Son Of Man
12-29-2009, 03:23 PM
No! He can't read defenses and will have to learn his # new offense (which seems to be a reason people give for his lack of development). He sucks in interviews and can't learn to slide!
I want a winner. Bring me Colt McCoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-29-2009, 03:24 PM
Not to derail this thread but for the NO folks out there, let's say you get your wish and he doesn't return. Who do you envision under center for the Redskins for the next 3 years and what is your confidence level that they will be better?
How much of this is the 80-20 rule meaning the most you will ever get is 80% of what you want from someone but many continue to chase that elusive 20% but never find it.
Well lets look at it this way.... Many teams out there said they didn't have JC on their radar and wondered why the Skins did? Most of the pundits after the draft said JC probably would have gone 4th round or later "IF" he was even drafted at all.
I think we are honestly gettig what most teams figured JC to provide...80% or less. We have been chasing the other 20% as you put it "with" JC. So if he's not going to be able to over come the other 20 or even give us 10% more then we might as well move on.
I'm not a Colt fan. I think he will throw too many interceptions, but take a look at Favre. I know I'll get blasted for the comparison but he was picked by Atlanta and they found they could not change his throwing motion. found he throws too many interceptions. So they trade him to Green Bay and he developed into a great QB. He might to well he might not. I'd honestly like to see us find a way to pick Chase back up and have both going into 2010. Plus a drafted QB of Shanahan's choice for his system.
I also am a believer that our QB problem is partially Zorn or rather the QB coach. I know people will say he was supposed to be the best and look what he did with Hasslebach (sp) but I think partially everything that has gone wrong is Zorn trying to change all the QB's throwing motion to include JC, and Colt. Green Bay let Favre be Favre. So what if he had a screwed up throwing motion he could make all the throws. Think about it... what if someone came up to us older folks and said from now on instead of putting your hands at 10 and 2 o'clock you now will have to put your hands at 8 and 4 o'clock? I know they are teaching the latter in school now due to the air bags but I was taught 10 and 2 and I have great difficulty with the other position. Zorn has tried to force JC as well as Colt to change their throwing motion. One in which they have had from a kid through high school, through college, and now into the pros. They have muscle memory with where and when to release the ball with the throwing motion they have used for years and it's worked fine for them. Then Zorn comes in and not only do they have to remember how many steps to back up from the line of scrimmage due to timing, they have to read the defense, and look for an open receiver. Then you throw in the fact that Zorn wants them holding the ball a certain way and throwing the ball a certain way.
I just think the change in throwing motion should have happened back in high school or college. If they don't have the throwing motion you like don't draft them or let them throw they way they have for years and see if they will work out in your system or not. Again it all goes back to trying to put a square peg in a round hole.
12-29-2009, 03:25 PM
Yes....Given what any decent QB needs to be successful, he can be a winner. Give him a running game and pass protection, then be the judge.
12-29-2009, 03:28 PM
I had previously reversed my opinion on him and now I'm doing it again. Campbell has regressed against nfc east opponents and made unforgiveable mistakes. If were rebuilding, then let's do it right and get rid of everyone who's holding us back.
12-29-2009, 03:39 PM
Where is everyone getting this three years stuff from? 2010 is the year in question. Nothing beyond.
He's been here 4 years now and we're all still on the fence. And it's not like we're gonna reunite the Hogs in 2010, our o-line will likely be weak for another year or two at least. So when exactly do we get to make a decision on Campbell? By the time our o-line is adequate JC might be 40.
For all the "NO" people out there, who do you want that could be any better?
Well that's the big question and I don't disagree with you, there's probably no other available QB that would be an improvement over JC in 2010. But if Shanny comes I'd rather let him build his team from scratch. Let the o-line and new QB grow together. If Shanny feels that Campbell is that guy then so be it, but I doubt that's likely.
12-29-2009, 03:41 PM
I really think he will be back, but there will be a rookie in the mix for beyond 2010 or someone will be brought in via a trade.
This scenario is my favorite choice.
12-29-2009, 03:46 PM
I had previously reversed my opinion on him and now I'm doing it again. Campbell has regressed against nfc east opponents and made unforgiveable mistakes. If were rebuilding, then let's do it right and get rid of everyone who's holding us back.
To be honest BHA I think Campbell regressed after Zorn got a hold of him. We all know he had his flaws from the beginning, but Zorn has filled his head with so much over-coaching he's in a state of confusion. There were times and games while Al Saunders was working with him that I felt he was making the most progress. I watched Zorn's entire career as a player, he didn't exactly set the league on fire either. In more ways than one he has been more of a hinderance to campbell than a help, espically in that dink & dunk WCO.
12-29-2009, 03:48 PM
But if Shanny comes I'd rather let him build his team from scratch. Let the o-line and new QB grow together. If Shanny feels that Campbell is that guy then so be it, but I doubt that's likely.
I know this is how I feel about it, and reading over the "No" crowd responses, I'd say that the feeling's mutual. Campbell was a Gibbs project. Let Shanny put his pieces together and move on...
12-29-2009, 03:52 PM
Hmmm. I see that maybe I wasn't clear in my original post. When I was asking if people wanted him back in 2010, I wasn't speaking of only for 2010. I meant 2010 and beyond.
I guess, to put it another way, should we continue with Jason Campbell at all or just move on. That's what I meant by "no caveats" Fish or cut bait basically
Sorry for the confusion
If you put it like that, than just move on at this point...bye,bye JC!!!
12-29-2009, 03:52 PM
I agree Campbell would be a better player had saunders stayed and zorn never got a hold of him. But who really cares? Vinnys gone. Snyders stepped back. Allen here and shanahan will be too in a few days. Campbell spilled milk and I'm not crying over him. Time to move on.