BigHairedAristocrat 12-17-2009, 01:13 PM I don't like to be overly negative and make people feel bad about themselves, but you opened the door with your post, mlm - if you think you and your silly waste-of-money project had ANYTHING to do with this decision, then you're clearly dellusional. If anything fan-related contributed to this decision, it was the "sell the team" chant at FedEx. I doubt Snyder is even aware that you and your sellourteamdannyboy.com website existed. So stop your ill-disgused attempt at gloating over something you had nothing to do with. In all likelyhood, Snyder laid the groundwork for this move MONTHS ago; however something dramatic probably happened behind the scenes within the past 24-48 hours to make this happen when it did.
JLee9718 12-17-2009, 01:19 PM Snyder keeps trying to make the team better by hiring and firing on whims! He deserves to be told what he's doing wrong, but I think the bus ads are the wrong way to do this. That's just me personally. At least he finally got rid of Cerrato.
Monkeydad 12-17-2009, 01:22 PM I don't like to be overly negative and make people feel bad about themselves, but you opened the door with your post, mlm - if you think you and your silly waste-of-money project had ANYTHING to do with this decision, then you're clearly dellusional. If anything fan-related contributed to this decision, it was the "sell the team" chant at FedEx. I doubt Snyder is even aware that you and your sellourteamdannyboy.com website existed. So stop your ill-disgused attempt at gloating over something you had nothing to do with. In all likelyhood, Snyder laid the groundwork for this move MONTHS ago; however something dramatic probably happened behind the scenes within the past 24-48 hours to make this happen when it did.
Well said and the truth.
mlm, if you think you've succeeded, will you go back to where you were before this silly campaign?
Ruhskins 12-17-2009, 01:27 PM Well said and the truth.
mlm, if you think you've succeeded, will you go back to where you were before this silly campaign?
Actually he hasn't, Dan Snyder did not sell the team.
CRedskinsRule 12-17-2009, 01:38 PM Question: Weren't the mobile ads for the month of december. Obviously the fire vinny portion is now moot. Will you cancel the remainder and refund that portion to your loyal followers? or send the refund to MDA?
Or are you just gonna have a one-sided sign?
Chico23231 12-17-2009, 01:46 PM Actually he hasn't, Dan Snyder did not sell the team.
Yes therefore, on with the campaign!!!! LOL...this is just funny in my book. I like when people speak up and are creative in how they do it. I may not agree with it, but it does show some initiative...and I bet Snyder did hear about it somehow with the coverage, and I bet he laughed more than anything...Equally as entertaining is how upset fans are on the board, come on man, Danny Boy wasnt gonna sell the team, and when people say "not to smart" or that is just mean or negative or whatever people say, honest to god, Snyder and his record here has been abymsal...he hasnt won a thing...in the last 10 years we have easily been the worst team in the Beast...Im just happy to feel like the next 10 will be better, DS has gotten some experience and now has cut away what I believe was an anchor holding us back. Danny Boy gets a pat on the ole back for that hopefully this is a sign he is coming around. So im drinking this weekend to the future, rather the past and want to see the guys end the weekend putting the G-men out to the playoffs..HTTR
mlmpetert 12-17-2009, 02:04 PM Yes therefore, on with the campaign!!!! LOL...this is just funny in my book. I like when people speak up and are creative in how they do it. I may not agree with it, but it does show some initiative...and I bet Snyder did hear about it somehow with the coverage, and I bet he laughed more than anything...Equally as entertaining is how upset fans are on the board, come on man, Danny Boy wasnt gonna sell the team, and when people say "not to smart" or that is just mean or negative or whatever people say, honest to god, Snyder and his record here has been abymsal...he hasnt won a thing...in the last 10 years we have easily been the worst team in the Beast...Im just happy to feel like the next 10 will be better, DS has gotten some experience and now has cut away what I believe was an anchor holding us back. Danny Boy gets a pat on the ole back for that hopefully this is a sign he is coming around. So im drinking this weekend to the future, rather the past and want to see the guys end the weekend putting the G-men out to the playoffs..HTTR
Thank you for understanding of what we are doing.... I am truly amazed that some people dont get it.
mlmpetert 12-17-2009, 02:10 PM Actually he hasn't, Dan Snyder did not sell the team.
We are half way there! One of our demands has been met, absolute proof we have Snyder’s full attention.
I am so proud that our campaign has directly resulted in the departure of Vinny Boy!!!
^ if some people are going to take themselves so serious in dismissing us, I might as well play into it
hooskins 12-17-2009, 02:14 PM I still dont understand all the hate.
Although I didnt donate to this, they are finding a way to attempt to make change. It may not work, but its still better than nothing. And I have states numerous times, that saying this is a bad "cause" is complete and utter BS.
Dont waste any of your money on designer clothes, eating out, beer, etc. Teach math in an African village if you think this "cause" is beyond you.
BigHairedAristocrat 12-17-2009, 02:21 PM The problem I have with this is it makes all skins fans look like dellusional fools. I liken those involved in this project to religious extremists who engage in all manner of crazy behavior that only results in making all people who beleive in God seem like morons. The extreme and ridiculous manner in which they chose to spread their message marginalizes the belief itself. I agree with the underlying message mlm is trying to share - i beleive the redskins needed a complete overhaul of their front office structure. What i disagree with is the ridiculous manner in which the messgae was developed and executed.
Its like a boy who writes a girl a love note, attachs it to a rock, and throws it through her front window - the message was good, but the delivery sucked. mlm - your message was good, but your delivery sucked. Sorry.