Lotus 08-11-2009, 05:11 PM Vick dog jerseys! The new best seller!!
They could be packaged with the Vick Dog Chew Toy:
Michael Vick Dog Chew Toy | Mike Vick Chew Doll | Dog Toys (http://www.vickdogchewtoy.com/)
staylor825 08-11-2009, 06:30 PM All of you Mike Vick haters need to get a life. What the men did was bank rolled a dog fighting operation, what about the people who hunt they blow animals heads off and hang them in they house, the man did his time lost millions of dollars and thats not enough for people. You want to talk about somebody it should be D Stallworth, he the one who took a HUMAN life. Get A Life!!!!!!
Warpath 08-11-2009, 06:43 PM All of you Mike Vick haters need to get a life. What the men did was bank rolled a dog fighting operation, what about the people who hunt they blow animals heads off and hang them in they house, the man did his time lost millions of dollars and thats not enough for people. You want to talk about somebody it should be D Stallworth, he the one who took a HUMAN life. Get A Life!!!!!!
Hunting is legal. Dogfighting is not. I agree about Stallworth he should be locked up. I also haven't read anything in the thread about hating Vick.
JoeRedskin 08-11-2009, 06:52 PM Hunting is legal. Dogfighting is not. I agree about Stallworth he should be locked up. I also haven't read anything in the thread about hating Vick.
Well, my wife hate's him -- but mostly we just funnin'
However, iIt's been said many times - Vick bankrolled and participated in a multi-state criminal conspiracy. He denied his involvement, lied to his employer and the Commissioner of the league. Further, to compare dogfighting to hunting is, perhaps, not a perfect analogy.
Vick did his time, he seems like he's reformed and truly repentant. Good for him. Still don't want him in a Skins uniform.
Lotus 08-11-2009, 07:29 PM I'm sorry, I did not mean to be a Vick hater. He deserves another shot. And I agree about Stallworth. I for one was just having fun. I'm sorry if I took it too far.
I would differ about hunting/dogfighting. Although there are some ethical problems with hunting, a hunted animal killed instantly by one shot is a more humane reality than murder through dogfighting lifestyle.
Hail to the Redskins 08-11-2009, 07:30 PM just for the record...
Michael Vick would breed dogs just to beat them to make them mean from the time they are born, make them "practice" (fight for their lives) regularly, then when they are injured or lose Vick, HIMSELF, would drown, hang or shoot them in the head. He didn't "just bankroll" ... he killed these dogs in truly heinous ways with his own hands as well.
I am actually against hunting as well, BUT... A hunter usually eats the deer meat & the animal is usually killed immediately without torture.
I'm not a PETA member or anything either... I'm just just saying the guy did some TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE things to these animals.
Also... he didn't stop because he had an epiphany or fit of conscience... he quit because he got busted. He'd still be doing it today otherwise.
I don't HATE the guy... I just think he went completely the wrong way (trying to live a "thug life") and I feel people should have the right to still go after him. It's only been 2 years since this had stopped... those dogs suffered much longer (some dogs had been there 5+ yrs) and in much worse ways than he has (or ever will).
... oh... and about the jersey... what the heck is the story behind that I wonder?? Some guy at NFL.com having a laugh??
Zerohero 08-11-2009, 07:42 PM While i see why many just can't get over Vick and what he did, enough with defending hunting. Yes a lot of hunting is done and the food is used, but people hunt to go out and shoot stuff for the sport. Hunting is legal but in all honesty there isn't much difference here.
Hail to the Redskins 08-11-2009, 07:46 PM Michael Vick would breed dogs just to beat them to make them mean from the time they are born, make them "practice" (fight for their lives) regularly, then when they are injured or lose Vick, HIMSELF, would drown, hang or shoot them in the head. He didn't "just bankroll" ... he killed these dogs in truly heinous ways with his own hands as well.
I don't know if you were referring to me or someone else, as like I said, I don't like the idea of hunting today either... but, what Vick did was DEFINITELY MUCH worse as he & his boyz tortured those dogs their entire lives before brutally killing them.
Warpath 08-11-2009, 07:46 PM While i see why many just can't get over Vick and what he did, enough with defending hunting. Yes a lot of hunting is done and the food is used, but people hunt to go out and shoot stuff for the sport. Hunting is legal but in all honesty there isn't much difference here.
Sorry I disagree, there is a huge difference in hunting and dogfighting. To me thats just ridiculous and Ive never hunted anything in my life.
Anyway the thread was about the mistake on nflshop. It certainly was not intended for something that has been talked about way more than need be here or anywhere else. I beg for closure.
Hail to the Redskins 08-11-2009, 07:51 PM yeah... agreed...
seriously though... where in the world did the thing on NFL.com come from you guess?? Someone obviously did it on purpose... very weird.