Missin21 05-20-2009, 07:30 PM physically JC is very talented. but that alone wont do it. There are many guys out there who can throw a mile that are not in the league anymore. This is not an easy offense to learn and i expected some growin pains at the beginning of the season but towards the end of the season you wanted to see some growth in the offense from the QB. So hopefully this is the yr JC comes out and proves me wrong, for the good of the team id like to see it.
Yeah, the only thing you are convincing ME of at this point is that you WANT Campbell to fail for the simple reason it will give you the power to say "I was right!" I really have no belief that you want to see Campbell perform well, with the way you consistently argue against him with the silliest of arguments & points that are mustered by hearsay & rumors. I don't get how you can go from one breath talking about how bad he was last year & then turn around in the next breath & talk about how "this is not an easy offense to learn." Well, DUUUUUH! :doh: But, anyone but Campbell, right? You are starting to chase your own tail, my misguided friend.
vallin21 05-20-2009, 07:37 PM Ok, first, Collins was in Al Saunders' system for, what 15 years before coming here? As a back-up, he did a great job. Collins doesn't have what it takes to make it thru a full season as he showed in the post-season after, what, 6 games?!
Second, all the QBs have NOT had the same experience in this offense. Regardless of what YOU want, Campbell is the starter, so Campbell gets probably 90% of the snaps with the first offense in practices. Collins probably gets about 8-8.5% & then Brennan gets the rest. You think Brennan is going to have his timing down with the WRs with only 1.5-2% of the snaps with this offense? Get real. AND, there is probably more of a reason then you would like to admit, except that your blind hatred for Campbell will only let you see what you want to see, for why Brennan & Collins are still backing up JC. I'm sure money has something to do with it, but I have a hard time believing that this FO wouldn't push for one of the others to start if they showed they could handle the job OVER Campbell. Which tells me that they can't just yet.
:doh: Someone said...? are you serious? Someone says a lot of stupid shit. Someone said that we should all jump off a bridge after the way last year went....seems like we didn't listen to them then. But now, "someone said" that JC will throw 25td's by the time he is 30 so OF COURSE it's gospel. Because it suits your view point. Puh-lease.
Listen, I am not a Campbell enthusiast like you are a Campbell hater, but clearly your anger towards him is blinding what good sense you may actually have left. You need to take a few deep breaths, step back & allow him to develop. Plain & simple. Otherwise, I would suggest finding another team to root for because CLEARLY your hatred for Campbell is distorting your judgement. We need stability here, which is something we have thrown by the wayside for years. Stability is the only thing that will bring a Championship back to Washington.
I figure that if a guy like Ben Roethlisburger can do it with the worst QB rating in Super Bowl history (& let's face it, he's not much better during the regular season), then he does a faceplant into "someone's" windshield (something that he would have been laughed out of town for here) & guess what...? He wins another Championship...for the same team? Give Campbell a chance. God damn, you make it sound as if he came to your house, kicked your dog, impregnated your 15 year old daughter & spray painted "your mother's a whore" all over your kitchen. Calm down. You arguments against him are starting to sound foolish when you start quoting "someone said..." :doh:
:lol:. Seriously, I don't understand why some people want to get rid of JC, the guys had 5 different offenses to learn including college, something I couldn't do. I hope JC takes us to the Superbowl just to shut-up some people here. Just give him a chance, and if he's not good this year we don't re-sign.
Missin21 05-20-2009, 07:37 PM If it just stopped at saying he needs to step up, great EVERYONE agrees.
The rest doesn't make sense.
- You don't call for a change at qb when you have no one to replace him with.
- ppl hatin on him have been repeatedly shown that he has improved every season, and yet they continue to hate. how uncivil is that.
- This season costs us little to give him the chance to step up, but changing right now just puts Zorn back at square 1.
EXACTLY! With all the nonsense that is swirling about how Coach Zs job is hanging in the balance, if he starts someone else now, it will make Z look stupid & like he doesn't know what he's doing AND that he has no confidence in himself, much less his QB situation. Then, next year, Snyder is shopping for another coach & the merry-go-round continues. If we stay the course we are on now, Z may have a shot at keeping his job & this team may have a shot at winning something sooner rather then later. THE MERRY-GO-ROUND MUST STOP NOW!
