SolidSnake84 11-27-2009, 11:08 PM Hey guys,
I just stumbled over this article. One of the best I ever read. I agree with nearly everything in the article. They blatantly call out the front office for having starters on the team who are holding back the talent. Portis is mentioned and the writer openly wonders what the record would be right now if only Betts or Cartwright started for the team.
Read this at your leisure, it is a good read.
washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/11/27/AR2009112702562.html?hpid=news-col-blog)
53Fan 11-27-2009, 11:48 PM Nice read even if it was written by Sally. I mentioned last week that maybe we were playing the wrong people. I tend to agree.
rbanerjee23 11-28-2009, 12:06 AM Thank god we didn't get Cutler or Sanchez...all those anti campbell people have a point, he is not going to single handedly take a team to the super bowl. But if they pause to think about it, Campbell is not the main problem. He is only okay, but when you consider the dysfunction surrounding him, okay is pretty damn good. The real problem is the d***s in the front office who don't learn from the giants, vikings, and colts and don't build up the trenches. They don't have good coaching, don't develop in house talent, don't build through the draft etc. They essentially take every good habit, and don't do it, ensuring a lackluster, flimsy, dysfunctional team...cheers
djnemo65 11-28-2009, 12:21 AM Couple of issues. One, what is she talking about when she says that Hanyesworth and Hall are not more important to the team than Fletcher? No shit. The article's thesis is that the Redskins hurt themselves by pursing big name free agents, but last time I checked all three of those guys were high profile free agent signings. Does she realize that we did not draft Fletcher? Does she also not realize that Haynesworth has been worth every penny so far? Is she saying that our free agent signings have been bad, except when they've been good? Because that's pretty goddamned dumb.
Second, the best offensive linemen in the league are not searching for loose change, they are paid as highly as anyone except a handfull of future HOF QB's. Remember a mediocre guard like Dockery getting 50 million a few seasons ago? This is the kind of throw away comment that undermines her entire argument by making it look like she doesn't have a good understanding of the NFL.
Third, her analysis of Campbell is at best inchoate. If her point was that Campbell is probably about as good as Cutler and Sanchez and that we are better off having him and Orakpo than either of those guys, fine, I agree. But she seems to be saying the Redskins should be resigning him. OK, that's not a position that is widely held (as far as I know we weren't "outbid' for Cutler, Josh McDaniels didn't think Campbell was someone he could work with) but if that is what you think fine. But you have to do more than trot out his mediocre QB rating and talk about how hard he tries.
We all know the Redskins have big problems, but that's no excuse for printing spaghetti noodle logic and outright falsehood in a newspaper.
skinsfaninok 11-28-2009, 12:35 AM This team is cleaning HOUSE after this yr... I think guys like CP, JC, ARE, C.Rogers, Fred Smoot, Betts, and most of our OLIne could be gone.. Zorn and Cerrato will both be gone also. I hope we can still get a Solid HC, but the longer DS waits to let Zorn go, the less chance we may have getting guys like Shanahan or Cowher.
r08kessl 11-28-2009, 12:37 AM Does it seem to anyone else that the league is trying to help the skins front office from looking any more stupid than it already is. The Bengals refused two first rounders for ochocinco before a season in which he performed mediocre at best, and then the Bronco's went with the Bear's over the skins for Cutler. Overall I'd say if not for the kindness of others, vinny and danny could look even more dumb right now than they already do.
GMScud 11-28-2009, 12:39 AM Couple of issues. One, what is she talking about when she says that Hanyesworth and Hall are not more important to the team than Fletcher? No shit. The article's thesis is that the Redskins hurt themselves by pursing big name free agents, but last time I checked all three of those guys were high profile free agent signings. Does she realize that we did not draft Fletcher? Does she also not realize that Haynesworth has been worth every penny so far? Is she saying that our free agent signings have been bad, except when they've been good? Because that's pretty goddamned dumb.
