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MrSpectre 10-01-2009, 11:35 PM And you have the gall to call yourself "MonkFan4Life!" Art Monk exemplified what the Redskins stood for, perhaps more than any other player. To compare him, his era, his teammates, with the collection assembled at Redskin Park today is a travesty of being a fan. And please tell me, what great thing happened in 2005?
Thirty-eight years ought to be enough credentials to claim to be a long-time fan. Snyder and his "team" disrespect the fans. All they care about is taking our money, and they laugh at our loyalty. You're a silly fool to be taken in by this.
Pittsburgh is a long way away, and I may not have much fun with the towels. But at least the Rooneys care about their fans and treat their players and coaches with respect.
SmootSmack 10-01-2009, 11:38 PM And you have the gall to call yourself "MonkFan4Life!" Art Monk exemplified what the Redskins stood for, perhaps more than any other player. To compare him, his era, his teammates, with the collection assembled at Redskin Park today is a travesty of being a fan. And please tell me, what great thing happened in 2005?
Thirty-eight years ought to be enough credentials to claim to be a long-time fan. Snyder and his "team" disrespect the fans. All they care about is taking our money, and they laugh at our loyalty. You're a silly fool to be taken in by this.
Pittsburgh is a long way away, and I may not have much fun with the towels. But at least the Rooneys care about their fans and treat their players and coaches with respect.
You should check out steelernation.com. Good people over there. I've posted there in the past
44Deezel 10-01-2009, 11:38 PM Worst Head Coaching Hires since 1984. Skins have 2 on the list: Spurrier and ZORN
National Football League Football Sports Professional Football American Football Conference - SI Vault (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/gallery/featured/GAL1160805/1/12/index.htm)
Slingin Sammy 33 10-01-2009, 11:46 PM Worst Head Coaching Hires since 1984. Skins have 2 on the list: Spurrier and ZORN
National Football League Football Sports Professional Football American Football Conference - SI Vault (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/gallery/featured/GAL1160805/1/12/index.htm)Under Zorn it says...maybe
SmootSmack 10-01-2009, 11:54 PM Worst Head Coaching Hires since 1984. Skins have 2 on the list: Spurrier and ZORN
National Football League Football Sports Professional Football American Football Conference - SI Vault (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/gallery/featured/GAL1160805/1/12/index.htm)
Notice what the caption says about Spurrier
No way. Not even close. Spurrier turned out to be a horrible NFL coach, but the hire itself was exciting and had every chance to work. NFL teams were falling over each other to hire Spurrier as a head coach. This isn't even in the same ballpark as the Mangini hire.
Slingin Sammy 33 10-02-2009, 12:08 AM Many of us remember Jack Kent Cooke, who may not have been one of nature's noblemen as a human being, but who, in retrospect, was a superb owner. He hired professionals and gave them time to get the job done. He demanded long-term competence but never interfered short-term.
I had been a Redskins fan since 1971, but, as of last Sunday night, I've checked out until Snyder sells the team. As a protest, I'll be rooting for the Steelers until that happens. Why the Steelers? Simple. They exemplify the kind of ownership and management needed in Washington.I've been a fan since 1972. We've been through: 93-95 and you stayed a fan, that wasn't Snyder's fault. We survived the "bodybag game" and you didn't check out. My parents were fans during the 50s & 60s and they remained fans until they passed.
You can dislike Snyder, but he's doing what every other owner in the NFL needs to do, generate revenue. The Steelers have a brand new stadium and they've seen ticket, parking and concession hikes too. We're 9th in the league in ticket pricing with no raise this year.
Redskins don’t raise ticket prices - Washington Business Journal: (http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2009/09/07/daily51.html)
BTW we made the playoffs 3 of the 10 years Snyder's owned the Skins. JKC also didn't have a salary cap to deal with.
A shame you're checking out, but enjoy the Steelers. Also, don't try to hop back on the Skins bandwagon when they turn things around. I'll bet Snyder ain't selling the team until he dies and he'll probably pass it to his kids.
SBXVII 10-02-2009, 12:15 AM SlinginSammy,
You said;
Cerrato was with the San Francisco 49ers for nine seasons. He joined San Francisco in 1991 as the Director of College Scouting, helping to draft players including Ted Washington, Ricky Watters, Dana Stubblefield and Bryant Young. In 1994, he was part of the Super Bowl XXIX Championship team. In 1995, Cerrato was promoted to Director of Player Personnel, overseeing all college scouting and draft activities as well as pro scouting of NFL players and opponents.
