01-26-2010, 07:54 PM
ahh i'm so tired of this sanchez crap, he had below average numbers all year long made a few plays here and there, he had the njumber one run game, an amazing d with probably one of the most impressive seasons worth of stats for a db, honestly how sick is revis' season, the guys he shut down all year is amazing
oh yeah and sanchez has a o line chock full of first round studs i can't remember if it was on the warpath or some where else but i think they have one thrid rounder the rest are second and first round picks, ramsey could be their qb, and probably have better stats too
01-28-2010, 03:11 AM
Pointing out that you misspelled Shaun Hill's name isn't playing the grammar card, it's correcting a dude's name.
I don't care, it's still very elementary. Especially when your own sentence structure is replete with errors.
01-28-2010, 03:22 AM
Sorry, just being a smarta$$ here; doing nothing more than pointing out irony.
And I'm doing the same with you.
Hogroll: I don't know, good think Gilbert from Texas is only a Freshman...
Good think Gilbert? just being a smarta$$ here; doing nothing more than pointing out irony since you really meant to say good thing
One more for the road.
Now, that is funny stuff!
Now, that's funny stuff. Fixed.
01-28-2010, 11:07 PM
I don't care, it's still very elementary. Especially when your own sentence structure is replete with errors.
Congratulations, you win at the Internet!
01-28-2010, 11:37 PM
And I'm doing the same with you.
Good think Gilbert? just being a smarta$$ here; doing nothing more than pointing out irony since you really meant to say good thing
One more for the road.
Now, that's funny stuff. Fixed. do understand that "that's" is a contraction for "that is" right? Meaning no correction was needed.