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Brian Orakpo 05-19-2009, 08:21 PM Maybe in 50 years we will have had enough of lawsuits and PC'ness, and people will be amazed that any lawsuits were ever filed anyways.
Yeah that sounds good lets just say the hell with it and start using racial slurs for all 32 NFL teams. :laughing2
I never understood how people can be upset at things that are PC. They wouldnt be PC if people hadnt came up with these racial slurs in the first place. If people in this country back in the day wouldnt of been so racist towards other groups who werent like themselves we wouldnt have groups being PC and asking for things to change.
The bottom line imo is if this was any other race and we were using a racial slur against them as our team name it would of been changed by now.
I like our team name and history. I love how we take pride in Native Americans and take the field to honor them. I can understand the other point of view that our team name is offensive though. If it isnt changed great if it is great. No matter how much I like our team name and history and what it stands for I realize that it offends others.
I know most Redskin fans dont see what the big deal is but if the roles were reversed I think they would understand. Nowadays everyone is equal in this country and have rights so the team name isnt as big of a deal so most people dont care. For the people it offends though I can see their point of view and it does make sense.
Brian Orakpo 05-19-2009, 08:42 PM I don't believe it to be a racial slur or I would agree with you. The faux outrage of NA activists on this issue really should make one look deeper at what their real motive is.
Check a list of racial slurs on any website. It lists Redskin as a racial slur. It might not have been how the team meant it but it is a racial slur.
Heres a list for you (some of these words are very offensive so anyone who clicks the link be aware of this)..........
List of ethnic slurs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_slurs)
There are many names or things that can be perceived by one group or another to be offensive. There are many team names other groups may find offensive; Fighting Irish (focus on the drunken Irishman stereotype), Saints (atheists would find this offensive), the Razorback symbol at Arkansas or the "Hogs" (offensive to some Muslims as a pig is a low form of animal). The term "Redskin" and the N-word are two vastly different things. If you survey African Americans and ask if the N-word is a racial slur and if they would be against the term being used for a sports team, I'm pretty sure you'd get a 99%+ percent that the term is offensive. There is no positive or neutral connotation for that word at all. Yet in a survey of NA people, that the vast majority don't have a problem with NA team names, including Redskins, is very telling.
Most of those examples you gave arent racial slurs so there is a huge difference. As for the difference between the N-Word and Redskin the only difference is the number of these races in the US. If you flip flopped the number of people of these races in the US people wouldnt have a problem with the N-word as a team name.
As for NA people who dont have a problem with it thats because the times are different. Just like the amount of African-Americans who think the N-word is racist has declined. If you polled NA at earlier times the number would be higher. Another reason some NA dont think the word Redskin is racist is because nowadays people arent as racist as they use to be in this country. If you dont hear the word directed toward you as a racial slur but only as the name of a football team they would probably not think the word is racist. I bet if they had a talk with their ancestors they would have a different view on the word. Any NA who understands the true meaning and how it was used towards them would say it is racist.
Do a Google search on "redskin" and the autolinks that come up are all about the Redskin team.
Well that makes sense I would think if you googled the word Redskin alot of the top listing would be of the football team. I dont see how that means Redskin isnt a racial slur. You could google every NFL team name and most of the top responses would be of that team.
If you know Redskin team history, the name came about because the owner was honoring the coach who was NA and he also wanted to separate the team from the Braves name they had before. If the coach didn't resign or protest the team name, then I'd say we're on pretty solid ground here. This issue has only come about more recently in the PC world we live in.
Yes we were the Boston Braves in 1932 and changed our team name to the Boston Redskins in 1933. Just because the coach didnt protest the team name doesnt mean it isnt a racial slur towards NA.
The size of NA population in the US has nothing to do with it. As I referenced in my last post, the problem is the NA team name issue offends NA activists and those with an agenda, not the NA people in general. Keep in mind it wasn't just African American folks who stood up for civil rights in this country, it was a consolidated effort by members of all races. If it was only African Americans, based on population count, we would not have made the progress towards racial equality that we have.
Ok well I have to just agree to disagree here. Let me ask you this if we flip flopped the number of each race in this country and everything that happened between whites and these races over the last several hundred years for starters. Now lets say our team name was the Washington N-words. Would you feel the same way as you do about the word Redskins?
All im saying in this thread is no matter how many people think its a racial slur or not the bottom line is a racial slur is a racial slur. I do believe the Redskins team never meant for the name to be racist. I do understand the people who think the word is racist because of the way it has been used against NA.
Slingin Sammy 33 05-19-2009, 09:15 PM Check a list of racial slurs on any website. It lists Redskin as a racial slur. It might not have been how the team meant it but it is a racial slur. This list also includes: Canuck, Dutchman, Eskimo, Husky, Jock, Yankee, and my favorite "cheese-eating surrender monkey"
Most of those examples you gave arent racial slurs so there is a huge difference. The druken Irishman sterotype isn't offensive??? If I'm an atheist a team name of Saints pushes religion on me and that's offensive. If I'm a Muslim, especially if playing for them, that Hog on the helmet is offensive.