Cerrato has only been formally in charge since the 2008 off-season. Hardly enough time to be judged a "failure".
This is what I find funny, people think that since Cerrato came from the 49ers and they won a SB under his reign we must be great, including Snyder. People sometimes don't stop to actually digest the material or facts but who cares cause it sounds so good that we pulled him from the SB 49ers right?
Why would any team fire....."FIRE" their GM if he got them to the SB and did such great things for the team? They wouldn't. Cerrato inherrited a team that was put together by another GM. The year he became GM the team went to the SB (with the players the previous GM put together). Then although Cerrato supposedly drafted good players, the team started becoming mediocre and the team fired him(Cerrato). In other words under Cerrato's helm the team started it's downward spiral, the owner recognized this and fired his lame arse.
I can't speak for his college days but I would imagine most colleges have scoutes who go out to the high schools and evaluate the talent. Then they would report to him. I presume he had to finalize the college scholarships. I'm not trying to take anything away from what he might have done at the college level cause he might be a guru there like Spurrier but certainly he's not a guru at the NFL level. He has yet to prove he's GM material cause the teams he has been apart of started crapping out after he arrived to them.
Slingin Sammy 33 10-02-2009, 12:45 AM This is what I find funny, people think that since Cerrato came from the 49ers and they won a SB under his reign we must be great, including Snyder. People sometimes don't stop to actually digest the material or facts but who cares cause it sounds so good that we pulled him from the SB 49ers right?
Why would any team fire....."FIRE" their GM if he got them to the SB and did such great things for the team? They wouldn't. Cerrato inherrited a team that was put together by another GM. The year he became GM the team went to the SB (with the players the previous GM put together). Then although Cerrato supposedly drafted good players, the team started becoming mediocre and the team fired him(Cerrato). In other words under Cerrato's helm the team started it's downward spiral, the owner recognized this and fired his lame arse.
I can't speak for his college days but I would imagine most colleges have scoutes who go out to the high schools and evaluate the talent. Then they would report to him. I presume he had to finalize the college scholarships. I'm not trying to take anything away from what he might have done at the college level cause he might be a guru there like Spurrier but certainly he's not a guru at the NFL level. He has yet to prove he's GM material cause the teams he has been apart of started crapping out after he arrived to them.This is what I find funny, people make assumptions about what other people think, and then they don't stop to check their facts or to actually digest the material. But who cares cause it sounds so good to call Vinny a dumbass and blame everything on him right?
Pretty good article on Vinny.
Meet the New Boss - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/03/AR2008090303970_5.html?sid=ST2008090304291)
As I linked above, he arrived in SF in 1991, SF won the SB in 1994, three years later with Ted Washington, Ricky Watters, Merton Hanks, Dana Stubblefield, Bryant Young, William Floyd, Lee Woodall and Doug Brien, all Cerrato draftees, and all making significant contributions to the team.
Your "facts" above about Vinny's performance are completely off-base and flat-out wrong. Cerrato wasn't fired because he was doing a poor job. It was because of Bill Walsh's pending return. After the SB year through 1998, the 49ers never went worse than 11-5, hardly "mediocre" or in a "downward spiral".
CNN/SI - NFL Football - Report: 49ers fire personnel director Cerrato - Tuesday January 12, 1999 11:20 AM (http://quicktime.cnnsi.com/football/nfl/news/1999/01/12/49ers_cerrato/)
The Goat 10-02-2009, 12:58 AM Once again why anyone takes the time to defend the Skins' FO or the its decision-makers is absolutely, positively beyond me. It's akin to Will Ferrell shouting "I drive a Dodge Stratus" on SNL...except there's exactly zero humor wrt the franchise.
tryfuhl 10-02-2009, 02:09 AM Now what i don't understand is how can people ask for Danny to get out of the spotlight but then complain when he does exactly that ? The whole shaking of the hands thing is kinda blow but I mean if you want the guy to stay in the shadows why ask for him to come out.
If you're going to run the team, make yourself accessible
It's fine to stay in the shadows if you're just signing checks