SouperMeister 12-07-2009, 01:06 AM I agree he'd be better at SS, but I honestly think reed doughty is a much better tackler and that's what we need at our safety positions: consistency. I think we'd get a lot more out of jettisoning landry for a 2nd or 3rd rounder and letting doughty and horton split time at SS. Then draft a coverage safety with a 2nd or 3rd round pick.Reed will never have Laron's talent, but he does a couple things much better:
He does his job - that is, he plays his assignment
He makes sure tackles instead of going for the blow-up hit
I said it earlier, and I'll say it again - until Steve Jackson and other defensive coaches stop tolerating Landry's immaturity and total lack of discipline, he will continue to be a liability. I see a double standard here. Carlos Rogers gets beat on a double move, and he's pulled for the rest of the game. Not Landry. Amazing that one player is held accountable and the other is not. It sends an inconsistent message.
SFREDSKIN 12-07-2009, 01:14 AM Landry is a moron and I'm sick of his antics every time he makes a play, he thinks it's all about him and his look at me attitude which has worn out his welcome. I hope they trade his ass in the off season, we don't need players like that.
53Fan 12-07-2009, 01:14 AM Reed will never have Laron's talent, but he does a couple things much better:
He does his job - that is, he plays his assignment
He makes sure tackles instead of going for the blow-up hit
I said it earlier, and I'll say it again - until Steve Jackson and other defensive coaches stop tolerating Landry's immaturity and total lack of discipline, he will continue to be a liability. I see a double standard here. Carlos Rogers gets beat on a double move, and he's pulled for the rest of the game. Not Landry. Amazing that one player is held accountable and the other is not. It sends an inconsistent message.
Good points.
Gtothearry 12-07-2009, 01:17 AM Reed will never have Laron's talent, but he does a couple things much better:
He does his job - that is, he plays his assignment
He makes sure tackles instead of going for the blow-up hit
I said it earlier, and I'll say it again - until Steve Jackson and other defensive coaches stop tolerating Landry's immaturity and total lack of discipline, he will continue to be a liability. I see a double standard here. Carlos Rogers gets beat on a double move, and he's pulled for the rest of the game. Not Landry. Amazing that one player is held accountable and the other is not. It sends an inconsistent message.
I wish they would bench him. I as everyone else hate the constant blow up hits. Hell, even when he does hit someone how many times is it actually a decleater? The guy thinks to much about the hard hits and hardly ever delivers them.
Bucket 12-07-2009, 01:41 AM Anyone else notice how aggressive landry has been the past 3 weeks? Alos, how it's getting colder, but he took off his long sleeves he was wearing in the heat?
He also looks alot BIGGER now, and seem to be going for big hits rather then the ball.
I'm not going to shout steriods from the rooftops, but it looks fishy.
The Goat 12-07-2009, 01:49 AM Anyone else notice how aggressive landry has been the past 3 weeks? Alos, how it's getting colder, but he took off his long sleeves he was wearing in the heat?
He also looks alot BIGGER now, and seem to be going for big hits rather then the ball.
I'm not going to shout steriods from the rooftops, but it looks fishy.
It doesn't seem that far-fetched...his immaturity would make him a prime candidate to try and solve his technique deficiencies with juice.
...his behavior is just more bizarre each week. Landry could get a taunting penalty every 30 seconds if the refs wanted to teach him a lesson....
And SouperMeister you are right there is def a double standard. Los gets hanged for doing what Landry does like every game now, sometimes twice a game. I'm starting to wonder if Gray, Blache and the like are just scared he'll go into a rage and make a spectacle of the whole sideline if they benched him for a gameday.
tryfuhl 12-07-2009, 03:17 AM Anyone else notice how aggressive landry has been the past 3 weeks? Alos, how it's getting colder, but he took off his long sleeves he was wearing in the heat?
He also looks alot BIGGER now, and seem to be going for big hits rather then the ball.
I'm not going to shout steriods from the rooftops, but it looks fishy.
People can get that big naturally. It's not like he blew up out of nowhere. I guess that the possibility is there but I haven't seen anything to really back it up; he's always been a big hit guy and he's always hit the weight room hard, our coaches don't mind and encourage both of these.
LL has always been big, maybe people didn't notice since he usually wears long sleeves. But he's always had the guns.
His game continues to be so inconsistent. Great play one series, boneheaded one the next.
franklinhimself 12-07-2009, 10:24 AM i wouldn't say wearing long sleeves and now not wearing them has any correlation to juicing. the long sleeves early on could have been the cool-max under armor stuff that is supposed to keep you cool.
i hope he's not juicing- can't trade a guy who's suspended because he tests positive.
i want him gone.
OApartyrock 12-07-2009, 10:32 AM There was a play yesterday in the 4th quarter that really stuck out for me. Saints ball 1st and ten and Drew completed a 7 yr pass with Laron making tackle to make it 2nd and three. A very simple play with a nice pickup for the Saints. Laron started to shake his head and talk smack to the Saints sideline as if it was a third down stoppage. His antics of flexing and talking smack have been wearing on me for sometime. He is a super freak athlete but not too bright. I don't think he is even a top 30 safety in the league. His hits are ferocious but his covergae skills are mediocre at best.