12-10-2009, 10:30 AM
Zorn will probably get a job as a QB coach rather quickly, he may even get an offensive coordinator position. He needs some more experience I think before he's given another HC job.
He's, by all accounts, a very nice guy. But there is a prevailing feeling from those who are around the team that one reason the coaches like him is because they can kind of walk all over him. Meaning basically that they'd rather have a Zorn who won't be a taskmaster than someone one who will be more demanding and more of a disciplinarian.
Two things concern me about Zorn as head coach. One is the obvious with the playcalling. The other is that when times were bleak early in the season it wasn't Zorn that stepped up and said this is on me. It was Blache.
I've gotten that feeling about him w/the players too, maybe just because CP called him out in public & it ends up being Zorn that was backpedaling.
Maybe he's a coach that will always need strong personalities at top positions, like Blache & Danny Smith. Maybe Gray as well. I just feel like it's a shame to drop him right when his offense, what he was originally hired for, is beginning to gell & should be solid right off the bat next year.
I know it may sound counterintuitive, but I think Blache leaving might be a blessing in disguise.
12-10-2009, 11:29 AM
I can't believe I am saying this ... With the losses in the past few weeks and the effort were getting, I'm not against keeping Zorno ... everyone must admit that since Sherman has come in, the Offense has actually looked like a real offense ... now I agree that VC has got to go ... but maybe just maybe this coaching staff deserves a chance ... the Z man has everyone playing there ass off and we are 3-9, that's not easy ... all the big name coaches sound good but does that mean we are starting from scratch again and drafting a shit head QB in the draft when they all seem to be overated big time .. JC has shown me a lot and the devlopment of DT,FD, & MK has been nice ... draft the hell out of 0-Line next year and this team may not be too far from a decent run ...
Vinny? Zorn? is that you?
See this way of thinking has crippled us for the last 15 yrs. through the whole Norv era..."We are only one player away." Has it worked? Have we made it anywhere? No. It's time to blow it up. Zorn was so bad they brought in an outside source. It took an outside source to fix what none of the coach's already on this team could do.
You want to keep Zorn for what reason? He's making millions to sit on the side line and look good until the 2min. drill and thats where are problems are right now. We suck at the 2min. drill and the play calls during that time cause he is handling it. We could do with out him and possibly improve this team if everything else remained the same.
I'll agree Vinny must go. But the reason I say blow it up is cause #1. Vinny must go. #2. Zorn must go. #3. We need more qualified position coach's on the offensive side of the ball. The only one who has any qualification to be here is Buges and I think is old antiquated system needs to be adjusted or revamped. We need a new way of thinking in regards to the blocking scheme in the trenches. The only reason I like Shanahan is cause his OL's in Denver were awsome. They could run on almost everyone. #4. We players who are getting old and their contracts are killing us. If there is an uncapped year we need to jetison these contracts if at all possible simply to think about the teams future. Plus getting rid of some prima dona's can only help this team. Everyone practices together plays together. Teamwork.
12-10-2009, 02:15 PM
Sorry, you lost me at "leave Vinny".
12-10-2009, 02:23 PM
The difference between when Zorn has the skins playing their ass off, and when Gibbs had them playin hard is that we won games.
don't forget we had two losing seasons under gibbs.2 we went 6-10, 10-6, 5-11, 9-7
12-10-2009, 03:00 PM
Vinny? Zorn? is that you?
See this way of thinking has crippled us for the last 15 yrs. through the whole Norv era..."We are only one player away." Has it worked? Have we made it anywhere? No. It's time to blow it up. Zorn was so bad they brought in an outside source. It took an outside source to fix what none of the coach's already on this team could do.
You want to keep Zorn for what reason? He's making millions to sit on the side line and look good until the 2min. drill and thats where are problems are right now. We suck at the 2min. drill and the play calls during that time cause he is handling it. We could do with out him and possibly improve this team if everything else remained the same.
I'll agree Vinny must go. But the reason I say blow it up is cause #1. Vinny must go. #2. Zorn must go. #3. We need more qualified position coach's on the offensive side of the ball. The only one who has any qualification to be here is Buges and I think is old antiquated system needs to be adjusted or revamped. We need a new way of thinking in regards to the blocking scheme in the trenches. The only reason I like Shanahan is cause his OL's in Denver were awsome. They could run on almost everyone. #4. We players who are getting old and their contracts are killing us. If there is an uncapped year we need to jetison these contracts if at all possible simply to think about the teams future. Plus getting rid of some prima dona's can only help this team. Everyone practices together plays together. Teamwork.
It just hit me, all we need is another pair of eyes that could look at our 2min offense. Whoever comes in could sit in the booth with SL, and then at 2 minutes the TV crews could zoom in as they do the ceremonial changing of the headset. And of course Zorn would still have his card in front of his mouth so no one can see what he is mouthing to his headset (still think it is - would you like fries with that). All in all, we are just one situational playcaller away from CHAMPIONSHIP!
12-10-2009, 03:03 PM
don't forget we had two losing seasons under gibbs.2 we went 6-10, 10-6, 5-11, 9-7
and w/just a couple exceptions, all those Gibbs 2 losses were close. A few of them were almost as heart wrenching as the NO game (the Patrick Crayton td in 04).
12-10-2009, 03:21 PM
HolyLandSkinsFan is out in the middle of nowhere.
Google Image Result for (,_Gush_Etzion&usg=__y6xleGZAVp9D2bYmia-NEtvQQVQ=&h=175&w=180&sz=11&hl=en&start=36&um=1&tbnid=_D5vWTcTRyXiUM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=101&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTekoa%2BIsrael%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den% 26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18%26um%3D1)
Reminds me of the time I spent at Nevatim.
12-10-2009, 09:57 PM
the only thing that stays the same is changing for us