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SBXVII 10-28-2009, 12:07 PM I can see DS recinding all the tickets, putting up sheet metal human figures in each seat with a button he can press to pop them up when needed and playing crowd noise at each game over the loud speakers. LOL.
Media sees empty seats prior to game, then sent to a holding room while he presses the button, then media is brought back out with the fans in place. Sorry no fan interviews. LOL.
What the hell is going on with the beloved Skins? It seriously feels like the Titanic. Is Ds the boy in the plastic bubble? Honestly if it was me I'd be humiliated. I hold a press conference where I'd fire VC. Fire whoever is in charge of public relations and find someone new. Fire all these piss ant venders and hire one company to do it all. Hire a real security firm to provide security at the games. Hire a GM in the off season and tell him to fire everyone and bring in top talent. Then take my wife to a warm beach. Show back up in Sept. with a smile on my face.
DS, you need to wake up, get your head out of your ass, be a man, and get control of this situation instead of plodding along as if everything was hunky dory. Your losing your fan base. Slowly.
My cheap but has walked into Walmart and Target and have seen some nice Skins gear, thought about it, and put it back on the rack. I used to be a proud Skins fan no matter how bad they were, but I find myself distancing my self more and more. I'm usually a fan who is sitting on my couch watching the game no matter what. Shopping has to work around the Skins schedule. I find myself just not caring anymore. I turn the game on yet do other things and pop in and watch a few plays here and there. I don't know what it will be like when we are like 2-9 or 2-10.
The good news is both the Caps and Wizards won last night. The Wiz looked good.
Giantone 10-28-2009, 12:07 PM Remember back years ago when he open camp to the public .....and charged admision,although he tried he could not keep other teams away .Reminds of that kind of.....The law to the Snyder and the Law to the rest of the world is different.
Trample the Elderly 10-28-2009, 12:12 PM Wow, that's nothing like the Richmond Race. Man we have a good time. We grill, play games, dance, talk smack, eat, shop, drink, screw, eat some more, and then we get to watch the race. We grill after the race too.
I'm really sorry that I have tickets to the Dallas game. Before the season started people said I was lucky. Now they feel sorry for me. I don't feel bad anymore. I'm going to have a good time and I will show my hatred for this owner. Believe that!
Defensewins 10-28-2009, 12:12 PM This just in from Redskins park and the Snyderatto FO, it is now banned to have fun at Redskins games.
If you are caught poking fun at the Danny or the FO or having fun in general you will be asked to leave or be thrown out. Only serious behavior allowed in the stadium please.
munny 10-28-2009, 12:15 PM @trample -
You just hit the nail on the head. Look how long the Caps were bad. Look how hard Ted Leonsis worked to build that team with good young talent and build a team that can last and ake multiple shots at a championship. Look at how Ted treats the fans. He absorbed it when they were bad, he interacts and listens to them. Fans will respect real rebuilding years, but Danny has never tried one and doesn't have 1% of the sense or class that Ted has.
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sportscurmudgeon 10-28-2009, 12:18 PM For the last two years or so, I have been saying here that the ONLY real way to get Danny Boy's attention and give him real grief is to hit him in the ego. And now you can see how he and his minions react when the first wave of that kind of abuse gets in his face.
He does not like to be told that he is wrong about anything. If one of the security folks told him that it just didn't seem right to forbid someone from bringing in a sign that said "Hi Dad! Stay Safe in Afghanistan!" with an American Flag emblem on it, Danny Boy is 50/50 to fire that security guy on the spot. NO one tells him he is wrong about ANYTHING. If you don't believe that, ask any of the 15 PR people that have come and gone through the Skins organization in the last 6 or 7 years. Only a few of them have truly resigned; the rest have "resigned" - - and taken a buyout with a confidentiality clause.
Danny Boy's yes-men are closing ranks around him to protect him from the ego-abuse he is taking and should continue to take. The more he tries to be a hard-ass about this, the more he will be held up to ridicule - - so long as fans keep the heat on.
Too bad FedEX field is in tightly controlled airspace. I know two private pilots who have planes who want to fly banners around the stadium with a message for fans and for "The Incumbent Owner"... Air traffic control makes that almost impossible.
firstdown 10-28-2009, 12:30 PM Having been a part of the local media covering the Redskins back in the day the rule was always you can talk to tailgaters, you just can't set up shop in the parking lot. Like WUSA can't go set up their truck inside there. I think it's largely due to logistical reasons, but media has always been allowed to interview tailgaters. You just can't, as I noted, bring all your gear (namely a truck) into the lot. If I remember right we couldn't even bring cameras in either.
Maybe that rule has since changed, and if so that's unfortunate, but my guess is that something just wasn't communicated properly.
At the end of the day though we're just talking about fans being interviewed before or after a game...or not. The timing of all this makes it seem bad, but the Hitler comparisons are ridiculous
I'm betting thats what they where talking about and now they have blown it up like they cannot interview fans at all. Now people are here calling DS out on this when in fact its nothing new. Its all getting pretty old and I find it odd that all these diehard fans are just now finding this site.
SBXVII 10-28-2009, 12:37 PM Wow, that's nothing like the Richmond Race. Man we have a good time. We grill, play games, dance, talk smack, eat, shop, drink, screw, eat some more, and then we get to watch the race. We grill after the race too.
I'm really sorry that I have tickets to the Dallas game. Before the season started people said I was lucky. Now they feel sorry for me. I don't feel bad anymore. I'm going to have a good time and I will show my hatred for this owner. Believe that!
Hey, when is the next race and what time does the screwing begin? LOL. Just thought I'd "pop" in. ;)
munny 10-28-2009, 12:37 PM Well then, for the record, I have an original 'Fire Dan Snyder' tshirt back from the marty era, when the actual website was up. This has long been an issue for me.
BrunellMVP? 10-28-2009, 12:44 PM Snyder just doesn't get it. To me, he's like a child who covers his ears while yelling "LALALALA- I'm not listening! I can't hear you!" and hopes his problems will go away (if he ignores it long enough or pretends it doesn't exist). Its sad.
Calling police to remove signs and turn shirts inside out? I understand that on private property, you are able to dictate policy however these types of maneuvers simply won't work and will fan the flames (but i guess that is a good thing if we really want change).