As for NA people who dont have a problem with it thats because the times are different. Just like the amount of African-Americans who think the N-word is racist has declined. If you polled NA at earlier times the number would be higher. Another reason some NA dont think the word Redskin is racist is because nowadays people arent as racist as they use to be in this country. If you dont hear the word directed toward you as a racial slur but only as the name of a football team they would probably not think the word is racist. I bet if they had a talk with their ancestors they would have a different view on the word. Any NA who understands the true meaning and how it was used towards them would say it is racist.Interesting how you believe to know how the NAs surveyed by SI think and you state your belief as fact????
All im saying in this thread is no matter how many people think its a racial slur or not the bottom line is a racial slur is a racial slur. I do believe the Redskins team never meant for the name to be racist. I do understand the people who think the word is racist because of the way it has been used against NA.I would argue that the opinion of the people you perceive as being slurred is infinitely more important than anyone else's
EARTHQUAKE2689 05-19-2009, 09:39 PM Why dont we just call them the Washington 53 man roster??? And that same nickname for all the other teams
SkinDogg 05-19-2009, 09:55 PM You know what if they don't like the name don't root for the team. Everyone thinks we all should think a like. It's every where even in Gov. We elect people to sit in Washington and make decisions as to what we as a society would want and they vote on it no matter if it's the popular vote or not.
People are way too politically correct. Which is why I love Carlos Mencia. I just wish people would not try to force their oppinions of what I should watch or listen to on my radio. If you don't like it change the channel.
Please don't believe the hype, Carlos Mencia is an actor trying to get paid.
Brian Orakpo 05-19-2009, 10:19 PM This list also includes: Canuck, Dutchman, Eskimo, Husky, Jock, Yankee, and my favorite "cheese-eating surrender monkey"
I just noted that Redskins is a racial slur. Im not gonna debate that whole list on which ones you think are worse or not as bad as others.
The druken Irishman sterotype isn't offensive??? If I'm an atheist a team name of Saints pushes religion on me and that's offensive. If I'm a Muslim, especially if playing for them, that Hog on the helmet is offensive.
Maybe it is to some people. I dont think there is anything wrong with fighting irish. Maybe you should poll all the irish and lets find out? :laughing-
Interesting how you believe to know how the NAs surveyed by SI think and you state your belief as fact????
Maybe if you read that SI section again you would understand why. I dont think every HS, college, and pro team that has a Indian mascot or team name are called the Redskins. Im only saying the word Redskin is a racial slur.
I understand everything you have said in your posts and you bring up alot of good points. All im saying is I can understand both point of views and that the word Redskin has been used as a racial slur.
LBrown43 05-20-2009, 10:05 AM I say if the name is changed it is changed to the "Washington Human-Beings" in honor of Chief Dan George aka "Old Lodge Skins" in the movie "Little Big Man. A more honorable portrayal of a Native American has never been presented in film. We should all try to strive to be "human-beings". Of course if you have not seen the movie you are thinking this comment is stupid. See the movie....it is awesome.
Also if my memory of the history of the logo on the helmets now is correct, the likeness was an actual portrait of a Native American and not just a dreamed up likeness.
I can sorta see some problem some NA's may have with the name but as far as the logo itself is concerned I see as being nothing BUT a respectful rendition of a proud people.
I fear a name change is inevitable as the country moves closer and closer to complete political correctness.
SFREDSKIN 05-20-2009, 02:35 PM Mike Silver from yahoo sports is a DOUCHEBAG!! I believe 90% of native Americans were not offended (Read it somewhere).
No excuses: Redskins need a new nickname - NFL - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AuIETA6wIi12jEQTdhlUg2xDubYF?slug=ms-trippintuesday051909&prov=yhoo&type=lgns)
jsarno 05-20-2009, 03:58 PM I suppose to sue the following teams due to the stated reasons:
1 - Buffalo Bills: Named after a famous animal slaughter
2 - Cincinnati Bengals: Tigers eat people. Baaad!
3 - Cleveland Browns: Brown = the political party colour of the right wing in Germany
4 - Piitsburgh Stellers: Steel is needed for weapons production
5 - Jacksonville Jaguars: see 2
6 - Oakland Raiders: Raiders kill people. Baaad!
7 - San Diego Chargers: Lightning Bolts kill people. Baaad!
8 - Dallas Cowboys: Cowboys killed Redskins!
9 - Philadelphia Eagles: I donīt like em. That should be reason enough.
10 - Washington Redskins: known reasons
11 - Chicago Bears: see 2
12 - Detroit Lions: see 2
13 - Minnesota Vikings: Vikings killed poeple. Baaad!
14 - Carolina Panthers: see 2
15 - New Orleans Saints: many people were killed in the name of God and Saints. Baaad!
16 - Tampa Bay Buccaneers: see 6
Well... sueing half the NFL should be lotsa fun, donīt ya think?
Don't let PETA get ahold of that idea, we will end up having the teams like the Chicago Bermuda Grass!
jsarno 05-20-2009, 04:08 PM What doesn't make sense to me is that it doesn't offend anyone anymore other than those that want to harp on it. It was an offensive word back in the 30's, it's no longer an offensive word. If you called an indian a redskin, he would likely look at you with an odd look and walk away. Why not change the definition from something that suggests it's offensive to something that is a positive? Like how the word GAY meant happy back in the 50's, and it somehow changed over the years to mean homosexual now. The word Redskins to me means a tough team that doesn't quit...maybe the new definition should be "A term of endearment referring to longevity and perserverance." Who would complain if that was the definition?