04-04-2009, 03:09 PM
My dad was a casual Skins fan but thankfully I've had this love affair with the Skins since birth. My oldest brother is also a Redskins fan but my other brother did the unthinkable and started rooting for the Cowgirls. I blame that all on my cousin who was a big bandwagoner in the 90's and the Cowboys were the cool team at the time.
John Denny
04-04-2009, 08:41 PM
I grew up watching guys like Art Monk, Darrell Green, Charles Mann, Jacoby, Bostic, Schlereth, Byner...the list goes on and on. The one thing that all those guys had in common was class. I think that's why I like Jason Campbell so much - total class and has the talent to back it up.
04-04-2009, 08:46 PM
Born and raised in Jersey City, all my friends were Gi-aint's and Jets fans. But being a leader and not a follower I became a Skins fan because I was a running back and Larry Brown was my idol and since he was a Redskin the rest is history. Mind you since I was a leader I was able to convert many followers to become Redskin fans till this day! "HAIL"
04-05-2009, 12:18 AM
John Riggins arms did it for me as a 12 year old girl.
04-05-2009, 02:41 AM
generations of redskin fans... i grew up a skins fan and always will be a skins fan
04-05-2009, 11:38 AM
When I lived in Maryland years ago as a kid I turned on the tv one sunday and saw the Redskins playing and said to myself what is this game. Played baseball till then. Wanted to play the hot cornor like Brooks Calbert Robinson Jr! Saw these to old guys at least to me they were old Sonny and Billy playing QB. Everybody wanted to be Jonny U but me I loved the Redskins colorers. My Dad tock me to my first game to RFK. He was so so on football. He love baseball. Still a friend traded him some seats for something can't remember now. Then we moved to Cincinnati. till I loved the Skins and when they came to town I get my Dad to take me. Now I live out on the west coast. Can't wait till fall to see the Skins and the Raiders play. Have to go because the Raiders never sell out so the game will be blacked out here!
04-05-2009, 04:12 PM
I 'm only 19 and honestly never was around for the skins hayday, I'm also from a family of Pats fans in New England... but i never really felt connected to the Pats like i was with my BoSox due mostly because of the blue collar play style. any way i became a serious Skin's fan in 05' when Brunell threw those bombs to Moss to win in Dallas.
PS I've ALWAYS hated the Cowboys, and the "America's Team" BS-that nickname offends me as an American
04-05-2009, 06:37 PM
I'm glad this post exists. I'm 21, so I didn't grow up with the hogs but this is how I became a Redskins fan.
It was a cold January in Syracuse Ny-1992-where my family is from. Some family lives West of Syracuse which is big-time Bills fans. And everybody knows the Bills were hot for four straight years. My entire family and neighbors and whoever else you could think of were ecstatic about the Bills and Jim Kelly.
I was four, and I liked football. And I rooted for the other team to be the little instigator I was.
Burgundy and Gold won that day, and I knew from then on I'd always be a Redskins fan.
04-05-2009, 08:38 PM
I use to like the Colts when I was in Jr.High. I got pissed when they moved and started watching the Skins with my dad who was a longtime Redskin fan. I just fell in love with them and it's been that way ever since.
04-05-2009, 09:46 PM
Skins fans aren't chosen! WE ARE BORN Burgundy and Gold!!!..
Retarded and weak minded Cowboys fans are chosen by other retards!