53Fan 11-23-2009, 07:39 PM Do we want one stud or quality across the line, depth included?
A first round stud and depth from the second or 3rd rounds. I wouldn't be opposed to drafting more than one 0-lineman. That seems to be what we do with receivers and LB's.
rbanerjee23 11-23-2009, 07:47 PM I would like to see us trade the 1st for a later 1st and 2nd/3rd or multiple 2nd's and 3rd's given how high we will be in the draft. Use at least 3 picks for OL with 2 for tackles and 1 for guard or center. Use a later pick to get a decent qb or honestly, just stick with JC.
Most important step, get rid of Bugel, that guy sucks he took Stephon Heyer and regressed him, took Dockery and regressed him, took Rhinehart and did nothing with him so Buges is a big problem in my mind.
Sure it will take a couple of years but so what, instead of trying to patch up the team, build it from the ground floor up and give up the next year or two.
GridIron26 11-23-2009, 09:23 PM I would like to see us trade the 1st for a later 1st and 2nd/3rd or multiple 2nd's and 3rd's given how high we will be in the draft. Use at least 3 picks for OL with 2 for tackles and 1 for guard or center. Use a later pick to get a decent qb or honestly, just stick with JC.
Most important step, get rid of Bugel, that guy sucks he took Stephon Heyer and regressed him, took Dockery and regressed him, took Rhinehart and did nothing with him so Buges is a big problem in my mind.
Sure it will take a couple of years but so what, instead of trying to patch up the team, build it from the ground floor up and give up the next year or two.
In general, I like this idea.. Although I don't know if we should trade our pick for later 1st round; it depends on who's available.. If one of top LTs is available when it's our turn, we MUST draft him.. But if there isn't any available, then I wouldn't oppose to trading the pick, but only to acquire the picks to draft more o-line men.. I have been saying for a while that we most definitely should resign Campbell (only to 1 or 2 years) and try to sign a best free agent QB available to push Campbell..
As for Buges, I don't know what the situation really is.. Some people re saying that it's because of Buges.. While others re saying that it's because of Vinny's stupidity.. But we most definitely have to give Buges some benefit of doubts, only because what he had done for Redskins franchise.. Although I do agree that it's probably better scenario for Buges and Redskins to apart after this season.. It's time to revamp the coaches, and let Zorn or our new head coach (handpicked by our new GM) pick his own coaches.. The only coaches I would like the head coach to keep is Danny Smith and Jerry Gray..
Lotus 11-23-2009, 09:50 PM I would like to see us trade the 1st for a later 1st and 2nd/3rd or multiple 2nd's and 3rd's given how high we will be in the draft. Use at least 3 picks for OL with 2 for tackles and 1 for guard or center. Use a later pick to get a decent qb or honestly, just stick with JC.
Most important step, get rid of Bugel, that guy sucks he took Stephon Heyer and regressed him, took Dockery and regressed him, took Rhinehart and did nothing with him so Buges is a big problem in my mind.
I would like to see us trade one or more of our lesser-attitude players and get a pick or two so that we don't have to trade down in the first. We perhaps could get another Chris Samuels that way and have picks to boot.
mlmdub130 11-23-2009, 09:52 PM it is truely gonna come down to who is there, and who fits our team, i have thought that we should draft an o lineman, in the first round and a qb second cause there are alot of great qb's this year, but at the same time smootsmack is right if the right qb is there might as well take him then draft lineman, main thing is we need someone who can legitimatly asess talent instead of a bugged raquetball partner
Dirtbag59 11-23-2009, 10:06 PM In reading this article I don't know weather or not I should laugh or cry.
The Goat 11-24-2009, 01:39 AM Do we want one stud or quality across the line, depth included?
Well all of the above is my thinking. I would be happiest if we used our first 2 or 3 picks on trench men, mostly because I think the oline needs the most improvement by a huge margin.
...I'm not against drafting QBs high. Honestly I just haven't a clue how you tell the quality prospects from the busts. I also ask the question, what do we want in our QB we don't have now? My biggest complaints on Jason are 1) tepidness (to the extreme if that makes sense) 2) inconsistency in decision-making 3) inconsistency in accuracy
Now IMO opinion most QBs struggle w/ #3 from time to time, #2 can improve markedly w/ solid coaching but the player also has to be capable of learning to think faster, and finally there is no coaching/teaching #1. Jason, from what I can tell, has zero passion for the game or for winning in particular. When I watch a Skins game w/ fans of other teams I hear the same thing a lot..."Your QB doesn't look like he cares much." For instance on Sunday when he threw the pick Jason just frowned and slapped his hands together. I mean you just lost any chance of winning the game against a division rival, a game your team should have won by all accounts, and the only show of emotion is a frown and a clap. I want my QB to go red in anger and let a string of expletives fly when that kind of thing happens. I want a fighter.
So I guess I question whether you can really "see" that fighting spirit in a 22 year old kid who's playing college ball for a number of reasons...win the game, get a bowl game, get into the pros, get the big contract. And upon arrival in the NFL I think there's just one real motivator left...the desire to win. Favre, Brady, and Peyton all love football sure, but it's winning football games that do it for those guys. Eff Manning especially looks like he wants to kick a puppy when he loses.
Using a really high draft pick on a QB, where the chemistry and the personality has to be just right to make things work, seems like too big a gamble when a team has really apparent needs like a terrible oline. On the whole I'm much for comfortable bringing a veteran guy who shows lots of guts, like a Garcia, or taking a chance on a guy who in his few opportunities has shown he really, really wants to make things happen out there and win, like Brennan.
tryfuhl 11-25-2009, 05:19 PM In reading this article I don't know weather or not I should laugh or cry.
let it rain dirtbag
GTripp0012 11-26-2009, 01:36 AM Now IMO opinion most QBs struggle w/ #3 from time to time, #2 can improve markedly w/ solid coaching but the player also has to be capable of learning to think faster, and finally there is no coaching/teaching #1. Jason, from what I can tell, has zero passion for the game or for winning in particular. When I watch a Skins game w/ fans of other teams I hear the same thing a lot..."Your QB doesn't look like he cares much." For instance on Sunday when he threw the pick Jason just frowned and slapped his hands together. I mean you just lost any chance of winning the game against a division rival, a game your team should have won by all accounts, and the only show of emotion is a frown and a clap. I want my QB to go red in anger and let a string of expletives fly when that kind of thing happens. I want a fighter.It's not about whether you win or lose, it's about how many people you can offend after the game.
Forgive me for not wishing we had a mental midget who can't handle his emotions at quarterback.
tryfuhl 11-26-2009, 07:37 PM I would like to see us trade the 1st for a later 1st and 2nd/3rd or multiple 2nd's and 3rd's given how high we will be in the draft. Use at least 3 picks for OL with 2 for tackles and 1 for guard or center. Use a later pick to get a decent qb or honestly, just stick with JC.
Most important step, get rid of Bugel, that guy sucks he took Stephon Heyer and regressed him, took Dockery and regressed him, took Rhinehart and did nothing with him so Buges is a big problem in my mind.
Sure it will take a couple of years but so what, instead of trying to patch up the team, build it from the ground floor up and give up the next year or two.
I'm pretty sure Dockery regressed himself.. .and I think that Rinehart has done decently considering his draft position and playing time.