NYCskinfan82 08-31-2009, 11:09 AM Ah yes - that would be part of the Blind, Mindless Obedience doctrine -the pertinent portion that dictates, "If a player wears burgundy and gold, he WILL command undying support to the bitter end, regardless of one's opinion as to that player's relative worth to the organization. Disparaging remarks will not be tolerated."
If one's devotion to this team is measured in terms of the amount of criticism directed towards one or more of its players, based on some of the remarks I've seen over the relatively short period of time I've been a member of this forum, I dare say that there'd be a mass exodus of 'skins fans, were said detractors prone to subscribe to your philosophy.
That said, I've been a "real fan" of the Redskins for darned close to forty years now, and I've seen nothing thus far that would warrant my defection, quarterback selection notwithstanding.
This forum is all ABOUT opinions - and while you no doubt have heard the familiar saying about them - everyone's got one, most of 'em stink - we're ALL entitled to them, and within the boundaries of proper decorum, entitled to share them.
If you find my opinions that objectionable, I respectfully suggest that you consider blocking them.
You say people are entitled to opinions and then you critisize someone else's opinion.
beemnsevenspop 08-31-2009, 11:11 AM So... will you be rooting for him or against him this season??
I absolutely root for him as well as the entire team. But, to beat this dead horse to an absolute pulp, IMHO, I'm inclined to give someone another chance. He's made too many poor choices on the field based on his tenure. But most importantly, I just don't think he has the capacity to be the leader this team needs right now.
The point may be moot, however, as I believe this is the final year of his contract. Like others have observed, if he doesn't have a Pro Bowl year, I think he's toast.
beemnsevenspop 08-31-2009, 11:13 AM You say people are entitled to opinions and then you critisize someone else's opinion.
It was a response, not criticism.
I absolutely root for him as well as the entire team. But, to beat this dead horse to an absolute pulp, IMHO, I'm inclined to give someone another chance. He's made too many poor choices on the field based on his tenure. But most importantly, I just don't think he has the capacity to be the leader this team needs right now.
The point may be moot, however, as I believe this is the final year of his contract. Like others have observed, if he doesn't have a Pro Bowl year, I think he's toast.
Ok just checking.
As for giving someone else a chance, who at this point?
Nobody would argue this is a do or die year for JC.
dblanch66 08-31-2009, 11:24 AM I absolutely root for him as well as the entire team. But, to beat this dead horse to an absolute pulp, IMHO, I'm inclined to give someone another chance. He's made too many poor choices on the field based on his tenure. But most importantly, I just don't think he has the capacity to be the leader this team needs right now.
The point may be moot, however, as I believe this is the final year of his contract. Like others have observed, if he doesn't have a Pro Bowl year, I think he's toast.
In the past, I agree but there was something a little different about his poise and attitude last Friday that I haven't seen. Could be a flash but hoping it's a trend. Hoping. I think we all hope he can blossom.
redskinslick 08-31-2009, 11:31 AM I hope we can resign JC after the break out year we're going to have.lil Timmy T. down in Florida would just set us back another 3-5 years.
beemnsevenspop 08-31-2009, 11:36 AM Ok just checking.
As for giving someone else a chance, who at this point?
Nobody would argue this is a do or die year for JC.
Unless I'm mistaken, JC has already "earned" the starting spot, so he starts, of course. But, should Campbell flounder like I expect he will, then don't waste yet more time "bringing him along", especially if we're still in contention at that point. Collins would naturally get the nod. If we're out of contention, then Chase should get as much playing time as possible. (Yes, I think if Thursday's match up ends as I suspect, Colt gets the boot.)
And then there's that guy named Tebow, I believe, who should be around next April - maybe we can "throw" the next 16 games and invite him to play - wouldn't THAT be splendid??? :-)
beemnsevenspop 08-31-2009, 11:48 AM Campbell showed sparks of a truly poised, confident and dangerous playmaker. He also made mistakes. It's pre-season and at least he showed me something to make me have a little confidence that he is growing, getting better and may just prove all of his detractors wrong. I'm behind him all the way because like other posters have pointed out, he's all we got.
I'm hoping that the O-line provides him with some protection against the VAgiants because if they do....upset city, baby!
I partially agree - compared with the last half of last season - and the first two games (yeah, they WERE games) this year, he did shine. But he had nowhere else to go BUT up. If I thought he were a consistent QB, I'd have some expectation for success. Realistically though, with JC, it's more or less a crap shoot.
But I disagree he's all we have.
hail_2_da_skins 08-31-2009, 12:20 PM Get off Jason Campbell's back! He is the best quarterback the Redskins have. He had a very good performance, against a very good team in regular season conditions. What more do you need to see? There are people on this site that would criticize him if he led the Redskins to the playoffs. Yet these same people defend Colt Brennan after two major bonehead plays. In my book, Colt is playing his way into being cut. The nice pass to Marko Mitchell does not make up for the interception and sack in the Red Zone. Interceptions happen but you have to be more decisive in the Red Zone. Cannot allow a potential score turn into a score the other way. The quarterback has to be aware when they are in scoring position to not take a sack. Colt's awareness in the Red Zone is highly questionable. To me, his job is on the line. He better not make any of those same bonehead plays in the last game against Jacksonville.
Jay Schroeder 08-31-2009, 12:29 PM And then there's that guy named Tebow, I believe, who should be around next April - maybe we can "throw" the next 16 games and invite him to play - wouldn't THAT be splendid??? :-)
Your joking about Tebow right?