Zorn nowhere near considering a QB change

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10-07-2009, 01:52 AM
Every once in a while..... :cool-smil They are good and I think JC is good I was just saying that imo Campbell doesnt show the spark that some QBs that have been starting less show. I was just saying that most people want to keep blaming it on him having to learn so many different offenses. He's a professinal QB and I can only use that excuse there are too many QBs playing well it sucks that he had to keep changing offenses but he should still be able to throw downfield and make some of the passes i don't see him making. A QB like Flacco seems to have a better understanding of how to run an NFL team even on his first year when he didn't know any offense but what he ran in college which won't be the same as an NFL offense. My point is there's QBs who have even more to learn and still succeed I can only blame so much of his lack of production on him learning new offenses but it shouldn't be used as the only reason to why he struggles to be an elite QB. I know ppl will keep blaming it on that and maybe they're right I'm just putting in my opinion I'm just a fan I don't know everything like some ppl here :cool-smil

OMG. Some people never get it. I am not coming down on you man. But Joe Flacco didn't have to put the team on his shoulders. . He has a running game and a awesome defense that spits out offenses. HE was brought into a situation where he was set up to suceed. The same goes for Ryan. The same goes for Sanchez. JC never had that. If anyone think learning a different play book every 2 and half years is good for a QB they are out of the freaking minds. This is not an excuse for campbell. But if he was in the same system for more than 2 years beginning as a rookie. Maybe he would be a lot further along. No one is saying he is an elite QB. But he is not bad as people make him out to be and probably would be further along at this point. If you want to hate hate. Read the sig. But please use common sense. No one is saying he is elite. You can't compare him to Favre and Manning or any of those guys. Because there aren't many guys like that period. If you blame anyone blame the FO for not having consistency in the coaching ranks and not allowing this guy to develop naturally. Get a effin clue.

10-07-2009, 01:55 AM
Didnt know Zorn had a DEFENSE... please put down the bottle.

I meant offense. Your lack of common sense is rubbing off on me. I guess that's the only thing you can pick out of what I said. Its corrected but your idiotic statement remains. You said we have better weapons than Denver. LMFAO.

10-07-2009, 01:56 AM
Did i say our wrs are better than Denver? no i said we have better wrs than some of the teams scoring more than us. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL

10-07-2009, 02:04 AM
Never fails. Orton,Cutler and how many other new QB's have changed not only offenses but TEAMS and are still doing well? Im sorry but This excuse is OLD.
JC isnt getting killed in the pocket and our wr's are better than some of these teams that are scoring more than us. Either its Zorn or its JC, id have to say both. IMO Zorn is in over his head and JC is still JC.

Writing is also fundamental. If you use Orton and Cutler as the QBs for your example that means you are including them in this discussion. :doh:

10-07-2009, 02:16 AM
Writing is also fundamental. If you use Orton and Cutler as the QBs for your example that means you are including them in this discussion. :doh:

NO i said QB's like those 2 have changed teams and offenses, THEN which means different scenerio i said teams with wrs worse than ours are scoring more. So dont try to backpedal now that you misread and put your foot in your mouth.

10-07-2009, 02:18 AM
OMG. Some people never get it. I am not coming down on you man. But Joe Flacco didn't have to put the team on his shoulders. . He has a running game and a awesome defense that spits out offenses. HE was brought into a situation where he was set up to suceed. The same goes for Ryan. The same goes for Sanchez. JC never had that. If anyone think learning a different play book every 2 and half years is good for a QB they are out of the freaking minds. This is not an excuse for campbell. But if he was in the same system for more than 2 years beginning as a rookie. Maybe he would be a lot further along. No one is saying he is an elite QB. But he is not bad as people make him out to be and probably would be further along at this point. If you want to hate hate. Read the sig. But please use common sense. No one is saying he is elite. You can't compare him to Favre and Manning or any of those guys. Because there aren't many guys like that period. If you blame anyone blame the FO for not having consistency in the coaching ranks and not allowing this guy to develop naturally. Get a effin clue.

