09-30-2009, 12:55 PM
If we had signed Drew Brees we wouldn't have been in this mess. All we would be talking about now is weather Brees would throw 5 or 10 touchdowns on Sunday. Then again the whole league is thinking the same thing.
This was the quote that I was responding to and also some of the statements by the Ravens
09-30-2009, 12:59 PM
I'm sure the insanity of your post has already been picked apart, but the stats you mention don't really mean much of anything. You're talking fantasy football stats, not real stats. The if you've watched the games, the vast majority of JC's production has come when we are behind late in the game and opposing defenses are playing prevent.
Of the quarteracks you mention with lower QB ratings than Campbell, not a single sane person would take Campbell over any of them. Nothing Campbell has shown me this year changes my opinion of him - he's the best QB on our roster, but he holds on to the ball too long, makes poor decions, can't get it done when it counts, and doesn't have the "it" factor you need in a franchise QB.
I garauntee by the end of the season, you and everyone who has made excuses for Campbell over the past several years will be regretting that we werent able to land Cutler or Sanchez in the offseason. I said it before and I'll restate it now - both of those guys are better than any QBs that will be available in the draft in 2010. I love Orakpo, but he's never going to single-handedly lead this team to the playoffs, which is something Cutler and Sanchez will be doing for their respective teams for years to come.
If Sanchez was on our team at this point we wouldn't be better this year. Maybe in the future. But the defense there has improved signifigantly. Cutler had a high powered offense in Denver. But did they make the playoffs. Its not just on the QB. There are other factors. Not saying Jason isn't a factor in all this. But he is just one of many factors.
09-30-2009, 01:46 PM
If you're not satisfied with these stats, just use Football Outsiders' stats.
09-30-2009, 01:57 PM
I never said that he was responsible for being 8-8 last year. Freaking read my posts. Dammit
Whatever dude, I quoted your words. I have no interest in putting words in your mouth.
FOOTBALL OUTSIDERS: Innovative Statistics, Intelligent Analysis | QUARTERBACKS 2009 (
09-30-2009, 02:04 PM
I love Orakpo, but he's never going to single-handedly lead this team to the playoffs, which is something Cutler and Sanchez will be doing for their respective teams for years to come.
Cutler and Sanchez will be single-handedly leading their teams to the playoffs for years to come? I hate to be the one to break this to you, but both of those teams have outstanding defenses.
I'm not saying Sanchez and Cutler aren't playing well or anything, but if you're really suggesting that they are the sole reason for both of those teams to make the playoffs and that they'll be consistently doing so for "years to come", all I can say is "puff-puff-give!"...
09-30-2009, 02:17 PM
Whatever dude, I quoted your words. I have no interest in putting words in your mouth.
DON'T Whatever me. If it was unclear what I said - I cleared up in my response. I never said that he was responsible for 2 losses last year. I was bringing up last year's record to show how different 2 games would make to a team's record. 10-6 to 8-8.
Don't fucking call me a liar.
09-30-2009, 02:23 PM
DON'T Whatever me. If it was unclear what I said - I cleared up in my response. I never said that he was responsible for 2 losses last year. I was bringing up last year's record to show how different 2 games would make to a team's record. 10-6 to 8-8.
Don't fucking call me a liar.
Uh, yeah, okay. For someone who seems hell-bent on insisting that I didn't read your posts, aren't you going a little overboard with the outraged schtick?
Your original post was unclear, you've made it clear what you meant. I never called you a liar, simply said I was responding to the words you wrote. No need to get your knickers in a twist over it.
I think maybe you ought to take your own advice and read someone else's post and debate the words that were written, not the implications or uncommunicated intent (real or imagined).
09-30-2009, 02:25 PM
DON'T Whatever me. If it was unclear what I said - I cleared up in my response. I never said that he was responsible for 2 losses last year. I was bringing up last year's record to show how different 2 games would make to a team's record. 10-6 to 8-8.
Don't fucking call me a liar.
Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar......ROFL! Easy big fella!
09-30-2009, 02:26 PM
If Sanchez was on our team at this point we wouldn't be better this year. Maybe in the future. But the defense there has improved signifigantly. Cutler had a high powered offense in Denver. But did they make the playoffs. Its not just on the QB. There are other factors. Not saying Jason isn't a factor in all this. But he is just one of many factors.
I have a man-crush on Rex Ryan.
Me so Rexy.