Sell OUR Team Danny Boy - DC Metro Bus Ads

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10-29-2009, 01:22 PM
Sorry with all the different things going on I get mixed up who is doing what and for me wrongly accussing you of hiding I'll throw in $20.

10-29-2009, 01:26 PM
How often do you hear from owners?

Being that I group him with the Jerry Jones and Al Davis types, I hear from them all the time. With someone who is so involved with the running of football operations, I think his policy of not speaking to the media should change. I think the man owes an explination and at least to acknowledge the displeasure. Until then he is hiding like a coward.

10-29-2009, 01:26 PM
Sorry with all the different things going on I get mixed up who is doing what and for me wrongly accussing you of hiding I'll throw in $20.

LOL, thats the spirit...HTTR

10-29-2009, 01:32 PM
Being that I group him with the Jerry Jones and Al Davis types, I hear from them all the time. With someone who is so involved with the running of football operations, I think his policy of not speaking to the media should change. I think the man owes an explination and at least to acknowledge the displeasure. Until then he is hiding like a coward.

I can't remember hearing from Davis since they let Kiffin go. I don't think there's really anything to gain from Snyder speaking to the media. It would just be "why doesn't he shut up and stay out of it. Just sign the damn checks Danny Boy!!!"

But I suppose people would be happier if he named himself General Manager and had a weekly radio show a la Jerry Jones?

10-29-2009, 01:33 PM
Just saw the interviews on Fox 5 News....Great Stuff!!! This IS going to have an effect. Having known the man, I can say that DS is definitely going hurt from this. Keep the pressure on

So the goal is to hurt DS. And what will hurting a petty(by most accounts) man accomplish. mImpetert was upfront in an early response to me, and I respect that, but anybody - even if you knew the man - that thinks this can have a positive end result really doesn't understand human nature. Petty people, when called to task or embarrassed, tend to react with negative and more harsh behavior. So far DS has done just that. If it goes on, and certainly the media - who for the most part hate DS - will do everything they can to make sure that the embarrassment and criticism of DS continues, then DS' actions are only going to display more of his reactive nature. This is not a good thing for the Skins organization.

I make no apologies for him, I wish he were a different man, but he is the owner of my favorite team. If I want my team to:

a- remain in dc
b- get better
c- stop this insanity

then I have to look at reality, and reality says Snyder will not only not sell the Skins due to something like this, but also will respond in kind, thus damaging the one thing in this process that I care about - the Skins.

Sanity > pettiness from any side.

10-29-2009, 01:41 PM
What is the difference between scrutiny and pettiness? Is all scrutiny petty?

10-29-2009, 01:56 PM
I can't remember hearing from Davis since they let Kiffin go. I don't think there's really anything to gain from Snyder speaking to the media. It would just be "why doesn't he shut up and stay out of it. Just sign the damn checks Danny Boy!!!"

But I suppose people would be happier if he named himself General Manager and had a weekly radio show a la Jerry Jones?

The guy has been getting blasted by everyone who is anyone in sports media. Plus the way things are going on with Zorn, all the stadium issues...... he's pretty much hated right now by the fan base. The perception is all he does is hide behind Vinny. No one is saying he has to do a radio show and name himself GM, but he should come out and say something possitive to the fans.

10-29-2009, 01:58 PM
What is the difference between scrutiny and pettiness? Is all scrutiny petty?

Not at all. Scrutiny would be looking at the moves of the past, and making criticisms - preferably constructive. Movements like FireDanSnyder, or sellOURteamDannyBoy, in which the comments are both personal, and the actions are impossible/highly unlikely fall into pettiness. NO ONE, not mImpetert or mImdub, or anyone else with any level of rational thinking believes DS will sell the Redskins in his lifetime. He would more likely move than to give them up, and if he really wanted to be petty (which he would) he could make another team moving here very difficult. Again, he has not reached a no ego stage, and is petty.

or in terms of definitions:
Scrutiny: n., pl., -nies.

1. A close, careful examination or study.
2. Close observation; surveillance.


pet·ty (pt)
adj. pet·ti·er, pet·ti·est
1. Of small importance; trivial: a petty grievance.
2. Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.
3. Marked by meanness or lack of generosity, especially in trifling matters.
4. Secondary in importance or rank; subordinate. See Synonyms at trivial.
5. Law Variant of petit.

10-29-2009, 01:59 PM
I can't remember hearing from Davis since they let Kiffin go. I don't think there's really anything to gain from Snyder speaking to the media. It would just be "why doesn't he shut up and stay out of it. Just sign the damn checks Danny Boy!!!"

But I suppose people would be happier if he named himself General Manager and had a weekly radio show a la Jerry Jones?

LOL, yeah that is a little much. I love the fact Jerry comes out gives the injury report updates...that is crazy. But I do have a feeling if the Skins keep playing like this Snyder with come out and say something, if not during probably the end of the season when he starts firing peoples.

10-29-2009, 02:03 PM
i havent read many comments in this thread to know what the general consensus is, but i think the whole idea for this campaign is completely stupid, other than the fact that some proceeds are donated to charity. 10 bus ads? really? THAT's going to make any kind of difference? DUMB. Oh, and "Sell OUR Team Danny Boy" is a completely retarded slogan. Whoever came up with it is a moron.

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