10-06-2009, 11:31 PM
Remember Rogers has been in the same offense even when he did not play due to Brett Farve starting. JC had how many OC and offenses to learn?
..and who did he have to learn from? He definitely didn't have
10-06-2009, 11:35 PM
Doesn't matter. JC isn't the main problem, he doesn't have a line or receivers to throw to.
10-07-2009, 12:30 AM
Remember Rogers has been in the same offense even when he did not play due to Brett Farve starting. JC had how many OC and offenses to learn?
Never fails. Orton,Cutler and how many other new QB's have changed not only offenses but TEAMS and are still doing well? Im sorry but This excuse is OLD.
JC isnt getting killed in the pocket and our wr's are better than some of these teams that are scoring more than us. Either its Zorn or its JC, id have to say both. IMO Zorn is in over his head and JC is still JC.
10-07-2009, 12:39 AM
Remember Rogers has been in the same offense even when he did not play due to Brett Farve starting. JC had how many OC and offenses to learn?
I'm sorry I don't buy that him learning different offenses affects him as much as most people here do. I'm not saying it won't make it hard for him because it's obviosly not the situation you want a young QB to be in but just making a pass sometimes is just that throwing the ball and I just don't see that unique spark you see from QB's like Brady or Favre. I understand that many of you see it but I just don't, I'm not saying your wrong It's just my opinion that he could still be a successful QB I don't want to keep giving excuses for why hasn't been even close to reaching his potential. I'm not willing to make that same excuse for the next 4 years...
..and who did he have to learn from? He definitely didn't have
Yeah it would be neat to see JC throw off his back foot and off balance or throwing into triple coverage :silly:... No but it's a good point but I'm sorry I just don't see him becoming one of those elite QB's and I do agree that not having the weapons doesn't help
10-07-2009, 01:06 AM
I'm sorry I don't buy that him learning different offenses affects him as much as most people here do. I'm not saying it won't make it hard for him because it's obviosly not the situation you want a young QB to be in but just making a pass sometimes is just that throwing the ball and I just don't see that unique spark you see from QB's like Brady or Favre. I understand that many of you see it but I just don't, I'm not saying your wrong It's just my opinion that he could still be a successful QB I don't want to keep giving excuses for why hasn't been even close to reaching his potential. I'm not willing to make that same excuse for the next 4 years...
Yeah it would be neat to see JC throw off his back foot and off balance or throwing into triple coverage :silly:... No but it's a good point but I'm sorry I just don't see him becoming one of those elite QB's and I do agree that not having the weapons doesn't help
Last i checked Moss and Cooley were pretty good.
10-07-2009, 01:36 AM
Last i checked Moss and Cooley were pretty good.
Every once in a while..... :cool-smil They are good and I think JC is good I was just saying that imo Campbell doesnt show the spark that some QBs that have been starting less show. I was just saying that most people want to keep blaming it on him having to learn so many different offenses. He's a professinal QB and I can only use that excuse there are too many QBs playing well it sucks that he had to keep changing offenses but he should still be able to throw downfield and make some of the passes i don't see him making. A QB like Flacco seems to have a better understanding of how to run an NFL team even on his first year when he didn't know any offense but what he ran in college which won't be the same as an NFL offense. My point is there's QBs who have even more to learn and still succeed I can only blame so much of his lack of production on him learning new offenses but it shouldn't be used as the only reason to why he struggles to be an elite QB. I know ppl will keep blaming it on that and maybe they're right I'm just putting in my opinion I'm just a fan I don't know everything like some ppl here :cool-smil
10-07-2009, 01:39 AM
..and who did he have to learn from? He definitely didn't have
Farve and Rodgers is a poor mans Montana and Young. Ironically those two also seemed to have a limited relationship to this day.
10-07-2009, 01:42 AM
Never fails. Orton,Cutler and how many other new QB's have changed not only offenses but TEAMS and are still doing well? Im sorry but This excuse is OLD.
JC isnt getting killed in the pocket and our wr's are better than some of these teams that are scoring more than us. Either its Zorn or its JC, id have to say both. IMO Zorn is in over his head and JC is still JC.
If I am not mistaken. Orton had been in one system. As well as Orton. Our WRs are better than Marshall (Do you know who he is?) Royal & Stokley. Are you really serious? Both of these players have been in the same system for a while until this year. He isn't getting killed but he is not getting the best protection either. The line is at best so-so. How is our running game doing? Guess the line is doing good run blocking also. Oh I forgot CP is so old he can't play anymore. Then you say Zorn is the problem. But that doesn't affect QB play. Wasn't he brought in to help JC. How many offenses has JC been in? Please tell me. This is only his second year in Zorns offense. Were we running WCO before? Please come again. Have you been drinking tonight?
10-07-2009, 01:42 AM
Last i checked Moss and Cooley were pretty good.
and very consistent...... Ya you double Moss and there's not much threat left but I guess you only need one good receiver it... Warner has more and still struggles but I'm glad you beleive we have a good serious deep ball threat with more than one guy because I don't and I'd love to be wrong about that
10-07-2009, 01:48 AM
If I am not mistaken. Orton had been in one system. As well as Orton. Our WRs are better than Marshall (Do you know who he is?) Royal & Stokley. Are you really serious? Both of these players have been in the same system for a while until this year. He isn't getting killed but he is not getting the best protection either. The line is at best so-so. How is our running game doing? Guess the line is doing good run blocking also. Oh I forgot CP is so old he can't play anymore. Then you say Zorn is the problem. But that doesn't affect QB play. Wasn't he brought in to help JC. How many offenses has JC been in? Please tell me. This is only his second year in Zorns defense. Were we running WCO before? Please come again. Have you been drinking tonight?
Didnt know Zorn had a DEFENSE... please put down the bottle.