Shawn Merriman Arrested

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Pocket$ $traight
09-07-2009, 01:57 AM
I'm a retired Deputy Sheriff in California so let me shade some light on this situation. The San Diego County Sheriff's responded to his residence reguarding a possible battery and kidnapping. She stated to the Deputies that he chocked her and stopped her from leaving his residence. The Deputies saw no signs of phyiscal injuire to her , but she insisted and se made a citizens arrest from what i heard from a Department sporks person. Anyone can make a citzen arrests which forces a police officer to make an arrest. This puts the liablity on her if he is innocent because she made a citizen or private persons arrests. As a retired Deputy you have to advise people that when they make a citizens arrests they can be sued for false arrest. This case will not even get filed by the DA'S OFFICE due to lack of evidence but because he is a High Profile suspect it will get more attention.
He may get suspended by the league if anything and i doubt that if the case doesnt get filed. Any woman or man can call the police and file a criminal complaint that he or she assualted them.

Wait a minute!! I thought his career was an uncontrollable downward spiral and he is the next Rae Caruth...

09-07-2009, 01:58 AM
Well I am a male and I know that if a woman calls the police and claims that the man did something, they are going to take him in most of the time whether there is physical evidence or not. Look what happened to Kobe.

There needs to be consequences for these nutjobs that use the system to their advantage.

I can agree with that. The justice system is all sorts of messed up unfortunately.

But if it is proven Merriman didn't do anything and they hauled him off, couldn't he sue the county police department or something? Isn't that some sort of infraction/law against arresting someone wrongfully? If so, I'd hope he do it..

09-07-2009, 02:00 AM
Wait a minute!! I thought his career was an uncontrollable downward spiral and he is the next Rae Caruth...

No that's what you're saying.

I never in any sort of way compared Carruth to Merriman. Logically, I compared to why they should both be allowed to play.

09-07-2009, 02:00 AM
I know that we jump to conclusions way before we know the facts

Pocket$ $traight
09-07-2009, 02:01 AM
I can agree with that. The justice system is all sorts of messed up unfortunately.

But if it is proven Merriman didn't do anything and they hauled him off, couldn't he sue the county police department or something? Isn't that some sort of infraction/law against arresting someone wrongfully? If so, I'd hope he do it..

Look at the gentleman's post above.

I was wondering why this was a citizen's arrest and he explained it perfectly. That really hurts her credibility in my opinion.

Pocket$ $traight
09-07-2009, 02:03 AM
No that's what you're saying.

I never in any sort of way compared Carruth to Merriman. Logically, I compared to why they should both be allowed to play.

Like I said, you are all over the place with this. The Sherriff's post was very informative. I think we can look forward to "Lights out" doing what he does best this year.

He is lucky that it didn't get any more serious with this wackjob.

09-07-2009, 02:05 AM
Look at the gentleman's post above.

I was wondering why this was a citizen's arrest and he explained it perfectly. That really hurts her credibility in my opinion.

Law Enforcement officers have a tuff job trying to figure out who is the suspect or victim sometimes in domestic violence cases.

09-07-2009, 07:28 AM
I understand your point, but there are two major differences.

1. In Ben's case, the complainant waited for a year to file a lawsuit
In Shawn's case, the complainant called the cops at the point of the incident.

2. No criminal charges were filed or pursued in Ben's case
Shawn was arrested by cops at the alleged scene.

does either of those rule out innocent until proven guilty, no, but they do leave different first impressions.

Exactly. That's why I said his ass is grass. I think he'll get served a suspension on top of this.

09-07-2009, 07:48 AM
Says who? I mean how old is that chick really. 25 or something? Young and dumb, you get wasted and shit happens. Regardless of if she actually did get beat up or not, you can't say you wouldn't be angry and concerned at first. That's the whole point. Maybe it's because I'm a female, but I get the whole situation.

And if she was tanked out of her mind, why would the cops just go arrest him? If you have some drunk hostile chick and some guy trying to calm her down, the cops go arrest the dude? Police = Idiots.

And Rae Carruth had an off the field problem. Why not (if he wasn't so old when he gets released) put him back on the field? He was projected to have a pretty nice career before he screwed it up.

I think we need to wait and see. The cops went there, they arrested and booked him. He was in a cell for several hours. If it was as simple as Merriman said, I agree with DRave, then the police were idiots (been known to happen).

Maybe he was doing the good thing and keeping her from driving, maybe not. Do you expect him to put out a statement saying I beat her and kept her against her will with no obvious mitigating explanation?

Let's let the system play itself out. If he's innocent then hopefully the system will work right, and this will be nothing more than a blip on the radar.

09-07-2009, 07:50 AM
I'm a retired Deputy Sheriff in California so let me put some light on this situation. The San Diego County Sheriff's responded to his residence reguarding a possible battery and kidnapping. She stated to the Deputies that he chocked her and stopped her from leaving his residence. The Deputies saw no signs of phyiscal injuire to her , but she insisted and she made a citizens arrest from what i heard from a Department spokes person. Anyone can make a citzen arrests which forces a police officer to make an arrest. This puts the liablity on her if he is innocent because she made a citizen or private persons arrests. As a retired Deputy you have to advise people that when they make a citizens arrests they can be sued for false arrest. This case will not even get filed by the DA'S OFFICE due to lack of evidence but because he is a High Profile suspect it will get more attention.
He may get suspended by the league if anything and i doubt that if the case doesnt get filed. Any woman or man can call the police and file a criminal complaint that he or she assualted them.

good information

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