar Shanahanigans...too soon?
Makes you wonder about Gerhart in the 3rd? Crap never mind, we don't have a 3rd round pick......for now. However, with that said I wouldn't mind seeing a trade down from our second round pick. Assuming of course a quality offensive tackle could be identified by the scouting department.
CRedskinsRule 01-04-2010, 06:01 PM Makes you wonder about Gerhart in the 3rd? Crap never mind, we don't have a 3rd round pick......for now. However, with that said I wouldn't mind seeing a trade down from our second round pick. Assuming of course a quality offensive tackle could be identified by the scouting department.
With the 2nd and 3rd rounds conducted on Friday night, that Friday is going to be hell on my nerves. Twitter may go on overload with all the trade rumors that will surface.
SmootSmack 01-04-2010, 06:15 PM The formula for success in the NFL starts with getting sufficient talent on the squad and then molding that talent into a team.
It is pretty clear that I am not nearly as enamored with the talent level on this roster as of 1/4/09 as many others around here are. Of the 22 starters the Skins put on the field for most of the games this year, I'd be surprised if half of them would be starters on a team with a winning record. The team needs a talent upgrade.
Having said that, the Redskins have not been a real team for years now. Bruce Smith used to whine to Danny Boy when he didn't get enough snaps; this is not something that just happened the day before yesterday. And when there are "back-channel" ways to get around the coach, you don't have a team; you have an assemblage of individuals who are playing for individual agendas as much as for team outcomes.
Never mind last year. How about the roster on 1/4/10
tryfuhl 01-04-2010, 10:28 PM With the 2nd and 3rd rounds conducted on Friday night, that Friday is going to be hell on my nerves. Twitter may go on overload with all the trade rumors that will surface.
This draft nonsense is getting crazy, 3 days starting on Thursday.
FRPLG 01-05-2010, 12:54 AM Boswell nails it...those talking about the issues need to be part of the solution. It's all fine to bitch and moan now but when this group comes back together the likes of Daniels and Cartwright need to start busting up this crap-culture. If they're just gonna talk about it then don't let the door hit ya guys. The irst thing that needs to happen is Rock needs to put a locker room and public foot in Portis' ass.
washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/04/AR2010010403085.html)
mlmdub130 01-05-2010, 12:57 AM With the 2nd and 3rd rounds conducted on Friday night, that Friday is going to be hell on my nerves. Twitter may go on overload with all the trade rumors that will surface.
lets just hope we get two picks friday night, that would make my night
GusFrerotte 01-05-2010, 01:00 AM Mr. Cooke never did that shit. He just hired the right guys and signed the damn checks and let the football guys do their thing. He just sat back and watched his Skins kick some ass. He wasn't a total egomaniac like Snyder or Jones. He admitted he knew nothing about the ins and outs of running a football team, but was smart enough to hire guys that did. Too bad John Boy was sort of a wuss, then he might have been able to keep the team somehow.