Well, the team wasn't exactly in shambles when he bought the team. Remember they did make the playoffs in '99 and appeared to be building towards something... until the infamous spending spree of 2000, then the team was in shambles once Snyder put his paw prints all over it.
That Guy
10-13-2004, 12:10 AM
Too bad though Bowman is out! Man..he has been a solid player!
no no, bauman is in cinncy and most definately able to play...
oh, you meant bowen... yeah that sucks... he was solid, except in coverage, where he was worthless ;)
seriously though, its interesting to see how poorly he was used last year (coverage... coverage... more coverage) and how williams has been ale to make him look 20x better just by letting him play his strengths (run, blitz, ST)
10-13-2004, 12:06 PM
Well, the team wasn't exactly in shambles when he bought the team. Remember they did make the playoffs in '99 and appeared to be building towards something... until the infamous spending spree of 2000, then the team was in shambles once Snyder put his paw prints all over it.
Nail on the head... :smashfrea
10-13-2004, 12:39 PM
oh, you meant bowen... yeah that sucks... he was solid, except in coverage, where he was worthless ;)
Yes that is who I was referring to.
10-13-2004, 03:56 PM
Didn't Danny Boy fire a coach during a season? That would seem to be some kind of "commentary"...
Didn't his new head coach decide totally independently to start Jeff George in the next game? More "commentary"
Didn't Danny Boy come steaming out of locker room when one of his coaches "limited his comments" in the locker room after a game?
I think he is staying quiet because is marketing sense tells him that if he is perceived as "taking on" JOe Gibbs in a public forum, he (Danny Boy) will be bad guy in that confrontation. And I think he has had enough of being the local pinata...
So he'll probably sit in his owner's box and stew for a while in provate. But it has nothing to do with some kind of long-standing "policy" of his.
Not to argue, but Danny reportedly started this "not talking to the press during the season" policy in the 2001 season after he hired Schottenheimer. All of those examples are from the 2000 debacle....if anything, he does apear to learn from his mistakes.....unfortunately, we have had to live through them.
Did anyone see the interview on Inside the NFL a few weeks ago with Snyder and Gibbs?? It was pretty good
10-13-2004, 05:47 PM
Was that program taped before the season began?
If not, it seems as if the "no talking to the press during the season policy" might have a few loopholes in it.
10-13-2004, 05:52 PM
The interview was not done before the season started because Costas asked about the seven turnovers in the Giants game.
If I remember right the interview was only supposed to be with Gibbs. But Gibbs said he wouldn't do the interview unless Snyder was there as well, so HBO and Snyder agreed to that. Whatever Gibbs wants...
Yeah Gibbs pulled him into it.