10-19-2009, 02:13 PM
We don't know what is in his contract, but certainly looks like it allows Vinny to have say over some matters. Zorn is going about this in the same way he has everything; he's a stand up guy, that alone seems like more than can be said of his bosses.
Yeah, I'm going to miss Zorn. Not Zorn the coach, but Zorn the good guy.
Pocket$ $traight
10-19-2009, 02:15 PM
Zorn is a soft bitch and Vinny is pure 100% garbage and needs to get fired TODAY. I'm sorry but who the hell brings in a guy mid season when he doesn't even know the damn offense and let him call plays two weeks later?? WTF is going on over in Ashburn????? Zorn looks like a puppet and the players have probably lost all respect for the guy for not standing up to Dan's bitch. Jack Kent Cooke is seriously rolling over in his grave.
I don't think Zorn is soft. He is an NFL quarterback. I would say he is tougher than 99% of the people out there.
He is an idiot as a head coach but not a soft bitch. He has outsmarted Minny Me!
over the mountain
10-19-2009, 02:15 PM
im guessin if zorn quits, he voids his contract and the DS doesnt have to pay him for the remaining year and half.
if zorn doesnt quit and takes the DS crap until the DS fires him he probably gets his full contract money for the remaining year and half.
can anyone confirm how much of zorns contract is guaranteed?
10-19-2009, 02:16 PM
He still gets paid if Snyder fires him.
The quicker he gets fired the quicker he gets the remainder of his contract paid in full.
I'd try to antagonize the front office in firing me before I'd roll over like a dog and take it in the keister like he has.
The only thing that I can think of is that his contract is worded so the front office can do anything they want and if Zorn infringes on their will then they don't have to pay him.
That's what I'm saying, if he walks away he wont get paid so he's hanging in there waiting to get fired & paid.
The thing about antagonizing is that it makes the one doing the antogonizing look bad and in the long run that isnt good. JZ's not rolling over like a dog, he's playing the game and trying to be the team player while making VC & DS look more like the idiots they are.
Pocket$ $traight
10-19-2009, 02:16 PM
Yeah, I'm going to miss Zorn. Not Zorn the coach, but Zorn the good guy.
I agree. I have never liked him as much as right now. He is a terrible head coach but he definitely is a smart guy.
Skinny Tee
10-19-2009, 02:23 PM
That's what I'm saying, if he walks away he wont get paid so he's hanging in there waiting to get fired & paid.
The thing about antagonizing is that it makes the one doing the antogonizing look bad and in the long run that isnt good. JZ's not rolling over like a dog, he's playing the game and trying to be the team player while making VC & DS look more like the idiots they are.
Getting the money is good and a no brainer but you do have to factor this in...your professional credibility.
If he proves to have no regard for his own authority as an NFL head coach that is going to affect his authority in future positions. The NFL is run by leaders, compromising in this fashion is pretty much telling everyone in the league that you are a push over when it comes to your command.
He better enjoy the money he receives here because I don't envision his head coaching or offensive coordinating career continuing in the long run.
10-19-2009, 02:24 PM
http://dcprosportsreport.com/2009/10/jim-zorn-presser-im-going-to-comply-with-that.html (http://dcprosportsreport.com/2009/10/jim-zorn-presser-im-going-to-comply-with-that.html)
here is our story
10-19-2009, 02:25 PM
As my mother used to say, God don't like ugly. This is just bad organizational management. But we all know that. I think I'm rooting for Zorn now. It's so funny how Tom Coughlin was in similiar shoes just a couple (three) years ago. My how winning cures all.
If Zorn knew how to play this, he could actually make this all a rallying point for him and the team, and further complicate for Snyder and Cerrato during the off season.
10-19-2009, 02:27 PM
You got it. He's forcing the Skins to fire him and have to pay off his contract. He wont get all his contract $ if he resigns. I dont blame him one bit for sticking it out to get his $.
Well, a quicker way to force Snyder to fire you is say, thank you for the suggestion, but this is my team and I will call the plays.
10-19-2009, 02:27 PM
I agree with Zorn's waiting for Snyder to pay him off to leave, but Vinny is the one that needs to leave.