10-20-2009, 06:37 PM
Riggo, JLC, or B-Mitch? I know that I'm getting warm.
It was actually JoeCrisp under a new username
(it really wasn't, but let's just go with that)
10-20-2009, 06:48 PM
No. Don't worry about it.
Kidwell? Seriously? Like Kidwell has anything of value to offer us
Trample the Elderly
10-20-2009, 06:49 PM
No. Don't worry about it.
Kidwell? Seriously? Like Kidwell has anything of value to offer us
Secrets don't make friends.
10-20-2009, 07:57 PM
LOL. Not quite
Zack Mills :Smoker:?
10-20-2009, 08:27 PM
Zack Mills :Smoker:?
70 percent of the people on the site have no idea who we are talking about lol
10-20-2009, 09:44 PM
You're just asking for a banning aren't you?!
Seriously though...doesn't help to have a seemingly overt agenda to post here for the sole purposes of going after one person for no justifiable reason (and to avoid warnings to discontinue that agenda)
By asking a question? :confused:
10-21-2009, 12:01 AM
May be true, may not have mattered
Not every QB is going to develop no matter who the coach is.
Gibbs ruined nobody. You either have it or you don't. If GIbbs did ruin anyone it was Ramsey. Gave the guy only a half til he lost his job and his career. In fairness to Gibbs though, he probably already knew Ramsey was already ruined by Spurrier, gave him the start and pulled the plug when Ramsey gave him an excuse to. Would have been nice to see what Ramsey would have done in Gibbs offense though. Brunell was terrible. Shoot I would have asked for Gus back over Brunell.
10-21-2009, 12:20 AM
When I saw your Avatar title - JC equals David Garrad you lost all credibility.
To add to you trying to call me out. I watch the games and watch them closely. When JC plays bad I say he plays bad. But I am not going to sit and hate all the time and not give him credit when he has a decent game. We are level headed and know that it is a combination of things. The o-line, the running game, lack of a second WR, play calling -- all of that. We dont claim JC is Peyton Manning or the "untouchable" Brady. What we claim is people love to hate but rarely congratulate. You are a perfect example of this. So if you think JC is the only reason we are struggling you obviously are not watching the games close enough. As far as the sentence I highlighted that may be true. But in the end we won the game despite those defficiencies -- he battled back and helped us win the game. You are not a hater because you have a opinion. You are a hater because all you do is hate!!
To be honest, I am sick of hearing the term hater. Hate is a pretty strong emotion, too strong for someone to feel towards a NFL QB. Hate is a very strong dislike of someone on a personal level, The purest form of hate is murder. I highly doubt anyone in this forum wants to see any harm to JC or even mildly dislike the guy. The question at hand, or rather the debate is whether or not JC's deficiencies are entirely or mostly on his supporting cast. Some seem to think so, some don't. For those who don't, to call them a hater is ridiculous. I think JC has been screwed around so much that he is ruined in terms of being an effective starting QB, just like Spurrier killed off Ramsey's career by throwing him to the wolves in a half assed offensive scheme. JC lacks the intangible fundamentals of a true successful starting NFL QB that our fellow Warpath compadre has rather effectively interated. With the various OC changes and new schemes the kid could never get totally comfortable to boot. JC shows almost the exact same thing folks complained about Ramsey in holding the ball to long, etc. We all know what Gibbs did to Ramsey now don't we? Bottom line is calling someone a hater because he doesn't agree with you about a certain topic or a certain athlete is going overboard.