Lotus 12-29-2009, 05:32 PM But the Rooney Rule isn't in place for the Tony Dungys and Marvin Lewises (not anymore), it's there now for guys like Leslie Frazier, Sherman Smith, etc.
I understand your argument. Perhaps the Rooney Rule should be amended so that those who previously held high office don't count in its fulfillment. Of course, then it would be discriminative against folks like Dungy and Marvin Lewis - what irony!
But, as it stands, the Rooney Rule would be satisfied if we hired Dungy, regardless of when we hired him IMO.
12thMan 12-29-2009, 05:39 PM I don't take that position (which he clarified) as a negative towards African Americans, I take offense to that attitude of 'tokenism' being the reason the rule is in place. The rule is intended to increase exposure to other candidates that owners may not have considered otherwise. I am sure Norm Chow and Ron Rivera wish the Rooney Rule was in place 10-12 years ago when they were coming up in the coaching ranks and neither of them is African American.
The Rooney Rule says nothing about HIRING (which is where the claim of 'tokenism' would be applicable) but simply interviewing. If there were 8 openings this offseason and 8 different minority candidates were interviewed and 8 white guys were hired, there would be no complaints from the Fritz Pollard Alliance because the Rooney Rule would have been followed and all teams would be in compliance with it.
The best application of the rule is in our case. We know that Shanny is going to be the coach, but we interviewed Jerry Gray. Now let's say the Texans make the decision to fire Kubiak. Snyder may call Bob McNair and say, 'hey we interviewed Jerry Gray for our HC position. He's got some great ideas on the 3-4 defense like you guys run, came in with a dynamite plan and presentation and I know you are looking for a defensive minded coach. He wasn't a fit for us because we wanted an offensive guy but maybe you should give him a call.' That is how the Rooney Rule is supposed to work, it has nothing to do with tokenism, hiring percentages or quotas.
My issues have nothing to do with skin color, only speaking half cocked on things without knowing the facts.
But Pain you say your issues have nothing to do with skin color, but at the end of the day, my friend, the Rooney Rule is all about skin color. That reality can't be escaped and can't be separate from this argument. And on the contrary, if someone had a hang-up with Rivera or Chow ten years ago because of skin color or ethnicity, it wouldn't amount to a hill of beans in the eyes of the interviewer if Rivera or Chow interviewed for that same job today.
I like and agree how you feel that the Rooney Rule is intended to increase exposure to candidates who wouldn't be otherwise considered for promotion. But getting hired is the prize, not simply getting interviewed. Your point is well taken though.
Paintrain 12-29-2009, 05:46 PM But Pain you say your issues have nothing to do with skin color, but at the end of the day, my friend, the Rooney Rule is all about skin color. That reality can't be escaped and can't be separate from this argument. And on the contrary, if someone had a hang-up with Rivera or Chow ten years ago because of skin color or ethnicity, it wouldn't amount to a hill of beans in the eyes of the interviewer if Rivera or Chow interviewed for that same job today.
I like and agree how you feel that the Rooney Rule is intended to increase exposure to candidates who wouldn't be otherwise be considered for promotion. But getting hired is the prize, not simply getting interviewed. Your point is well taken though.
Maybe I should have clarified. I should have said my issues never have anything to do with 'African American'.
SBXVII 12-29-2009, 05:55 PM I don't take that position (which he clarified) as a negative towards African Americans, I take offense to that attitude of 'tokenism' being the reason the rule is in place. The rule is intended to increase exposure to other candidates that owners may not have considered otherwise. I am sure Norm Chow and Ron Rivera wish the Rooney Rule was in place 10-12 years ago when they were coming up in the coaching ranks and neither of them is African American.
The Rooney Rule says nothing about HIRING (which is where the claim of 'tokenism' would be applicable) but simply interviewing. If there were 8 openings this offseason and 8 different minority candidates were interviewed and 8 white guys were hired, there would be no complaints from the Fritz Pollard Alliance because the Rooney Rule would have been followed and all teams would be in compliance with it.
The best application of the rule is in our case. We know that Shanny is going to be the coach, but we interviewed Jerry Gray. Now let's say the Texans make the decision to fire Kubiak. Snyder may call Bob McNair and say, 'hey we interviewed Jerry Gray for our HC position. He's got some great ideas on the 3-4 defense like you guys run, came in with a dynamite plan and presentation and I know you are looking for a defensive minded coach. He wasn't a fit for us because we wanted an offensive guy but maybe you should give him a call.' That is how the Rooney Rule is supposed to work, it has nothing to do with tokenism, hiring percentages or quotas.
My issues have nothing to do with skin color, only speaking half cocked on things without knowing the facts.
