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JoeRedskin 01-10-2011, 04:45 PM Another one that worked out for the team taking the risk - Atlanta drafts Farve in Rnd. 2 of the 1991 draft and, a year later, trades him to GBay for the 19th pick in the 1992 draft (which Atlanta used to pick that immortal RB - Tony Smith!).
Farve's stat line in 1991? 0 for 4 w/ 2 interceptions.
dblanch66 01-10-2011, 05:39 PM And yet he went further than the Redskins. 1st year back and in the Play offs and the Pro Bowl, not bad. Wish he was here.
As far as I know, he killed, tortured and abused more dogs than the redskins did, also.
Defensewins 01-10-2011, 06:14 PM ^^ Like Shaub did in Atlanta? Seriously, there is such a dearth of QB's that back-ups only need one or two spectacular or even better than average games to be highly sought after. All you need is a flash of talent and a FO desparate enough and, blamo!, first round pick baby! Anyone remember Scott Mitchell? Rob Johnson? Shaub at least panned out a little. How about SD giving up a ton of draft picks for the chance to take Leaf.
The QB position is so important and it is so hard to find consistent starters that teams will pay a lot on little evidence to grab a guy with potential. Real (Shaub) or imagined (Johnson).
Very true.
Another thing that has changed in the NFL is teams no longer keep QB's for a long time and let them develop on the bench. Like we did with Mark Rypien.
Teams do not have the patience to develop a guy or two.
Salary cap and free agency probably has a lot to do with it.
If you keep a backup for 3 to 5 years you probably won't be able to afford him as your back up much longer.
tdSKINS1 01-10-2011, 06:25 PM yep, I'm a Hokie, though I know plenty of Hokies that in the last couple years became Vick haters & remain so.
I'm a huge Hokie as well and I don't know a lot of Vick haters unless your talking about Marcus Vick. Michael was what jumpstarted that entire football program. Without Mike a lot of the money, recruits, etc. would not be in Blacksburg.
Defensewins 01-10-2011, 06:42 PM It is funny to read all the crap talk about Vick. I do not like or dislike Vick, but he is a legit NFL QB and is a dynamic player. Of course he does not have the accuracy of a Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. There aren't many in this world that do. If Vick did have Peyon's arm he would be Superman.
Yesterday Peyton Manning lost yet another playoff game, is there a thread calling him a choker? All of you guys will be worshiping him again next season.
Vick spent 21 moths in jail, declared bankruptcy and still was able to again become a top 5 QB in the NFL. Not many people have done this.
Donte Stallworth was drunk driving and killed a human being and only spent 30 days behind bars. He is currently playing for the Ravens. Where is the outrage for this guy?
Alvin Walton 01-10-2011, 06:58 PM What Stallworth did was an accident.
What Vick did wasnt.
And personally that dogfighting thing wasnt that big of a deal to me, I never liked Vick and once he became an Eagle, well.....I really started to dislike him a lot.
Defensewins 01-10-2011, 07:05 PM What Stallworth did was an accident.
What Vick did wasnt.
And personally that dogfighting thing wasnt that big of a deal to me, I never liked Vick and once he became an Eagle, well.....I really started to dislike him a lot.
Drinking and choosing to getting behind a wheel is not an accident, it is criminal.
If he were sober and ran over and killed someone that is an accident.
Call it what you want, a persons life is worth more than a month behind bars.
44ever 01-10-2011, 07:42 PM As far as I know, he killed, tortured and abused more dogs than the redskins did, also.
As far as you know...
SmootSmack 01-10-2011, 08:09 PM Drinking and choosing to getting behind a wheel is not an accident, it is criminal.
If he were sober and ran over and killed someone that is an accident.
Call it what you want, a persons life is worth more than a month behind bars.
Donte's situation wasn't quite as black and white as that
JoeRedskin 01-10-2011, 08:18 PM Drinking and choosing to getting behind a wheel is not an accident, it is criminal.
If he were sober and ran over and killed someone that is an accident.
Call it what you want, a persons life is worth more than a month behind bars.
No argument.
If Vick had done what did to human beings rather than to dogs, he would never have seen the light of day. If Vick had hit a dog while driving drunk, he would likely have suffered no criminal ramifications.
As for Stallworth, you'll get no argument from me. Stallworth, however, is not being recast as the victim. etc. etc.