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tryfuhl 10-29-2009, 01:49 AM Ask and you shall receive. I have had it pinned to my office wall for a long, long time. There was once a site called FireDanSnyder.com and I bought it from them. http://www.mistrhanky.com/fds_small.jpgprops to reppin it before cams had the megapixels to capture it
tryfuhl 10-29-2009, 01:54 AM no not at all. Private property like fedex field is a public invite situation. It is viewed by the courts as more of a public trust. My bet is, if that ban is real, the washington post will have reporters out to interview with attorneys by their side. This is not a private residence or private business. The public is being invited en masse onto the property. Cant enforce it anyway.
SkinFanatic 10-29-2009, 09:21 AM This is just another instance to show how our beloved owner is totally out of touch with his fans. Unfortunately, there's no way we are going to "force" him to sell the team. We can only hope this child grows up soon and realizes he has no business running a football team. He can still own the team without running it. Leave that to the professionals.
Funny thing is, I don't understand what he's hoping to gain by muffling the fans. All he's doing is alienating his customers and making himself a PR nightmare.
SBXVII 10-29-2009, 09:46 AM This is just another instance to show how our beloved owner is totally out of touch with his fans. Unfortunately, there's no way we are going to "force" him to sell the team. We can only hope this child grows up soon and realizes he has no business running a football team. He can still own the team without running it. Leave that to the professionals.
Funny thing is, I don't understand what he's hoping to gain by muffling the fans. All he's doing is alienating his customers and making himself a PR nightmare.
or....he could go bankrupt and be forced to sell......maybe someone getting hurt on Fed Ex property or simply everyone start filing suit against him for breach of contract (selling a lemon product. LOL) or something.
Look at the situation this way....if you wanted to see a movie and went to the theater and watched it and thought it sucked afterwards...would you pay the $8 to see it again? Most likely not. Now imagine you've seen all the movies at the theater and want to see something new but your theater keeps showing the same movies...most people would go to another theater and watch another movie. I'm betting no one would pay $8 to see the same damb movies over and over every Sun. for 9 yrs or more. Yet in this situation people are paying thousands of dollars for their season tickets and getting the same show every season, every Sun. for atleast 9 yrs. Not counting the 2 good yrs Gibbs2 had, but I am adding Spurrier. Thousands of dollars.
I understand that sports is different in the sense that it's a coin flip as to the out come of the game vs. a movie which you already know the ending but still if you've seen a crappy show your most likely not going to see it again. and again. and again. etc. etc.
BrunellMVP? 10-29-2009, 09:47 AM probably would be effective to start writing in to FedEx (as the sponsor) asking them to put pressure on the skins. This idea was mentioned in "Around the Horn" - makes sense
contact | FedEx Global Newsroom (http://news.van.fedex.com/contact)
this is what I sent...
I am a long time fan of the Washington Redskins and avid FedEx user and I wanted to draw your attention to the iron curtain that is FedEx Field and how this reflects on your company. As you may know, FedEx field has effectively become a censorship “state” that deploys coercive tactics to enforce its "new" rules.[1] (http://www.thewarpath.net/#_ftn1) At present, fans are prohibited from bring any signs (a common site at sporting events), clothing (critical of the team or owner), and television interviews at tailgates (another common occurrence at sporting events). While I won't waste your time getting into the specifics of each individual assault on our freedom of speech, I do wish to point out how these policies reflect on your company. As a firm that exists to unite the globe (via fast, reliable shipping) this message of intolerance stands in stark contrast to the FedEx vision. In continuing your association with the Redskins and FedEx Field, you are directly supporting the oppression of your clients (and undermining your own revenues). Burke said that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, to that end, I beseech you act now; withdraw your support of the Redskins’ restrictive policies by canceling your sponsorship of FedEx Field.
Thanks in advance,
[1] (http://www.thewarpath.net/#_ftnref1) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/10/28/AR2009102804589.html
Your T-Shirts Are Okay With FedExField. Also, Lots Of Mike Wise and Dave Donovan (http://blog.redskins.com/2009/10/27/your-t-shirts-are-okay-with-fedexfield-also-lots-of-mike-wise/)
D.C. Sports Bog - By The Washington Post's Dan Steinberg (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/dcsportsbog/)
SBXVII 10-29-2009, 09:59 AM Sorry for posting this twice, I went on a tangent in the "Redskins Gear" thread and it probably should have been here.
Questions about Skins gear?
Don't buy it.
Don't buy it.
Don't buy it.
Let Danny Boy feel the pinch when his product is not making money. Let him feel it when people are not paying the high cost of parking. Let him feel it when no one is there to purchase the high cost of food. Parking is all his, but the food he makes a % of also.
Everyone who has season tickets needs to find Metro and ride in so save on the parking cost. So Danny does not make money there. Then eat at a resturuant prior to arriving at Fed Ex. Then don't spend a dime at the park.
