10-23-2009, 05:29 PM
Exactly...and this is what we need. A culture change. Forget the who's and the how's. We need a culture change in the FO of this org. To me Gibbs seems like the perfect guy for that. Almost without fail the people he brings in as football guys are good in terms of football and just plain management style. I would argue our product on the field when Gibbs was here the second time was not reflective of the better culture he worked to build. Given the opportunity to step back from coaching and personnel he might be able to actually effect some permanent change to the FO instead on the temporary we had while he was here.
Also, we have been questioning why we went from 6-2 to 2-6. Perhaps part of that 6-2 was residual from the team coming together under Gibbs. I would proffer that, the only times that Team Turmoil has not reigned around here was during Gibbs tenure. Smoot has already pointed out that he cleaned up the business side of some of the more petty types. Perhaps the culture was on its way to changing but it couldn't survive VC's universally condemned interpersonal skills (or lack thereof).
10-23-2009, 05:33 PM
also, we have been questioning why we went from 6-2 to 2-6. Perhaps part of that 6-2 was residual from the team coming together under gibbs. I would proffer that, the only times that team turmoil has not reigned around here was during gibbs tenure. Smoot has already pointed out that he cleaned up the business side of some of the more petty types. Perhaps the culture was on its way to changing but it couldn't survive vc's universally condemned interpersonal skills (or lack thereof).
+ 100
Why are you going back to draft picks? This position has nothing to do with player personnel. This is about someone who could build an organization up from the front office (which is where it NEEDS improvement) and those guys that are hired are the ones who build the team. Gibbs never owned a racing team in his life. He built the team and the team won championships. Why would you think he could not do this with football, a sport that he has been successful with as a coach?
Well said, not sure why some are so stuck on personnel, that's not what this potential position seems to be about.
10-23-2009, 10:18 PM
On that same note, I also don't think him selling the team is the solution either. But if Snyder is still in the picture, I'm still not sure how much Gibbs can affect the culture.I definitely have similar questions. But if Snyder would ever just hand it over to someone it would be Gibbs. He loves the man. My biggest hesitation is whether Gibbs himself has the personality to come in and tell Snyder go away. He was far more deferential with Snyder than he should have been in my estimation. And I don't understand why. I get the feeling that Gibbs is a big chain-of-command type guy and with Snyder being his "boss" he didn't ever throw his rather hefty football weight around.To me a guy like Gibbs has the credentials to look DS in the eye and tell him he shouldn't ever be involved with a real football decision ever again and if DS doesn't like it then Gibbs can walk. Parcells would...Belicheck would...Bill Walsh would. Would Gibbs? Or would he just try to make it work? I'm not sure. We all want a GM. More importantly what we all want is DS NOT MAKING ANY MORE FOOTBALL DECISIONS.
10-24-2009, 12:11 AM
Maybe I'm thick as mud, but I still don't understand the strategy here. Look, it's not like Gibbs wasn't here just a little while ago.
My question, among others, are these:
1)Did Gibbs just realize the Skins need a GM or did he feel this way during his second stint? Surely Gibbs, above all people, understands the value of having a football guy run the team and pick talent.
2) So why did he come here knowing Danny wasn't going to get a GM and leave not impressing upon to get a GM?
So either Gibbs and Danny have had a change of heart or Gibbs thought the front office structure was fine the way he left it. If it's the latter, that informs me a little bit.
Yes, Gibbs is an asset. No doubt about it. But why a limited "operational role". It just seems like more tinkering to me and we need a fundamental shift in front office strategy. I guess I would rather see all in or all out. Enough with the PR, Danny only listens to Gibbs BS. To me that strategy is just as flawed as the one we've had. Because if Gibbs is the only guy that can get him see the light, so to speak, then all of Snyder's eggs are still in one basket. And that's dangerous. It's like putting all your chips on red in Vegas. Am I reading too much into Gibbs role, not enough?
Am I just angry and don't care anymore?
10-24-2009, 12:16 AM
While I love Gibbs and what he has done for this once great franchise and the fans at some point we cannot keep thinking that Joe can dig us out of the holes we create.
While I love Gibbs and what he has done for this once great franchise and the fans at some point we cannot keep thinking that Joe can dig us out of the holes we create.
Do you not think he can do it?
10-25-2009, 12:11 AM
Joe Gibbs or George Allen are the only ones who could pull us out of this mess. Too bad Georg isnt around but his son is???
Big C
10-25-2009, 12:27 AM
if joe gibbs comes back to the organization, tim tebow will be a redskin. both devout christians, one reason he brought brunell in many seemed to think. plus looks like we will need a qb.
10-25-2009, 12:37 AM
Last time we won a SB=Gibbs
Last time we went to the playoffs=Gibbs
If gibbs never retired the 2nd before zorn came in, I bet we would be a top nfl team.
Why are people not liking this idea?
Do you have a better one???