12-19-2009, 10:48 PM
Nope, but I refuse to be attacked for sharing an opinon. Nor will I ever back down when the facts are on my side. Once Myles Austin catches 80 balls and makes a prow bowl then his ardent supporters will have a leg to stand on. Until he does, Roy has had a more accomplished career.
hahaha...please, please give me some of what you're smoking.
12-19-2009, 10:48 PM
Maybe cabin fever for being snowed in? Well only if they are in the DC area. LOL.
He doesn't seem to want to respond to any of my posts. He's trying to discredit Miles Austin with career stat numbers. Ask 20 Cowboys fans who they'd rather have catching balls right now- Austin or Williams. Guarantee you 19 of them say Austin. Williams is a BUST!
Ohhhh wait, Roy made a pro-bowl. So of course he's by far the better player. Fail. Roy Williams is at best the 3rd best receiving option on that team. If he was such a great player, he'd work his way to the top of that list. But he is what he is- not very good.
12-19-2009, 10:49 PM
Wait, is this CantonLegend's brother on here defending Roy Williams?
Good one! At least CantonLegend was defending a Redskin. All I know is that Roy Williams is the Herschel Walker Part II, well except that I doubt the Lions will have any success with all those picks...well maybe it is too early to tell.
12-19-2009, 10:49 PM
Wait, is this CantonLegend's brother on here defending Roy Williams?
i doubt it cause he isn't using dumbass pictures did they ban that retard?
12-19-2009, 10:50 PM
Kalisto, I'm just giving you the business. Don't pay me any mind, as my grandma used to say.
Back on topic, I hope the Saints can make a game out of this.
12-19-2009, 10:50 PM
ok to the guy who said Roy Williams is a huge talent. Dude everyone in the NFL is a huge talent, you don't make the pros without talent. The difference between say Tory Holt in his prime and the shitfest that is Roy Williams is that Tory Holt also attained the SKILL needed to master his craft. Roy Williams hasn't come close. Talent and SKILL are two completely different things my friend and so many people forget that.
12-19-2009, 10:51 PM
Wait, which Cowboys Roy Williams are you talking about? Because the safety Roy Williams made a few pro-bowls despite being below average at best year in and year out.
You gonna enlighten us as to why you're defending such a worthless joke of a WR who happens to play for our archrival?
Look. I made an observation about Romo never looking at Roy Williams. Then you and a few others start attacking me. I'm not going to let you lobby your un-informed smart ass comments toward my way when NO FACTS BACK UP YOUR OPINON. Nada, not one.
12-19-2009, 10:51 PM
So I guess that excludes you doesn't it.
Stand by your opinion...unless the facts cause you to change it.
CRedskinsRule is one of the most knowledgeable members on here. But from what I understand, he does....hate the Cowboys.
12-19-2009, 10:51 PM
Your stats proved my point, the problem is you think numbers are what I was pointing to. Austin has the hot hand,
2009 DAL 13 58 999 17.2 60 10 43 1 0
I wasn't saying more than that. I wasn't comparing careers, which i guess you were. You asked why isn't Romo looking his way. I said, because he has fumbled, and dropped passes, and Austin has the hot hand. But again, if you like him great. I think Romo would throw to him if he were open and didn't drop them
12-19-2009, 10:54 PM
Look. I made an observation about Romo never looking at Roy Williams. Then you and a few others start attacking me. I'm not going to let you lobby your un-informed smart ass comments toward my way when NO FACTS BACK UP YOUR OPINON. Nada, not one.
Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you. I'm really a nice guy. Ask any of these fellas. Let's make up, k?
How's the weather out there?