05-15-2009, 11:23 AM
OK then. I guess he did a check like you did before his response. Yea right. That is amazing. Plus I was just stating my opinion. He was still arrogant even if he did do a check like you did which I know he didn't. Let's use some common sense here. You didn't know before you looked it up after the fact. But if he isn't who I think he is then I guess I was wrong about that. Or maybe not.
You're making no sense here. First of all, Matty and myself and the other mods are on this site all the time (way too often for our own good) and we have a good sense of most people's tendencies and "beliefs" (for lack of a better word). I think a lot of the frequent posters here do. I know, like Matty knows, what your general opinion of Campbell has been the past few months without having to look up previous posts. I think it's somewhat easier with you quite honestly because you don't have that many posts overall, yet a significant amount it seems are about Campbell and your thoughts on him. And usually you wouldn't really give any reason why you didn't like him as our QB (I think only when you said he wasn't accurate), so why should anyone bother to discuss with you what you think of Campbell.
05-15-2009, 11:43 AM
You're making no sense here. First of all, Matty and myself and the other mods are on this site all the time (way too often for our own good) and we have a good sense of most people's tendencies and "beliefs" (for lack of a better word). I think a lot of the frequent posters here do. I know, like Matty knows, what your general opinion of Campbell has been the past few months without having to look up previous posts. I think it's somewhat easier with you quite honestly because you don't have that many posts overall, yet a significant amount it seems are about Campbell and your thoughts on him. And usually you wouldn't really give any reason why you didn't like him as our QB (I think only when you said he wasn't accurate), so why should anyone bother to discuss with you what you think of Campbell.
I didn't bring this argument up about Campbell. I just stated an opinion but apparently a few want to talk about it with me. I don't need to try to prove anything about Campbell however. I could care less about discussing campbell with you. I don't need your discussion about what I think of Campbell. I wasn't looking for your discussion with Campbell. I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about him. If I wanted your opinion about Campbell I would have asked you. His play speaks for itself. I wasn't the one being arrogant.
05-15-2009, 11:46 AM
I didn't bring this argument up about Campbell. I just stated an opinion but apparently a few want to talk about it with me. I don't need to try to prove anything about Campbell however. I could care less about discussing campbell with you. I don't need your discussion about what I think of Campbell. I wasn't looking for your discussion with Campbell. I don't really care what you or anyone else thinks about him. If I wanted your opinion about Campbell I would have asked you. His play speaks for itself. I wasn't the one being arrogant.
If you don't want to discuss, why are you part of a message board then?
05-15-2009, 12:01 PM
If you don't want to discuss, why are you part of a message board then?
To talk with someone other than you maybe. You're the one who said no one wanted to discuss Campbell with me. If true then why would I want to discuss? But since you made that up, the question is why would I want to discuss anything with you. I don't. I don't need your opinion to discuss things. What makes you think I have to discuss with you to discuss? Silly and arrogant. Do as you will. Arguing with 2 moderators probably isn't going to help my cause but so be it.
05-15-2009, 12:05 PM
To talk with someone other than you maybe.
I'm hurt, why don't you want to talk to me? Am I not part of this board, can't I participate and respond to posts here?
You're the one who said no one wanted to discuss Campbell with me. If true then why would I want to discuss?
What I said why would anyone want to?
But since you made that up, the question is why would I want to discuss anything with you. I don't. I don't need your opinion to discuss things. What makes you think I have to discuss with you to discuss? Silly.
Am I silly and Matty's arrogant? We're like Pinky and the Brain!
05-15-2009, 12:07 PM
Am I silly and Matty's arrogant? We're like Pinky and the Brain!
What are you two doing tomorrow?
05-15-2009, 12:07 PM
What are you two doing tomorrow?
LOL...try and take over the world!
05-15-2009, 12:09 PM
I'm hurt, why don't you want to talk to me? Am I not part of this board, can't I participate and respond to posts here?
What I said why would anyone want to?
Am I silly and Matty's arrogant? We're like Pinky and the Brain!
Sure you can post here and respond but did I ask for a response or anything about Campbell? No I didn't but I still get an arrogant response from you as well. As if I asked you to discuss JC with me. You seem to want to discuss since you brought up the whole JC business. How about stop discussing it with me then? Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't know who Pinky and the Brain is. A cartoon? Probably why I haven't heard of it. Oh well. My loss.
05-15-2009, 12:15 PM
LOL...try and take over the world!
"i think so Brain....but where are we going to get a starting quarterback, 1000 rubber ducks, and a coach with some coaching experience?"