JoeRedskin 10-30-2009, 02:02 PM The thing that gets me is that, after 10 years of mediocrity, you would think that Snyder would look at how things are being done and say... hmmmmm how are franchises that are consistently successful run? What are the models that acheive success? Generally, what is the level of owner involvement for successful teams?
Perhaps he has done this, I just don't know. I don't think he has. I remember an article where he was asked if he thinks the Ravens might be a good model (back around the time they were winning a SB and constantly restocking their team with young talent) and his response being something along the lines of "What could I possibly learn from them??
I really am not on the trash Dan bandwagon - I don't want the team sold (the devil you don't know is worse than the one you do).
I just want the dumb little jerk to wake up, swallow his pride, do some serious self examination and really look around to see how winners are built.
SkinFanatic 10-30-2009, 02:48 PM The thing that gets me is that, after 10 years of mediocrity, you would think that Snyder would look at how things are being done and say... hmmmmm how are franchises that are consistently successful run? What are the models that acheive success? Generally, what is the level of owner involvement for successful teams?
Perhaps he has done this, I just don't know. I don't think he has. I remember an article where he was asked if he thinks the Ravens might be a good model (back around the time they were winning a SB and constantly restocking their team with young talent) and his response being something along the lines of "What could I possibly learn from them??
I really am not on the trash Dan bandwagon - I don't want the team sold (the devil you don't know is worse than the one you do).
I just want the dumb little jerk to wake up, swallow his pride, do some serious self examination and really look around to see how winners are built.
Honestly, I'm pretty sure Danny models himself after Jerry Jones. The problem here being that Jerry Jones played football at a pretty high level through college, so he knows the game. DS has only dreamed of playing football
GhettoDogAllStars 10-30-2009, 03:04 PM I disagree with Tucker when he says, "If you were the owner of an NFL team, would you take a backseat and decline to have significant input on all of the football decisions? I didn't think so." At my job I have hired others who have expertise in fields that I don't. Even though I could get involved with their work, I don't at all - I let them be free to do their jobs as they see fit. After all, the reason they were hired is that they know things that I don't and from this point of view my meddling with their jobs would erase the reason for hiring them to begin with. Then again, I don't have $1 billion of mine on the line and we are not playing a game at my work. But I still think that the idea that owners inevitably will meddle holds no merit. In fact, projecting from my experience, the more an owner gets involved, the dumber he or she is.
Yes. This is what most successful business owners throughout the entire world do. That's no secret. My boss would never dream of doing my job, because he is not qualified in any way whatsoever. That was a weak argument by Tucker.
Mc2guy 10-30-2009, 03:07 PM First, name one industry where the owner of a company (be it a private owner or a board of directors on a public company) didn't influence the operation of that company? Never.
Is this any different than Alan Mullaly, a Boeing executive hired to head up Ford in 2006, telling his "car guys" that they needed to re-engineer the Ford 500 and bring back the Taurus name? No.
I work for a mid-sized company that is privately owned, and the owner/ceo has his hands in EVERYTHING. Is it the best or most efficient way to do it, probably not, but it's his company and he can do as he pleases, even if it hurts our profitability. He is a great man in his own respects, but he meddles in things associated with product development where he has no experience or expertise. It is common and I have friends that work at other businesses with the same problem.
No one I can point to with a financial interest in the operation of a company is going to be completely "hands-off". Some might be able to stay out of the way most of the time, but their input will always be felt.
Dan is no different. The fact that you don't hear about it that much in the NFL is a testament to excellent media management on other clubs and how "bad" Dan is at it, not that he is the only one doing it.
SolidSnake84 10-30-2009, 03:55 PM It's in my business experience that 99% of businesses out there has an owner or owner/s that know absolutley Jack about how to keep the business going, and or profitable. The way people off-set that is to hire a competent staff. Snyder will never learn how to be a football guy, but he could at least start assembling a good staff. That is something Gibbs could help him with....
SmootSmack 10-30-2009, 03:56 PM I realize that most owners are involved in matters affecting the teams. However, aren't many of the owners involved in an "advisory-only" role? I thought many GMs were granted, by the terms of their employment contracts, final authority on most decisions. The Danny hasn't ceded full control to someone else since 2001.
The Danny isn't the sole source of this team's struggles. However, he hired the coaches and is intimately involved in player acquisition matters. It's pretty hard not to blame him for a lot of our problems when he exercises that much power and has been around for the past 10 years.
Well Snyder's mistake was choosing Vinny after Gibbs left. I don't think he realized at the time, but realizes it now, how many people could not and would not work with Vinny Cerrato. Gregg Williams and Jim Fassel being two examples. Even Cerrato and Spurrier had issues with each other. Brian Mitchell basically said it the other day-the problem isn't Snyder, so much as it's Cerrato. Unfortunately though, Snyder is the reason Cerrato is here. And Cerrato is the reason Zorn is here
And I don't think it's so much Cerrato's abilities as pro personnel guy. Personally, I don't think they are as terrible as others think. But it's his attitude he carries and the negative impact on the franchise's culture that has really hurt this franchise.
SmootSmack 10-30-2009, 03:58 PM As for Jerry Jones, even as a Redskins fan I must say he runs a solid organization. They've had some weird stuff with all the TO drama and whatever's going on with Wade Phillips. But Jones is on top of his shit and he's a really smart man. Really smart.
rbanerjee23 10-30-2009, 04:31 PM DS needs a GM who has the stones to look him in the eyes and say, look man, I'm one of the best, I can get a job by snapping my fingers and I don't need your obscene salary, and if you really want me, give me all the authority.
Unless some one is able to sack up in that manner, DS is going to keep using this team like his personal madden franchise