Paintrain 05-20-2009, 08:47 PM EXACTLY! With all the nonsense that is swirling about how Coach Zs job is hanging in the balance, if he starts someone else now, it will make Z look stupid & like he doesn't know what he's doing AND that he has no confidence in himself, much less his QB situation. Then, next year, Snyder is shopping for another coach & the merry-go-round continues. If we stay the course we are on now, Z may have a shot at keeping his job & this team may have a shot at winning something sooner rather then later. THE MERRY-GO-ROUND MUST STOP NOW!
Unfortunately because of the recent history of our team a large segment of our young fanbase has never experienced a winner and somehow feel like they deserve or are owed to see it.
As a result they are perpetually miserable and think that ONE MORE CHANGE will end the misery without attaching any modicum of logic or common sense to it. It's pretty much target practice for their blame, either Vinny, Danny or JC.
The full irony is the thing that most people rip Snyder for, impulsiveness and impatience, are the same things they are advocating in benching JC or starting Colt to 'see what we have'.
nyredskinsfan 05-20-2009, 09:50 PM With a vengence I hope.
DBUCHANON101 05-20-2009, 11:09 PM IMO JC is gone eitherway. You think he wants to play for DS after he tried to trade hm and lied to him? Either he does well and tells DS to stick it or he tanks and he is released. After the Cutler deal fell through DS had him in his office and said youre my QB but what he really was thinking was youre my QB, now can you hurry along? i have a dinner tonight with VC,Coach Zorn and Mark Sanchez.
Missin21 05-20-2009, 11:45 PM IMO JC is gone eitherway. You think he wants to play for DS after he tried to trade hm and lied to him? Either he does well and tells DS to stick it or he tanks and he is released.
Interesting. That's the first thing you said that I can actually agree with. Of course, I stated this very thing almost word for word some time ago....and again in this thread, now that I think about it, also some time ago. But I digress.
I don't believe Campbell will be here next year either. I am saddened by this because I think this FO screwed the pooch...again. Acting like they were in sudden desperation mode for a QB with Cutler & then with Sanchez...:doh:...it was ridiculous & pathetic. And Jason would be well within his rights to light it up this season & then say goodbye. Not just to the FO, which treated him like crap, but also to the haters in the fanbase which treated him far worse IMO.
The Goat 05-20-2009, 11:53 PM I tend to think JC will be more valuable to the Redskins than to any other franchise if he lights it up this season, meaning his best contract offer comes from Snyder. To really stick it to the lil Danny Jason will likely have to take less money...that would be worth the watching.
Missin21 05-21-2009, 12:02 AM I tend to think JC will be more valuable to the Redskins than to any other franchise if he lights it up this season, meaning his best contract offer comes from Snyder. To really stick it to the lil Danny Jason will likely have to take less money...that would be worth the watching.
Well, to be honest, I can envision a scenario where both Dallas & Philly will be in need of a QB. Where else could a QB go for similar money & be able to tell his former team to stick other then there? Not saying it's going to happen, just saying I could SEE it happening.
EARTHQUAKE2689 05-21-2009, 12:07 AM HANK YOU NFL NETWORK!!!!
They broke down film on JC and in the games they showed it was 3rd and long situations.JC had protection each time and EACH TIME went to the check down route that was 5-7 yards short of the 1st down. One play showed 3 different wrs in one on one coverage and he wouldnt push the ball downfield. JC plays scared and thats why he went without throwin a int for half the season. HIS AVG THROW ON 3RD DOWN WAS LIKE 5.7 YARDS.and he had one of the worst comp %'s on 3rd down. PPL wanted to question Zorns playcalling but we had WR's deep and open and he took the easy way out. Thats why ppl are calling for a change,thats why ppl are calling for Collins or Brennan
I don't know why no one else has brought this up but who's Hank???