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skinsfan69 10-23-2009, 10:36 AM I also heard Vinny make those comments this morning, and I can't help but laugh every time he speaks. He sounds like an uneducated moron, and basically every public comment he makes is a defense for some asinine decision the organization has made, making him sound even more inept.
I know that slamming Vinny is cliche at this point, but I've always been in the camp that thinks Vinny is Snyders puppet. This season, I'm starting to think Vinny has a lot more stroke than I originally thought, and it's disgusting to think Snyder would allow that dude to be in charge of football operations.
When ever I hear him speak I'm just amazed that he is in the position he is. The damage has already been done by bringing in Lewis so he's just in damage control.
Paintrain 10-23-2009, 10:39 AM I hope this quiets down the circus for a few weeks. It's not going to change the outcome of things ultimately, but at least we can stop being the 'point and laugh' franchise in the NFL for a while.
RiggoDrill 10-23-2009, 10:52 AM Let me start by making a few things very perfectly clear: Jim Zorn is the head coach of the Washington Redskins, and will be for the rest of this season, and hopefully into the future.
I was listening to this on the way to work this morning, and while I listening to Vinny speak gives me a headache (my 2 year old speaks more clearly) I was struck by the "hopefully into the future" tag at the end of his endorsement. What do you suppose that really means? I suppose it could be looked at a number of different ways. The truth is that because Snyder does not speak to the media during the season, no one really knows what he is thinking, or planning to do. All the talk of Zorn and Vinny being gone at the end of the season is just that, talk. Until it comes down from the head man himself, it is nothing more than fan and media speculation. Snyder does have atrack record of decision making with coaches that is fueling the speculation, but since he does not talk, we really don't know, maybe he has learned patience ( a huge assumption on my part).
I would like to see Zorn succeed here, if only for the continuity that might be a result of his continued employment. He is far from perfect, and his limitations as a play caller and game manager have been on display for all to see, but I like the guy and think he has inherited a bad situation complete with aging, overpaid, and underachieving players. Maybe he is the guy who can turn this ship around, if given the time to do so. Changing coaches every couple of years is not a recipe for long term success.
SmootSmack 10-23-2009, 11:05 AM Zorn could always resign I suppose, though I seriously doubt he would.
I think everyone inside the organization genuinely wants things to work out, I'm just not sure it will.
Skinny Tee 10-23-2009, 11:05 AM It looks like we've secured our head coach for next year and the front office knows there's nothing to be done in season.
SmootSmack 10-23-2009, 11:10 AM Interesting how this move is made after Shanahan (and probably Gruden) rebuffed his offers to take the team over mid-season. Realistically, Snyder has absolutely nothing to gain by firing Zorn mid-season given the qualifications of the in-house replacements.
Gruden was not an option to take over mid-season
Trample the Elderly 10-23-2009, 11:20 AM It looks like we've secured our head coach for next year and the front office knows there's nothing to be done in season.
Who is the head coach next year?
SBXVII 10-23-2009, 11:31 AM I have no problem w/ keeping JZ for the rest of the season. I just don't believe anything VC sais. Never have. If the skins lose big and get embarrassed Monday we'll see if VC meant what he said.
VC shouldn't have a radio show anyways. Earlier in the year, VC had Mel Kiper on and was talking about the Notre Dame game. I can't remember who they were playing, but VC was saying that it was a must win for Weiss in order for him to keep his job.
MK then told Vinny that the Skins needed to beat the Lions or he'd lose his job. Nice reply by Mel Kiper.
I am with you on this one. This coming from VC knowing his job is on the line does not mean a whole lot other then VC is throwing it out there in hopes DS will not make a move at the break or it will make him look bad.
Also I keep reading how Zorn will keep his job but nothing in regards to whether VC keeps his job? I suspected Zorn would keep his job, even said it makes no sense to relieve him of his duties when no one else understands his plays or play calls. Unfortunatly I got caught up in all the rumors about DS trying to get someone else and wanting to fire everyone at the break. I would think DS would fire VC at the break and interview people to become the new GM....heck he can take his time, hire the new GM and allow him to evaluate the talent for the future, then at seasons end let him pick a new HC.
....But as a friend said....don't believe anything out of VC's mouth. He lies all the time and the opposite happens.
SBXVII 10-23-2009, 11:34 AM When ever I hear him speak I'm just amazed that he is in the position he is. The damage has already been done by bringing in Lewis so he's just in damage control.
Does he not sound like he's "special"? Stammering for words half the time. God for bid he's on TV.....he looks like a pug stammering. How one earth he got the job is beyond me knowing there most likely are better GM's out there and better public speakers.
SBXVII 10-23-2009, 11:43 AM I was listening to this on the way to work this morning, and while I listening to Vinny speak gives me a headache (my 2 year old speaks more clearly) I was struck by the "hopefully into the future" tag at the end of his endorsement. What do you suppose that really means? I suppose it could be looked at a number of different ways. The truth is that because Snyder does not speak to the media during the season, no one really knows what he is thinking, or planning to do. All the talk of Zorn and Vinny being gone at the end of the season is just that, talk. Until it comes down from the head man himself, it is nothing more than fan and media speculation. Snyder does have atrack record of decision making with coaches that is fueling the speculation, but since he does not talk, we really don't know, maybe he has learned patience ( a huge assumption on my part).
I would like to see Zorn succeed here, if only for the continuity that might be a result of his continued employment. He is far from perfect, and his limitations as a play caller and game manager have been on display for all to see, but I like the guy and think he has inherited a bad situation complete with aging, overpaid, and underachieving players. Maybe he is the guy who can turn this ship around, if given the time to do so. Changing coaches every couple of years is not a recipe for long term success.
Uh, .....no, he calls bad plays, calls wrong plays at the wrong time, calls the wrong plays for the package he has on the field, horrible clock management, Can you say this whole thing screams of joke. We could have hired a water boy and got almost as much out of him. He was a QB coach and no different then Nor who should never be a HC and only relegated to OC or some of the others Zorn is not HC material. Atleast not yet. He easily should be a QB coach maybe tried out as a OC somewhere, but bridges have been burnt here.
I think the only reason he's staying is cause DS doesn't want to have to pay Gibbs old coach's, Zorn and any new coach's brought on. If your forced to pay them might as well pay them to embarrass themselves vs. paying them to sit at home to do nothing and pay someone else.