Second, the best offensive linemen in the league are not searching for loose change, they are paid as highly as anyone except a handfull of future HOF QB's. Remember a mediocre guard like Dockery getting 50 million a few seasons ago? This is the kind of throw away comment that undermines her entire argument by making it look like she doesn't have a good understanding of the NFL.
Third, her analysis of Campbell is at best inchoate. If her point was that Campbell is probably about as good as Cutler and Sanchez and that we are better off having him and Orakpo than either of those guys, fine, I agree. But she seems to be saying the Redskins should be resigning him. OK, that's not a position that is widely held (as far as I know we weren't "outbid' for Cutler, Josh McDaniels didn't think Campbell was someone he could work with) but if that is what you think fine. But you have to do more than trot out his mediocre QB rating and talk about how hard he tries.
We all know the Redskins have big problems, but that's no excuse for printing spaghetti noodle logic and outright falsehood in a newspaper.
To her "finer" points in the article, I agree with you for sure. Although her overall assessment of the importance of having the lesser paid yet harder working nucleus type players shouldn't be understated. She's dead on there. Look at the Pittsburgh, Indy, and NE's of the world. There's a reason those teams can maximize talent like no other. Guys buy in to a locker room. Guys take pay-cuts to play for the Patriots. Some teams just know how to win. Other teams just know how to land talent. The two don't necessarily go hand in hand.
skinsfaninok 11-28-2009, 12:40 AM Couple of issues. One, what is she talking about when she says that Hanyesworth and Hall are not more important to the team than Fletcher? No shit. The article's thesis is that the Redskins hurt themselves by pursing big name free agents, but last time I checked all three of those guys were high profile free agent signings. Does she realize that we did not draft Fletcher? Does she also not realize that Haynesworth has been worth every penny so far? Is she saying that our free agent signings have been bad, except when they've been good? Because that's pretty goddamned dumb.
Second, the best offensive linemen in the league are not searching for loose change, they are paid as highly as anyone except a handfull of future HOF QB's. Remember a mediocre guard like Dockery getting 50 million a few seasons ago? This is the kind of throw away comment that undermines her entire argument by making it look like she doesn't have a good understanding of the NFL.
Third, her analysis of Campbell is at best inchoate. If her point was that Campbell is probably about as good as Cutler and Sanchez and that we are better off having him and Orakpo than either of those guys, fine, I agree. But she seems to be saying the Redskins should be resigning him. OK, that's not a position that is widely held (as far as I know we weren't "outbid' for Cutler, Josh McDaniels didn't think Campbell was someone he could work with) but if that is what you think fine. But you have to do more than trot out his mediocre QB rating and talk about how hard he tries.
We all know the Redskins have big problems, but that's no excuse for printing spaghetti noodle logic and outright falsehood in a newspaper.
I agree 100% this article is just like the other's this season. As far as JC goes.. Why in the hell would we resign him?????? Campbell is not any good and his overall record shows that. We diss Tony Romo but in all honesty I would take him over JC in a second. Romo is like 35-15 as a starter.. JC is well under .500. If we don't have a new QB in '10 we will be in the same boat next yr.
rbanerjee23 11-28-2009, 12:41 AM ^^^ lawlz at the comment above, yeah ur right...i don't know what kind of frenzy we would be is we gave up the house for cutler and he came in and threw 18 ints or we got sanchez and he was ranked last in the league in quarterback rating. Vinny should be thanking his lucky stars that he 'settled' for keeping Campbell
skinsfaninok 11-28-2009, 12:45 AM ^^^ lawlz at the comment above, yeah ur right...i don't know what kind of frenzy we would be is we gave up the house for cutler and he came in and threw 18 ints or we got sanchez and he was ranked last in the league in quarterback rating. Vinny should be thanking his lucky stars that he 'settled' for keeping Campbell
You'r jumping the gun way to fast on Sanchez... let's remember he's a rookie! You won't be saying this if he turns into a star qb. Cutler in my mind is still better overall than JC, Cutler has no running game, a poor Oline and absolutely the worst recieving corp in the league. JC has proven his worth in this league, I like his work ethic and attitude but he's a terrible QB.