It's cool I don't mind :food-smil but you make good points and I understand completely what your saying I wasnt trying to make it seem like people are saying he's elite what I'm saying is watching him play I just don't see the potential or spark that those elite guys have or even the potential that some of these younger QBs have and I don't mean how the team plays overall I know that Flacco has a top notch defense and a good running game (CP aint to bad himself) I mean just how he plays on offense and how he leads the offense and I don't beleive Flacco's reveivers are much better than ours but he makes some nice plays and scores points. I don't think JC is bad and I never said that him changing play books is good for him or comparing him to Favre and those guys what I said is I don't see the potential in him to get there I don't see it and that's just an opinion Its great that some people see it like all these people with "common sense". I'm not trying to make it seem like what I'm saying is right and your wrong I'm just putting in my opinion. He is a professional athlete and knows how to play QB plain and simple that the plays change well that sucks that it's happened so often and obviously it's going to affect him be he should still be able to deliver the ball better than he has been (this year he's been a little better imo) but I don't think of him as a rookie that doesn't know what he's doing sometimes he knows how to deliver the ball because he's been playing as an NFL QB for a few years and I wish he could get the passing game going a little bit better like even some of these rookies did that also had a lot to learn in their first yr as a pro. If it is the whole learning new offense thing than I'm wrong and we're screwed because as soon as Zorn gets canned the next coach is going to come in and bring another offense and we're going to be here talking about how him learning new offense is affecting him for more years to come. I just wish we could get the pass game going and start scoring some TD's but once again no need to tell me to get an effin clue it's just an opinion relax you don't have to agree I read what you thought about it and saw you had good points I don't need to call you anything or give you any crap just cause you have an opionion thats different. If we all had the same opinion here there would be no use for this forum to discuss but your opinion is the one that matters so I'll get an "effin clue" when I don't agree with you :)

10-07-2009, 02:28 AM
Writing is also fundamental. If you use Orton and Cutler as the QBs for your example that means you are including them in this discussion. :doh:

You might need someone to help you read these posts because I supposedly said many things that weren't there. There's no need to assume or try to read more into what someone is trying to say, just read what they said and respond to that not what you think they are trying to say. You should try to be one of those sports journalists they like to twist and take things out of context all the time...

10-07-2009, 02:35 AM
You might need someone to help you read these posts because I supposedly said many things that weren't there. There's no need to assume or try to read more into what someone is trying to say, just read what they said and respond to that not what you think they are trying to say. You should try to be one of those sports journalists they like to twist and take things out of context all the time...

uh oh I hope he isn't going to say that Santana Moss sucks by what I just said.. oh dang now he's going to say I hate Cooley too....

10-07-2009, 08:22 AM

Last i checked Moss and Cooley were pretty good.

Yeah your right Moss and Cooley are pretty good. But we did draft 3 WR and a TE in the last 2 drafts and they have not contributed a nickel to our offense thus far.

10-07-2009, 08:32 AM
I'm sorry I don't buy that him learning different offenses affects him as much as most people here do. I'm not saying it won't make it hard for him because it's obviosly not the situation you want a young QB to be in but just making a pass sometimes is just that throwing the ball and I just don't see that unique spark you see from QB's like Brady or Favre. I understand that many of you see it but I just don't, I'm not saying your wrong It's just my opinion that he could still be a successful QB I don't want to keep giving excuses for why hasn't been even close to reaching his potential. I'm not willing to make that same excuse for the next 4 years...

I'm not making excuses for JC I'm just stating that JC has not been in 1 system for more than 2 years since he has been here. You are comparing JC to Brady and Farve well not many QB's can live up to their careers. JC is still learning the game and he is getting better as he gets comfortable in the WC system. Remember JC was drafte by Gibbs to run his offense not the WC offense. Skins89moss
Yeah it would be neat to see JC throw off his back foot and off balance or throwing into triple coverage :silly:... No but it's a good point but I'm sorry I just don't see him becoming one of those elite QB's and I do agree that not having the weapons doesn't help

We need our young WR group to get on board now to help us get out of this funk on offense.

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