12-30-2009, 01:24 PM
I'm not really comparing Rodgers to Campbell. I'm saying Rodgers is a top ten QB in the mind of dreamers. He won 5 games last year, 10 games this year, and he's a game below .500 in his career with a superior team to the Redskins. In essence, he's where Jason Campbell was at this point last year.
I think judging QB's by W/L is silly. Vince Young has a winning record and Rogers doesn't. Who is the better QB? If Rogers is out on the trade block like JC then numerous teams are trying to get him. No one really wanted JC and there is a reason for that. I'm not sure I'm ready to put Rogers in the top ten yet but he's well on his way. He's one of the most gifted throwers in the NFL. The guy is throwing darts in 15 degree weather. You simply can't deny his throwing talent. Yes he holds the ball too long sometimes. But so what? None of these guys are perfect. And w/ Rogers the good far outweights the bad. Rogers hands down is a stud.
12-30-2009, 01:26 PM
They have similar stats but like I have said over and over, stats dont tell the story. All the QBs except DG have lead their teams into the playoffs, JC hasnt. Heck, Ryan & Flacco did it when they were rookies who should have been struggling in a new system (as JC supporters like to think is a given). I will take any of these 3 QBs and 2 will be a huge improvement and 1 will be at least as good.
Actually Garrard led the Jags to like an 11-5 record a couple of years back. Ok, so taking what you said about all of them being better than JC, with the same exact circumstances we faced this year but insert any of the other QB in there, how differently do you think our season would have turned out?
12-30-2009, 01:27 PM
Start Collins next year, get rid of Campbell. Why is it Todd can come in rusty as hell and make better throws than 17?
Why would anyone with an iota of football knowledge endorse starting a career backup who will be knocking on the door of 40 next season? Really? Is that the best you could offer is 'Start Collins next year'?
I think judging QB's by W/L is silly. Vince Young has a winning record and Rogers doesn't. Who is the better QB? If Rogers is out on the trade block like JC then numerous teams are trying to get him. No one really wanted JC and there is a reason for that. I'm not sure I'm ready to put Rogers in the top ten yet but he's well on his way. He's one of the most gifted throwers in the NFL. The guy is throwing darts in 15 degree weather. You simply can't deny his throwing talent. Yes he holds the ball too long sometimes. But so what? None of these guys are perfect. And w/ Rogers the good far outweights the bad. Rogers hands down is a stud.
Why is that ok for Rodgers but you hold that against Campbell for the same thing?
I voted NO.
Every QB in the league can play with a solid running game and good pass protection.
This has been a bad relationship that just needs to end.
12-30-2009, 01:36 PM
Best thread in a while....
I look at it this way. If you took JC and dropped him in NE what would they do? I think he's a 4000/30TD guy there. Certainly not as good as Brady but I think he'd succeed wildly. Is he ever going to be a dynamic play maker that turns turd players into gold like Manning or Brees? No. But he has the same physical skill set that Tom Brady does. He struggles mentally compared to Brady but he isn't a dolt. I do have suspicions about his read ability. Part of me wonders if he has so much football in his head that he is lost in a football jungle but I also see the guy get destroyed every other play, lay on the ground for a few seconds and then get up and take the next snap. If I am an offensive player that freaking inspires me. His on field example is just top-notch to me.
And forget what Ramsey was like after a couple seasons. JC is 5 times the QB Ransey ever was. He had didn't have the head for it at all and then he got scared.
No freakin way. Brady sees the field better, he's more accurate, he doesn't hold on to the ball, he anticipates wr's coming out of their breaks better and no one feels the rush like Brady does. Need I go on?
12-30-2009, 01:36 PM
Why is that ok for Rodgers but you hold that against Campbell for the same thing?
Rodgers has fixed that problem. Campbell hasn't.
12-30-2009, 01:42 PM
Why is that ok for Rodgers but you hold that against Campbell for the same thing?
Have you actually seen the throws Rogers makes week in and week out? JC can't consistently make enough plays in the pocket game where Rogers does it every single week. You can't even compare the two. I'll take some sacks from Rogers cause I know what he's going to give me. With JC I'll get a 5 yard dump off on 3-8.
Someone pull up the tape Charley Casserly did on Campbell. It's gotta be on You Tube. Meanwhile Collins walks in off the bench cold and drops a dime right into Moss' hands. I've seen enough of JC. It's time to move on.
12-30-2009, 01:50 PM
^ I guess ppl don't watch Rodgers play, there is no comparing him and Campbell. Alot of ppl here have a hard time admitting that jc isn't very good and idk y? It is wht it is he's an avg guy
12-30-2009, 02:21 PM
people have to realize that some of the sacks that jc takes are on him. sometimes he doesn't step up in the pocket, sometimes he holds the ball too long, doesn't see what the defense is doing to him fast enough. on a 3 step drop it's very simple, 1-2-3 and throw. And even on the quick short stuff he holds the ball. we've seen this over and over and over again. it's like the guy can't make any adjustments to his game. imo the first position that needs to be addressed is qb.
Right...but the sacks that he causes are far less than the sacks given up by the O line that even an average line wouldn't give up. Look at the games where the O-line plays decently, he has really good games...look at like the 13 games where the O-line does not play well, and he has what? an average game?
I'll take that going into next year over a draft pick who has a 80-85 percent chance of being the next Tim Couch