Let Metro have your money. Let the wonderful places around the park have your money who will give you a good product. Then go to the park and not spend a dime. Sooner or later Danny will feel the pinch.
I don't know if Fed Ex can do anything towards the team or not. But if DS is not making money to pay for the players, coach's, buildings and equipement, he will start making changes. Six flags is already in the hole so it can't bail him out.
LongTimeSkinsFan 10-29-2009, 10:05 AM "maybe someone getting hurt on Fed Ex property or simply everyone start filing suit against him for breach of contract (selling a lemon product. LOL) or something. "
Now that would be an awesome game day item. Buy up a few crates of lemons then slap "Redskins 2009" in burgundy lettering then on the other side "There oughta be a law" on the other side. Wonder how long it would take for the vendor to be issued a cease and desist?
SBXVII 10-29-2009, 10:13 AM "maybe someone getting hurt on Fed Ex property or simply everyone start filing suit against him for breach of contract (selling a lemon product. LOL) or something. "
Now that would be an awesome game day item. Buy up a few crates of lemons then slap "Redskins 2009" in burgundy lettering then on the other side "There oughta be a law" on the other side. Wonder how long it would take for the vendor to be issued a cease and desist?
:doh: damn, sometimes I can come up with half a decent idea only to let someone else capitalize on it.
SkinFanatic 10-29-2009, 11:12 AM or....he could go bankrupt and be forced to sell......maybe someone getting hurt on Fed Ex property or simply everyone start filing suit against him for breach of contract (selling a lemon product. LOL) or something.
Look at the situation this way....if you wanted to see a movie and went to the theater and watched it and thought it sucked afterwards...would you pay the $8 to see it again? Most likely not. Now imagine you've seen all the movies at the theater and want to see something new but your theater keeps showing the same movies...most people would go to another theater and watch another movie. I'm betting no one would pay $8 to see the same damb movies over and over every Sun. for 9 yrs or more. Yet in this situation people are paying thousands of dollars for their season tickets and getting the same show every season, every Sun. for atleast 9 yrs. Not counting the 2 good yrs Gibbs2 had, but I am adding Spurrier. Thousands of dollars.
I understand that sports is different in the sense that it's a coin flip as to the out come of the game vs. a movie which you already know the ending but still if you've seen a crappy show your most likely not going to see it again. and again. and again. etc. etc.
Problem is, the Redskins fans that have season tickets are held hostage. I'm not a ticket holder myself, but to use your theater analogy: what if you don't want to see the same thing over and over but if you give up your ticket, you can never get a ticket at that theater again. I feel for the season ticket holders because they've shelled out a ton of money for an inferior product. If they don't go to the game, they've waisted their money. If they scalp their tickets, someone else goes and it doesn't help the cause. If they don't renew their tix, the next guy on the list gets to go. Thing is, the stands still get filled. You're never going to hurt him that way.
I have a gut feeling that this current media/fan barage is going to work. I wouldn't be surprised if DS either makes a drastic move soon (i.e. firing Vinny) or possibly breaking his media silence. Something big is on the horizon.
I've never seen anything like this. Viva la revolucion!
BrunellMVP? 10-29-2009, 11:12 AM Still at it, i modified the FedEx email to work (somewhat) for Roger Goodell. I'm not sure I have the right email, but it hasn't been returned to me. I tried the (roger.goodell2@nfl.net) address and it did not work. If you guys have a better option, please let us know...
Mr. Goodell,
I am a long time fan of the Washington Redskins and I wanted to draw your attention to the iron curtain that is FedEx Field and how this reflects on the NFL's brand. As you may know, FedEx field has effectively become a censorship “state” that deploys coercive tactics to enforce its "new" rules.[1] At present, fans are prohibited from bring any signs (a common site at sporting events), clothing (critical of the team or owner), and television interviews at tailgates (another common occurrence at sporting events). While I won't waste your time getting into the specifics of each individual assault on our freedom of speech, I do wish to point out how these policies reflect on the NFL. As a league that exists to unite the country (one game, one set of rules, forging new human bonds, uniting perfect strangers) this message of intolerance stands in stark contrast to the NFL vision. By remaining silent on the Redskins, you are directly supporting the oppression of your clients (and undermining your own revenues). Burke said that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”, to that end, I beseech you act now; withdraw your support of the Redskins’ restrictive policies by issuing a league wide rule that ensures the freedom of speech at all NFL games.
Thanks in advance,
[1] washingtonpost.com - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines (http://www.washingtonpost.com/) wp-dyn/content/article/2009/ 10/28/AR2009102804589.html
Your T-Shirts Are Okay With FedExField. Also, Lots Of Mike Wise and Dave Donovan
D.C. Sports Bog - By The Washington Post's Dan Steinberg