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CRedskinsRule 10-23-2009, 09:51 AM Is it love? or is it the kiss of death?
Friday, October 23: Vinny Cerrato Endorses Jim Zorn (http://blog.redskins.com/2009/10/23/friday-october-23-vinny-cerrato-endorses-jim-zorn/)
joethiesmanfan 10-23-2009, 10:44 AM At the end of the 6-2 run, the Pittsburgh game. I knew he was over thinking. Pittsburgh overloaded one side of the line of scrimmage. 4 weeks later teams were still overloading one side of the line of scrimmage. Against Baltimore we completed a wide receiver screen to Moss for over 50 yards. After that play, no other team treid that strategy. Now other coaches learned from that one play, but it seems Jim is not up to snuff when it comes to strategy. How can you be confused by a defensive strategy for a whole month? Especially when the answer is a play your team is familliar running. Over thinking, why take teh WR screen out the game plan it's there to dictate formations and coverages to the defense. You can't run an NFL offense using the connect the dot method.
CrustyRedskin 10-23-2009, 11:32 AM We havnt used the slip screen game since Gibbs 06 our playoff run. Its crazy, we used to split Cooley out and throw him some slip screens.
KLHJ2 10-23-2009, 11:41 AM I am not going to say that I do not think that Zorn has not made some mistakes, but I do not believe that he should have ever been put on the hot seat like this. He is going through some growing pains of being a head coach in the NFL. Everyone does unless you just inherit a good football team. This guy's shot at what could have been a promising head coaching career is now in jeapordy because of the impatience of an unrealistic fan base and a poor organizational operations structure.
Whatever, it is what it is and I cannot change it. I just think that it is shitty.
SBXVII 10-23-2009, 12:10 PM Let's face it. There probably isn't a coach in the NFL right now who could stand up to the pressure and the situation that Jim Zorn is in currently. Zorn is a great guy. A great Christian guy who is well respected around the league, at least as a former QB and a QB coach. He is in a no win situation. Has a bingo caller calling plays for goodness sake! He was in over his head as soon as he was hired as head coach.
I still think Jim Zorn is going to be a great coach in the league when it comes time and when he is in the right situation. This is obviously not the right situation for any coach. Despite the collapse the team is in (and while I think Zorn shoulders blame, he is not the only reason by far) I have to give an hats off to Zorn for at least doing everything he possibly can. I really hate it for the guy. I know there are plenty on here who will say good riddance and rightfully so. But unlike Steve Spurrier, Zorn is giving it his all. Although I do feel like he is doing nothing more than banging his head against a brick wall, at least he is giving it to Snyder by not quitting. (I just hope they don't force him to quit after the Eagles game. Fire him if you must, but pay the man for trying to ruin his coaching career.)
Zorn will always be a guy that I root for. He has my respect win or lose. Ultimately, I want what is best for this team first, but I hope Zorn get another chance soon.
Nope, no love. Hope he's gone at seasons end.
SBXVII 10-23-2009, 12:11 PM Is it love? or is it the kiss of death?
Friday, October 23: Vinny Cerrato Endorses Jim Zorn (http://blog.redskins.com/2009/10/23/friday-october-23-vinny-cerrato-endorses-jim-zorn/)
VC Endorses Zorn? funny. LOL.....why did he take his play calling abilities if he thinks Zorn should remain for now and the future. LOL>
skinsguy 10-23-2009, 12:58 PM The reason it matters is the Born Agains won't recoginze you as a "good guy" unless you are a Christian.
Do you really have to start that crap up? Because honestly, as a born again Christian, I can testify that you're absolutely wrong. I know of plenty of great, outstanding people who are not Christians. I also happen to know several not so good people who call themselves Christians. And, since Zorn himself has stated that he is a Christian, then from the evidence I have seen, he a good man, and appears to be a good Christian man. I'm not going to get into a religious debate, because I think you're doing nothing more than trying to hijack a perfectly good thread. However, I will just say this and I am not going to speak of it again. As a Christian, there are values taught to us that we must live by. Very tough values that may or may not always be taught in the secular world. And by observing what Jim Zorn has been going through, it takes clinging to those Christian values to keep your sanity and to keep your wits about yourself. Despite how Zorn has been treated, I am surprised he hasn't given up and called Vinny and Dan every name in the book. It's a strong willed man to not break down, and I respect Jim Zorn for that.
As a head coach, he is obviously not head coach material just yet. He needs time to develop as a play caller before he ever moves up the latter again. But, the way he has carried himself, although at times appears to be kind of a "golly gee" type of personality, he has that likable personality. I can't help but to like the guy and root for him. Certainly if all possible I wouldn't want him to fail in Washington, but it's obvious even if the Redskins start winning again and win the rest of the games of this season, Zorn probably wouldn't get any credit for it (would be all given to the bingo caller!)
Do you really have to start that crap up? Because honestly, as a born again Christian, I can testify that you're absolutely wrong. I know of plenty of great, outstanding people who are not Christians. I also happen to know several not so good people who call themselves Christians. And, since Zorn himself has stated that he is a Christian, then from the evidence I have seen, he a good man, and appears to be a good Christian man. I'm not going to get into a religious debate, because I think you're doing nothing more than trying to hijack a perfectly good thread. However, I will just say this and I am not going to speak of it again. As a Christian, there are values taught to us that we must live by. Very tough values that may or may not always be taught in the secular world. And by observing what Jim Zorn has been going through, it takes clinging to those Christian values to keep your sanity and to keep your wits about yourself. Despite how Zorn has been treated, I am surprised he hasn't given up and called Vinny and Dan every name in the book. It's a strong willed man to not break down, and I respect Jim Zorn for that.
As a head coach, he is obviously not head coach material just yet. He needs time to develop as a play caller before he ever moves up the latter again. But, the way he has carried himself, although at times appears to be kind of a "golly gee" type of personality, he has that likable personality. I can't help but to like the guy and root for him. Certainly if all possible I wouldn't want him to fail in Washington, but it's obvious even if the Redskins start winning again and win the rest of the games of this season, Zorn probably wouldn't get any credit for it (would be all given to the bingo caller!)
Why include it in your original post then? You had to have known it was going to a point of discussion. Sorry but you kind of opened the door for it.
SmootSmack 10-23-2009, 01:04 PM We're not turning this thread into a thread about good Christians or bad Christians
But for now, let's all hold hands and sing some...
skinsguy 10-23-2009, 01:06 PM We're not turning this thread into a thread about good Christians or bad Christians
But for now, let's all hold hands and sing some...
LOL! I actually saw them in concert a few weeks ago!