06-18-2009, 06:06 AM
Our legal system vary from state to state on the punishment for crimes. Stallworth isn't the 1st person to drink and drive but he used bad judgement which resulted in taken a human life away. Lets be honest , I know I have used bad judgement driving home from the bar after drinking with the fellas. I was fortunate not to have gotten in a accident or struck a pedestrian. That was in my younger years, now I don't even drink any more.
I new when the story 1st broke that Stallworth had been drinking prior to the accident based on the fact that he never made a statement that he had not been drinking. The standard line is due to the on going investigation I can not comment on this incident. If it was me and I new I was not guilty of DUI you would bet I would have said that. When your guilty you dont want to make a statement that they can use against you later in court. Attorney always advise not to talk , let them prove your guilty.
His sentence 30 days in county jail for a felony drunk driving / Manslaughter conviction is way to short. People get sentenced to 30 days for writing bad checks. This is a joke of the legal system and If your famous you get a lesser sentence. Stallworth is a millionaire who can afford to call a taxi or Limo to pick him up there is no excuse for him to drive and risk all that he has obtained from playing in the NFL, but he decided to drive. Is this his 1st time driving DUI? I doubt it but these things seem to come back and bite us when we least expected it.
Vick kills dogs and Stallworth kills a human being. I know it was an accident that he hit the pedestrian out of the cross walk but he was DUI. If he was not drinking than it would be a accident that took a human being. He would not be jailed and he would not be liable. His car insurance may have paid out some money but thats about it. Stallworth broke the law like thousands of people due but it resulted in a death. His money played a huge part in him only serving 30 days due to the settlement he made with the victims family. The victim just got off from work so he had a family to provide for. Who knows their financial situation if the victim had life insurance. So the family Attorney saw a opportunity to help the victim's family financially due to the wealth of Stallworth. In court the vicitms family could have out more pressure on the DA's office if they did not the deal Stallworth was pleading to. This deal had to be worked out by both the DA's Office and the victims Attorney.
The family took the deal to be financially compensated and Stallworth would receive little jail time. Thats how the courts rule on these incidents. They all are happy, DA office gets a guilty conviction and family gets paid.
Anyone remember Jason Williams ( NJ Nets) he still has not done any jail time for Involunantary Manslaughter. Not even sure how long ago that case was in court.
I new when the story 1st broke that Stallworth had been drinking prior to the accident based on the fact that he never made a statement that he had not been drinking. The standard line is due to the on going investigation I can not comment on this incident. If it was me and I new I was not guilty of DUI you would bet I would have said that. When your guilty you dont want to make a statement that they can use against you later in court. Attorney always advise not to talk , let them prove your guilty.
His sentence 30 days in county jail for a felony drunk driving / Manslaughter conviction is way to short. People get sentenced to 30 days for writing bad checks. This is a joke of the legal system and If your famous you get a lesser sentence. Stallworth is a millionaire who can afford to call a taxi or Limo to pick him up there is no excuse for him to drive and risk all that he has obtained from playing in the NFL, but he decided to drive. Is this his 1st time driving DUI? I doubt it but these things seem to come back and bite us when we least expected it.
Vick kills dogs and Stallworth kills a human being. I know it was an accident that he hit the pedestrian out of the cross walk but he was DUI. If he was not drinking than it would be a accident that took a human being. He would not be jailed and he would not be liable. His car insurance may have paid out some money but thats about it. Stallworth broke the law like thousands of people due but it resulted in a death. His money played a huge part in him only serving 30 days due to the settlement he made with the victims family. The victim just got off from work so he had a family to provide for. Who knows their financial situation if the victim had life insurance. So the family Attorney saw a opportunity to help the victim's family financially due to the wealth of Stallworth. In court the vicitms family could have out more pressure on the DA's office if they did not the deal Stallworth was pleading to. This deal had to be worked out by both the DA's Office and the victims Attorney.
The family took the deal to be financially compensated and Stallworth would receive little jail time. Thats how the courts rule on these incidents. They all are happy, DA office gets a guilty conviction and family gets paid.
Anyone remember Jason Williams ( NJ Nets) he still has not done any jail time for Involunantary Manslaughter. Not even sure how long ago that case was in court.