KLHJ2 07-28-2009, 02:50 PM Lets see....law is to have an unregistered gun automatic 3yrs jail. What is Buress going to say if he testifies?....someone planted it on him? It's not his? I know this has been run into the ground but can someone refresh my memory....can they give him the yrs and suspend all the time for this charge in NY?
Burress had purchased the gun legally and can document that the permit renewal form was never forwarded to him in New Jersey, Brafman said.
I found that interesting.
gibbsisgod 07-28-2009, 02:54 PM , Brafman said.
I found that interesting.Thats like someone using the "I didn't know" excuse for missing a court date. At the end of the day, it was PBs responsibility to make sure everything was taken care of. He decided not to register the gun. Now he has to face the music.
skinsfan69 07-28-2009, 03:04 PM I just cant see a GUN charge here. Maybe an obstruction charge or something like tampering with evidence but not a gun possesion charge. I am starting to think this DA is trying to make a name for himself.
I was going to say the same thing.
freddyg12 07-28-2009, 03:17 PM I just cant see a GUN charge here. Maybe an obstruction charge or something like tampering with evidence but not a gun possesion charge. I am starting to think this DA is trying to make a name for himself.
What can the da do after the state of NY, the mayor & city admin. have taken a firm stance on guns & crime? As I recall the mayor made a statement shortly after this incident saying plax would be treated like anyone else would, i.e. convicted & jailed if guilty.
The da doesn't sound like he's trying to pimp himself or rushing to judgement at all, he's just taking steps to get Pierce indicted to bolster the case. Smart move, why wouldn't you indict a guy you believe was complicit w/a crime? At the least, putting Pierce on the stand (if it goes to trial) is absolutely essential. There's no way this thing can proceed w/out Pierce in some manner. His testimony, true or not, is vital to the case.
How much you wanna bet that he & plax ain't too friendly after this thing is over?
Defensewins 07-28-2009, 03:36 PM I agree, this is pretty cut and dry.
Didn't Martha Stewart do time for just Obstruction of justice and lying to investigators in a criminal investigation? In New York? They never got the conviction of insider trading.
If Pierce did lie and try to cover up a criminal act (I am not saying he did, I do not know) then it is not a stretch to expect any different from NY DA?
KLHJ2 07-28-2009, 03:52 PM Thats like someone using the "I didn't know" excuse for missing a court date. At the end of the day, it was PBs responsibility to make sure everything was taken care of. He decided not to register the gun. Now he has to face the music.
Hold on, the gun was registered. The registration ws not renewed. I am not going to fault the guy for that when I am just as guilty of not renewing the tags on my car because I did not recieve the Registration renewal in the mail. Am I a bad person? Did I intentionally decide not to renew my registration? No, small things like this slip all of the time.
gibbsisgod 07-28-2009, 04:06 PM Hold on, the gun was registered. The registration ws not renewed. I am not going to fault the guy for that when I am just as guilty of not renewing the tags on my car because I did not recieve the Registration renewal in the mail. Am I a bad person? Did I intentionally decide not to renew my registration? No, small things like this slip all of the time.Wait a minute Angry! Nobody said you or Burress are bad people. All I'm saying is it was HIS responsibility to register the gun. Its not the states job to make sure he got his paperwork straight.
And to your point about tags, If you get caught with dead plates, you will get a ticket. Claiming you didn't get the renewal form in the mail is a bad excuse and 100% of the time you will still get into trouble.
My facts may not be right but I was under the impression that his gun WAS registered but it was in a different state. If, in fact, the gun registation was just "expired", then I think this whole thing is a joke. If he never bothered to register his gun in the state he was currently living in, well, That was HIS decision. Now he has to live with the consequences.
CRedskinsRule 07-28-2009, 04:12 PM Yeah the point is that the registration is not transferable between states, and New York is not a state that is going to be lenient with firearms, regardless of who you are.
As for Pierce: If he is indicted will Goodell be forced to suspend him? Can he do it before week 1? I would be ok with that. :)
jgalecpa 07-28-2009, 04:18 PM Yeah the point is that the registration is not transferable between states, and New York is not a state that is going to be lenient with firearms, regardless of who you are.
Exactly. An amendment to federal law was shot down just last week that would have allowed reciprocity between states for carry-permits.
Also, Robert Morgenthau does not need this case to make a name for himself.
Here are just a few of his convictions, that Make Plax look like small fry:
Notable Cases (From Wiki)
Mark David Chapman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_David_Chapman) (1981): Chapman plead guilty to killing John Lennon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lennon)
Bernie Goetz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernie_Goetz), the "Subway Vigilante" (1987): Charged with attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment and several gun law violations after he shot four men who were trying to rob him in 1984.
Robert Chambers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Chambers_%28killer%29), the "Preppie Killer" (1988): After confessing to killing an 18-year-old girl, Chambers was convicted of manslaughter and served 15 years in prison.
Central Park Jogger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trisha_Meili) (1989): Five teenage suspects were convicted of assaulting and raping a woman in Central Park (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park). The convictions were later vacated in 2002 when another man said he attacked the victim.
BCCI (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_of_Credit_and_Commerce_International) (1991): The fraud investigation revealed that the bank laundered money for criminal enterprises. Morgenthau claimed jurisdiction because millions of the laundered dollars flowed through Manhattan. Ultimately, the bank was seized by international regulators, and its liquidators pleaded guilty to all charges and forfeited all of the bank's American assets.
Sante and Kenny Kimes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sante_Kimes) (2000): Mom-and-son grifters convicted of murder.
Dennis Kozlowski (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Kozlowski) and Mark Swartz (2005): The top two executives of Tyco (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyco) were found guilty of stealing more than $150 million from the company they had been entrusted to manage.
KLHJ2 07-28-2009, 04:30 PM Wait a minute Angry! Nobody said you or Burress are bad people. All I'm saying is it was HIS responsibility to register the gun. Its not the states job to make sure he got his paperwork straight.
And to your point about tags, If you get caught with dead plates, you will get a ticket. Claiming you didn't get the renewal form in the mail is a bad excuse and 100% of the time you will still get into trouble.
My facts may not be right but I was under the impression that his gun WAS registered but it was in a different state. If, in fact, the gun registation was just "expired", then I think this whole thing is a joke. If he never bothered to register his gun in the state he was currently living in, well, That was HIS decision. Now he has to live with the consequences.
You are correct I would have still gotten a ticket or had to pay a fine, but they would not even have considered throwing my ass in jail for even one night, much less three years. I understand the strict gun laws thing in NYC...I do. Here is my problem why are they trying to thow the man under the bus when there was no ill intent. There was no pre meditated crime. He ended up shooting himself. I guarentee you that he learned from this mess and he will not do it again. It is not going to take three years in a prison to punish him for this, he punished himself already.