12-29-2009, 03:26 PM
Who do we resign, who do we let go? Below is a list of players, not sure on some however because of being signed during the season to undisclosed contracts. If you know a player that belongs on this list by CONTRACT only or need to be taken off please post.
Carlos Rogers
Casey Rabach
Byron Westbrook
Rocky McIntosh
Todd Yoder
Hunter Smith
Randy Thomas
Stephon Heyer
Lorenzo Alexander
Phillip Daniels
Kedric Golston
Anthony Montgomery
Renaldo Wynn
Will Montgomery
Chris Wilson
Reed Doughty
Matt Sinclair
Richard Bartel
Marcus Mason?
Quinton Ganther?
Levi Jones?
Mike Williams?
Son Of Man
12-29-2009, 03:36 PM
Who do we resign, who do we let go? Below is a list of players, not sure on some however because of being signed during the season to undisclosed contracts. If you know a player that belongs on this list by CONTRACT only or need to be taken off please post.
Carlos Rogers...trade for value or sign mid-range deal
Casey Rabach...retain unless better available in FA
Byron Westbrook...bye
Rocky McIntosh...retain
Todd Yoder...retain
Hunter Smith...retain
Randy Thomas ...bye
Stephon Heyer...retain as back-up
Lorenzo Alexander...lock him up(retain)!
Phillip Daniels...thanks, enjoy retirement
Kedric Golston...retain
Anthony Montgomery...bye
Renaldo Wynn...bye
Will Montgomery...bye
Chris Wilson...retain
Reed Doughty...retain
Matt Sinclair...does it matter?
Richard Bartel...see above
Marcus Mason?...bye
Quinton Ganther?...retain as back-up
Levi Jones?...retain (absolutely)
Mike Williams?...retain as guard
Oh yeah...do not trade Cooley!
12-29-2009, 03:39 PM
Carlos Rogers Keep (try to trade him)
Casey Rabach Gone
Byron Westbrook Gone
Rocky McIntosh Keep (try to trade him)
Todd Yoder Gone
Hunter Smith Keep
Randy Thomas Gone
Stephon Heyer Gone
Lorenzo Alexander Keep
Phillip Daniels Gone
Kedric Golston Keep
Anthony Montgomery Keep (look to trade him)
Renaldo Wynn Gone
Will Montgomery Gone
Chris Wilson Keep
Reed Doughty Keep
Matt Sinclair Gone
Richard Bartel Gone
Marcus Mason? Keep Q or Mason
Quinton Ganther? Keep Q or Mason
Levi Jones? Keep
Mike Williams? Keep
I think Albright might also be a free agent, keep him for another year
12-29-2009, 03:40 PM
right now I'm keeping the listed players below:
C. Rogers
B. Westbrook
R. McIntosh
L. Jones
M. Williams
12-29-2009, 03:43 PM
why Todd Yoder Gone for you smoot?
12-29-2009, 03:45 PM
wow, lots of decisions to make
12-29-2009, 03:46 PM
Is Yoder all that necessary?
12-29-2009, 03:52 PM
Carlos Rogers Keep
Casey Rabach Keep
Byron Westbrook Gone
Rocky McIntosh Keep
Todd Yoder Keep
Hunter Smith Keep
Randy Thomas Gone
Stephon Heyer Gone
Lorenzo Alexander Keep
Phillip Daniels Gone
Kedric Golston Keep
Anthony Montgomery Gone
Renaldo Wynn Gone
Will Montgomery Gone
Chris Wilson Keep
Reed Doughty Gone
Matt Sinclair Gone
Richard Bartel Gone
Marcus Mason Gone
Quinton Ganther Keep
Levi Jones Keep
Mike Williams Keep
Ethan Albright Keep
12-29-2009, 03:55 PM
Is Yoder all that necessary?
I actually think that Yoder provides good value. He's a good special teams player, he can block, and he's a sure-handed third Tight End.
12-29-2009, 03:56 PM
I just see yoder as a great blocking TE, the only blocking TE we got.
Also 2 me as many times as Rabach has messed up he has to be sent on his way.