12-18-2009, 02:16 PM
Bro well said, but don't waste your time with this ignorant shit..... I am Black and I would be joyed to death to have Shanahan as our Coach, But to stomp on something that gives people oppourtunity.... is stupid and not sure Why no Mod or Matty has stepped in and put a muzzle on these idiots?
Don't look at it as a stomp on opportunity. Without the rule it was okay to interview minorities too. There were black coaches before the rule. I don't have a problem with the Rooney Rule existing but it's a bit demeaning when a team has who they want or a shortlist, and if it doesn't include a minority, them having to find one.
There's nothing wrong with having a black coach, a white coach, a hispanic coach, whatever the case may be. There is something wrong if you have to interview a minority but don't have to interview a non-minority though in my opinion. Either way the better guy should get the job, but let it work both ways.
12-18-2009, 02:17 PM
FOX 5’s Dave Feldman has learned that former NFL coach Mike Shanahan was dropped off at Redskins Park Friday morning around 10:00 a.m
Looking good.
12-18-2009, 02:17 PM
Looking good.
To be a fly on that wall...
12-18-2009, 02:19 PM
Looking good.
I'm stoked....... Guy's and this is to everyone! Do you know that we will have s Superb Team next year, or Offense will be in the top 10 and Our D will be in the top 5, can you say Division Champs!!!!!! Now Tell me, everyone can't get down with that!!!!!!
12-18-2009, 02:19 PM
You guys are simply lost and simple minded so I'm going to exit from this discussion, because this conversation shouldn't even be going on, and Mods shame on you for allowing this crap to continue, do you all think minorities only belong on the field? regardless of the views of a few ignorant few, I still Love my Skins and all the minorities that help make this a class organization even if some of the fans are not!
No I never said they should be stuck on the field. As a matter of fact I agreed that minorities don't get a fair shake most of the time. I agreed minorities may even be the better qualified HC or GM. I agreed the Rooney Rule is a bunch of garbage cause it's not fixing what the NFL meant to accomplish.
What I added was that the Gov. affirmitive action is just as discriminatory as some of the owners or managers of businesses who would not hire someone because they were a minority. It's discriminatory for two reasons..
1. being that the affirmitive action law basically tells business that they have to have a certain % of minorities working for the company. Although it was a good law when it was designed and has good intentions it's doing exactly what it was meant to try and stop from happening...discrimination.
2. I mentioned that any law designed around the idea of helping any one group of people and not all people is not only discriminatory to the rest, it's demeaning to the very people it was designed to help. Would you rather get a job cause you worked hard, did good work, and had great evaluations regarding your work or would you rather get the job cause you fit the billet that your a minority and they need you to satisfy their % of minorities who work for the company? I'm not being nieve and saying discrimination does not happen so don't be nieve that people are not hired simply to fill a statistical need.
Sorry if you took it wrong. Sorry if you don't get my point. I know there is discrimination and it's not fair, but the Gov. who is supposed to be fair to all people can't be designing laws that are fair to only one group of people and not all people.
How can discrimination be fixed so that all people are treated fairly? I don't know.
12-18-2009, 02:20 PM
to be a fly on that wall...
12-18-2009, 02:22 PM
while i'm happy about Shanahan being hired, i simply don't understand the timing. How can you hire a head coach when you already have one who's getting the ready for a MNF game?
If Shanahan is hired in any capacity, Zorn had better be fired immediately. There's simply no justification for stringing him along any more. I know Snyder needs to do whats best for the franchise long term, but there's got to be some decency displayed here. I'll be disgusted if Shanahan is hired as Team President and Zorn stays on to coach 3 games, then is fired and Shanahan becomes the head coach.
12-18-2009, 02:23 PM
Smoot, where are you? LOL
12-18-2009, 02:24 PM
Smoot, where are you? LOL
Hopefull out there talking to his peeps getting the inside scoop. :)