dmvskinzfan08 10-07-2009, 07:50 PM what blog?
redskins blog. nevermind. it isn't important. if you all need anything graphic or web help on here or anywhere else message me.
CrazyCanuck 10-07-2009, 09:37 PM Sorry guys but am I the only who finds this whole thing hysterical??? Poor Zorny...
Sherman Lewis goes from bingo caller to Redskins - NFL - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=txredskinszornshelp&prov=st&type=lgns)
"“I had to go to the senior center and cancel my bingo calling,” said the 67-year-old Lewis, who last worked in the NFL with the Detroit Lions during the 2004 season. “And I had to cancel my Meals on Wheels today.”"
I read that paragraph and I've been laughing for an hour. Let the jokes begin...
CrazyCanuck 10-07-2009, 09:39 PM ... I'll start:
"Ok Jason, here are your new audibles: B-15, I-31, N-45, G-57, O-75"
redskins blog. nevermind. it isn't important. if you all need anything graphic or web help on here or anywhere else message me.
oh Matt Terl you mean, no I'm definitely not him
Beemnseven 10-07-2009, 10:41 PM That's a good point and maybe we should give some credit to Vinny for trying to help the situation rather than assuming it means Zorn is hanging by an even thinner thread. Or that Lewis is here as a mole for Holmgren, which I think is a ridiculous assumption.
I don't know if I'd call him a "mole" per se, but I could see him looking at game films, evaluating players, and seeing how they fit with what Holmgren is looking for.
To me, it doesn't speak well if the front office isn't confident enough in Zorn to fix the offense if they have to bring in somebody from the outside to help.
skinsnut 10-07-2009, 11:05 PM I don't see any possible negative to this move.
1. Sherm has a ton more experience...and we have a very inexperienced Head coach
2. It lights a fire under Zorn's butt
3 It sends the players a message that they are also on borrowed time
I love this move...it is a no loss situation for the Skins...of course it may be lose-lose for Zorn personally
franklinhimself 10-08-2009, 12:29 AM I have no idea why they didn't get this guy at the beginning of the Zorn administration.
It's been mentioned before that Zorn has probably about 3 jobs. One needs at least 14 hours a day- HC, only his second year. OC/ play caller- 8 hours a day, and QB coach.
Each job is enough for one person to handle, let alone one guy for all 3.
With last year's collapse and this year's slow start- I think Cerrato figured shit, this guy has great coaching qualities but he just can't get his head above the water. He needs a bouy or everyone will get sucked down with him.
The guy is 67 and out of football for almost 5 years. He's not coaching the offense starting week 8 after a "potential" Zorn firing. That ain't gonna happen. Let's talk after the Philly game, eh?
Ruhskins 10-08-2009, 01:11 AM That's a good point and maybe we should give some credit to Vinny for trying to help the situation rather than assuming it means Zorn is hanging by an even thinner thread. Or that Lewis is here as a mole for Holmgren, which I think is a ridiculous assumption.
This is hilarious. I feel like we're in the offseason with all these ridiculous assumptions.
GMScud 10-08-2009, 03:16 AM Sorry guys but am I the only who finds this whole thing hysterical??? Poor Zorny...
Sherman Lewis goes from bingo caller to Redskins - NFL - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=txredskinszornshelp&prov=st&type=lgns)
"“I had to go to the senior center and cancel my bingo calling,” said the 67-year-old Lewis, who last worked in the NFL with the Detroit Lions during the 2004 season. “And I had to cancel my Meals on Wheels today.”"
I read that paragraph and I've been laughing for an hour. Let the jokes begin...
LOL. Seriously. It's a shit show for sure. Fazio, Arnsparger, Al Saunders, now enter Sherm Lewis. Come on. A "fresh set of eyes" ??? Sure. That was clearly the commanded "spin" from the powers that be in Ashburn given how many times I've read/heard that phrase in the last day and a half. Whatever. Undermine Zorn, try something you've done three times already with ZERO results. Whatever you say Snyderatto. Not saying Zorn has done anything to prevent this from happening, but it's obviously more of the same with this kind of (mid-season) hire.
Casserly is dead on. Kiss of Death.
GMScud 10-08-2009, 03:24 AM That's a good point and maybe we should give some credit to Vinny for trying to help the situation rather than assuming it means Zorn is hanging by an even thinner thread. Or that Lewis is here as a mole for Holmgren, which I think is a ridiculous assumption.
I suppose Vinny deserves some credit for trying to compensate for his iffy coaching hire, but how can we not assume it's a bad thing for Zorn? I agree with your assertions about the Holmgren mole thing, but it's pretty obvious how thin Zorn's thread is now. Adding a 67 year old guy who hasn't sniffed an NFL sideline for 4+ years to help improve Zorn's supposed strengths is not a positive for his job security.