11-09-2009, 05:22 PM
So if Gibbs came back, do you think Danny will suddenly take his advice and recommendations? \
Just asking an honest question here.
That is the million dollar question with Snyder and not just in reference to Gibbs. If he's going to abdicate to anyone it think it would be Gibbs.
11-14-2009, 02:42 PM
Conversations regarding the possibility of Joe Gibbs returning to the Redskins in a senior managerial role - - but NOT as the head coach - - have halted. According to my source, it is unlikely that there will be any more discussions until after Christmas.
However, my source tells me that this "break" in the conversations is just that - - a break in the conversations and not a sign that this issue has been resolved one way or the other.
Good update. I have been entirely out of the loop on all sports over the past week and a half, but after Christmas makes sense with everything else Gibbs has going on right now. My gut still says nothing happens
My source ALSO told me that Joe Gibbs and Darrell Green have had dinner a couple of times in the past two weeks but it was NOT clear to my source whether Green was an emissary of Danny Boy or if this was just a coach and one of his top-shelf players just maintaining their relationship
Wouldn't read too much into this. Gibbs' Youth for Tomorrow foundation has had some major events recently and he and DG frequently speak about their youth oriented foundations so it's probably all related to that, I suspect very little football was discussed.
If these "conversations" don't amount to a hill of beans, there will be no stories in the mass media about the "failure to reach an agreement here". On the other hand, my source tells me that if this all works out and Gibbs comes back to the Skins, it will be a headline story on ESPN for at least 3 days. I'm not quite sure what that means exactly, but my source is adamant on that point... And I am acutely aware of how much Danny Boy loves to have a postive story related to him and/or the Skins dominate ESPN coverage ...
Even ESPN doesn't have enough channels to cover all the news that didn't happen. And yeah I would also guarantee it would be headline news for ESPN if it did
Stay tuned. Same time next month... Same Bat Channel...[/QUOTE]
11-14-2009, 02:46 PM
And Freddy, I think the Skins also gave up a 4th for Campbell