I agree black candidates need exposure and thats what the Rooney Rule was meant for but my issues are about interviewing black coach's who don't have a chance in hell of getting the job but are interviewed simply to fulfill the rule vs. interviewing actual qualified black coach's. Yes Gray is qualified I guess. I don't know. I would like to think DS, maybe G.Williams, or someone associated with the team would make that call or when another team contacts the Skins someone would suggest Gray. I would like to think that's how most of the great black HC's got their start. I'd like to see more teams coaching up or giving black coach's better chances at OC so they in the long run get better chances of getting HCing jobs.
Just like when you apply for a job you don't apply for one job and hope you get it. You apply for many jobs in hopes you get one of them. Your chances are better. No different then teams hiring more black position coach's which brings about more candidates for HCing jobs vs. one or two candidates.
The sad thing is I think we all are thinking along the same lines but for whatever reason it seemed like you got offended with all of us for saying its a BS rule. As if we are racist and don't think blacks should be given a chance. When in reality we are saying teams are not even interviewing qualified candidates in some instances just to satisfy the Rooney Rule leaving actual qualified candidates out. Gray may be qualified but how can you say he was given a fair shake when he's still working under someone who's in a position he interviewing for?
Paintrain 12-29-2009, 06:30 PM I agree black candidates need exposure and thats what the Rooney Rule was meant for but my issues are about interviewing black coach's who don't have a chance in hell of getting the job but are interviewed simply to fulfill the rule vs. interviewing actual qualified black coach's. Yes Gray is qualified I guess. I don't know. I would like to think DS, maybe G.Williams, or someone associated with the team would make that call or when another team contacts the Skins someone would suggest Gray. I would like to think that's how most of the great black HC's got their start. I'd like to see more teams coaching up or giving black coach's better chances at OC so they in the long run get better chances of getting HCing jobs.
Just like when you apply for a job you don't apply for one job and hope you get it. You apply for many jobs in hopes you get one of them. Your chances are better. No different then teams hiring more black position coach's which brings about more candidates for HCing jobs vs. one or two candidates.
The sad thing is I think we all are thinking along the same lines but for whatever reason it seemed like you got offended with all of us for saying its a BS rule. As if we are racist and don't think blacks should be given a chance. When in reality we are saying teams are not even interviewing qualified candidates in some instances just to satisfy the Rooney Rule leaving actual qualified candidates out. Gray may be qualified but how can you say he was given a fair shake when he's still working under someone who's in a position he interviewing for?2 points to what was bolded. I agree it was a bit of a 'sham' interview, as some Rooney interview are. Where the value is in a scenario like that is the ability to give a recommendation to another owner based on an interview you may not have otherwise done.
If I was authoring the rule I would have put in the language that you cannot interview someone who is working for or has worked for you in the past 3 years to satisfy the rule. You would have to interview someone unique to your organization in order to be in compliance.
What I find/found offensive is the notion that the rule is in place to fulfill quotas and tokens. Not only is it inaccurate, it's offensive because of the implication that those coaches would only be hired to satisfy a 'BS rule'.
CRedskinsRule 12-29-2009, 07:50 PM Regardless, we have satisfied the Rooney Rule, and I simply want Zorn gone, along with the clear understanding that a new staff is coming in. NO lingering coaches (hixon, blache, etc) please.
SBXVII 12-29-2009, 08:08 PM Back on topic.... are there any new rumors in regards to Shanny?
Last I heard was he and Slowick have been working out of an office in Denver trying to put together their coaching staff. Supposedly they have been interested in the 3-4 defense or a hybrid and have been studying how the Steelers are using the 3-4 and the Patriots. Rumor was they were interested in Zimmer or have contacted him in regards to being apart of the team. *** All rumors of course***
Any of you behind the scene's people have inside info or anything new. Info was coming out like something every week but now have seemed to dry up. Atleast for me.
Rumor is he's going to be hired by the Redskins. ;)
SBXVII 12-29-2009, 08:13 PM Regardless, we have satisfied the Rooney Rule, and I simply want Zorn gone, along with the clear understanding that a new staff is coming in. NO lingering coaches (hixon, blache, etc) please.
I'm with you, but I could live with the defensive side staying the same if it had to. Hixon's gotta go. It made my Christmas that Vinny stepped down. When Zorn is gone my New Year will have been made. I pray Shanny does not see something he likes in Hixon and tells him his services are no longer needed and then... my Millenium will be made.
SBXVII 12-29-2009, 08:15 PM Rumor is he's going to be hired by the Redskins. ;)
LOL some funny stuff there. I keep hearing he's holding out for Dallas or some other team to increase the cost to get him. LOL.
Honestly now.... your rumor is late. The new rumor is he's already signed. :)