04-10-2009, 06:57 AM
What's the "image" of Redskins fans as viewed by outsiders (not just fans of rival teams, but in general) and how does this image differ (if at all) from the general image of Washingtonians and people from the greater metropolitan area?
While many Skins fans have described themselves as "masochists" and "extremely loyal" (many fans of teams that haven't experienced much recent success describe themselves in this manner) I've heard the word "delusional" often used to describe Skins fans from outsiders. What have you heard?
Good question, I honestly don't know. Skins fans certainly aren't obnoxious in the vein of Eagle fan or Raider fan... and there's a good contingent of the wine and cheese folks at the stadium, there's the image of being in the power town... but I think there's a lot of fans in-between all of that. Skins fans I think are pretty passionate, maybe a little delusional (but what fans aren't? Listen to NFL radio for a little while each day and you'll hear plenty of crazies from every team). Generally speaking I think Skins fans are your typical NFL fan.
04-10-2009, 09:26 AM
i have heard recently we are getting nastier, due to the lack of success over the last 15 years or so. i've seen fights at Redskins games between Redskins fans, while opposing fans watched and laughed....enough said
Alcohol + testosterone + football game typically = fights in the stands. Not sure that's a problem exclusive to FedEx.
Soup's Uncle
04-10-2009, 09:58 AM
Well, all I know is they hate us in Philly (I know it's a rival). I got flicked off (Redskins magnet on the back of my jeep) whilve visiting a friend in Conshohocken, PA. My boy was like, "Take that off of your car when we go into the city or that sh*t will get keyed."
I think they see us as rednecks...cus we are in "the south"...
Philly fan acting like a tard? Say it ain't so!
04-10-2009, 10:19 AM
I seriously think we're starting to get a bad image because of Snyder and the FO. I think a lot of fans of other teams see him as a joke and it trickles down to us because he still follow his team, which sucks.
Also, I think a lot of people see DC fans in general as front runners. Just look at the Verizon Center when the Caps/Wizards are doing well vs. when their not. Also, remember how bad the MNF game against the Steelers made us look this past season when FedEx was full of those F'ing yellow hankies.
I know we here don't feel that way and I bet the people that know us personally and know how passion, knowledge, pride, etc for this team don't feel that way, but I think the wider world of NFL fans probably do.
04-10-2009, 10:19 AM
Whenever a Philly fan talks shit there is always the old standby that never fails and can't be argued.
Skins: 3 Rings
Iggles: 0
04-10-2009, 10:40 AM
Many non-Redskins fans (and of course, many Redskins fans) still live in the year 2000 and just continously talk about all the money we spent on Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Mark Carrier and for what?
04-10-2009, 10:43 AM
I think some fans are way too pessimistic about the team's situation. Granted that the occasional playoff appearance or two is not something to be super excited about, but at the same people are overdramatic when they say things like "we're a joke in the league" or "we're headed downhill" or "we have the worst owner of the league".
Here are other teams and owners that I think that fit the bill of being a joke in the league, heading downhill, and/or having terrible owners:
- Detroit Lions finishing 0-16 last year, and being a perennial loser
- Al Davis' Oakland Raiders, the whole Kiffin affair
- The Atlanta Falcons having their coach (Petrino) bail out on them after the whole Vick fiasco
- The decline of the KC Chiefs after being a perennial playoff team in the 90s.
- The Bengals becoming a haven for discipline and character issues.
- The circus known as Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys
- The decline of the San Francisco 49ers after being a powerhouse in the 90s
- And I dare to say it, the black eye that the New England Patriots will always have in sports history regarding Spygate (it's not as terrible as the other teams, but I think as a fan of the team it would suck that my team is associated with a cheating scandal).
I think some fans go too much out of their way to attack the team and the ownership, pretend like Deion Sanders and Bruce Smith were signed just yesterday, and love to praise other teams as a way to attack their own team. I know the team has made some stupid mistakes, but let's not pretend like we're the only team to do them.
Finally, in regards to the ownership and the front office, I admit that they are flawed, like everyone else. However, I do appreciate their willingness to take risks and to spend money. Sure, I would want the team to be in the NFC Championship 4 or 5 times, but ask the Iggle fans if they wish the team's ownership would spend a little bit of money to take it to the next level.
Regardless of its flaw, (and yeah I know I'm drinking the Kool-Aid here), I am glad that no one can say that the Redskins have a whole bunch of players with discipline and character issues or that they are cheaters or have an ownership that is not willing to spend/take risks in order to win. Snyder is not a clown like Jones or Al Davis, and I think it is safe to say that the last two coaches this team has had (Gibbs and Zorn) are upstanding character guys.