10-15-2009, 12:01 PM
All decent points except for the "Clinton is not a womanizer." part. That's been well-documented. :D
Maybe, maybe not. My intent was not paint it as a liberal or republican tactic. It isn't. It is a tactic of politics in general. Say something loudly enough times and it becomes the accepted truth. No matter how ridiculous it is. On simply how untrue it is.
10-15-2009, 12:06 PM
Rush is the ugliest donkey in all the land.
Did you say you where the ugliest bitch in all the land?
10-15-2009, 12:41 PM
It's NFL news, we do discuss that here you know.
Look, I honestly don't care and I have little interest in whether Rush owns a team or not. Just thought it was news worthy and worth discussing. Some here want to drag this into a left/right battle but it's really not where I'm coming from and I don't care to get dragged into a political discussion.
You know as soon as you breathe in the direction of politics people here both liberal and republican just take shit and carry it away. Obviously as the left wing vs. right wing thing is starting to rear its ugly head. It went from sports to a political jousting match due to nobody being able to look at anything objectively without interjecting personal opinions.
Only gonna get worse from here, Matty.
10-15-2009, 01:10 PM
Well you have to draw the line somewhere. The McNabb comment is nothing. When you slam an American Hero and say the guy that killed him needs a medal of honor you need help.
Do your homework please...that quote was fabricated.I have no problem with Rush trying to buy a team - that's his right.
I have no problem with the NFL refusing to sell it to him - that's their right.
I do have a problem with elected leaders of this country targeting individual citizens on the House floor for expressing "divisive" opinions.
My question is simply this: Would Keith Olbermann attempting to buy the Rams have elicited the same response from Sheila Jackson Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al?
10-15-2009, 01:12 PM
Typical liberal.
And people try to say Rush is the person who is hateful?
You know as soon as you breathe in the direction of politics people here both liberal and republican just take shit and carry it away. Obviously as the left wing vs. right wing thing is starting to rear its ugly head. It went from sports to a political jousting match due to nobody being able to look at anything objectively without interjecting personal opinions.
Only gonna get worse from here, Matty.
Yeah I probably should have known better. My bad.