09-25-2009, 10:44 AM
As much as it pains me to say it, IMO Troy Aikman and Moose are the best NFL announcers at the moment. Aikman has always given us favorable coverage so has D.J.
I don't know what telecast you watch but I actually mute it when Troy or Moose do the games...Horrible! They are slow to react to the action!
I sometimes wish we were in the AFC as the commentators are more in depth and emotional! Not an android!!!! I have the direct ticket and I see every Sundy better delivered games. Joe dumb F**K Buck can stick to baseball where you can talk about boring humdrum things during he breaks in action. Collinsworth is average...sometimes he gets on my nerves but I cane handle him in doses.
just my opinion!
09-25-2009, 10:49 AM
I don't know anything about Cris Collinsworth's predilections [and I don't want to know], but I think he's a good NFL analyst and a big improvement over Madden, who was, by far, the most overrated broadcaster in the history of overrated broadcasters.
09-25-2009, 12:28 PM
Kissing Suzy Kolber » Blog Archive » LOLNFL: Week 1 | kissingsuzykolber.com (http://kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com/2009/09/lolnfl-week-1.html)
09-25-2009, 12:28 PM
Personally I like Collinsworth. He does get annoying at times but he's well spoken and knows what he's talking about.
And I'm surprised to read all the negative comments about Madden. Maybe he tailed a bit in the later years but the guy is a legend. I'm almost 40 and I find it hard to believe anyone around my age wouldn't have tons of respect for Madden. I mean the guy had the best football video game named after him. Not a player or coach but an ANNOUNCER?? Just shows what an integral role Madden played in the football world.
And the best announcer on tv today?? Troy Aikman. Not even close.
09-25-2009, 12:36 PM
Personally I like Collinsworth. He does get annoying at times but he's well spoken and knows what he's talking about.
And I'm surprised to read all the negative comments about Madden. Maybe he tailed a bit in the later years but the guy is a legend. I'm almost 40 and I find it hard to believe anyone around my age wouldn't have tons of respect for Madden. I mean the guy had the best football video game named after him. Not a player or coach but an ANNOUNCER?? Just shows what an integral role Madden played in the football world.
And the best announcer on tv today?? Troy Aikman. Not even close.
I think that young bucks only experienced the going-down-hill-to-senility Madden. He was not the same in recent years.
But I agree with you. In the 80's and 90's, no one was better at color announcing than Madden.