09-19-2004, 05:32 PM
I agree Skinscanes. If I'm the Giants I'm not feeling all that great right now either. 7 Turnovers you win by 6? Thats rediculouls. Even more rediculous is the team that lost and gave up the 7 turnovers, being us. Our offense better wake the hell up before next week.
09-19-2004, 05:37 PM
we should play iron man football. just leave our defense in the whole game
09-19-2004, 06:04 PM
One loss is important goddamnit when we loose like this. It is an attitude thing we cannot be accepting of play like this. I really fear for the beating the boys are going to give us AGAIN this year. Right now we are battling it out with the dregs of the NFL not champions its the wrong end of the table guys.
09-19-2004, 06:08 PM
I agree, bedlam. It is depressing. But We've got to have faith that Gibbs can turn it around. Adversity will bring them together, I hope! Let's just pray it happens before Monday night!!!!
09-19-2004, 06:12 PM
this team is only going as far as either ramsey or brunnel can take them.the coaching staff can have the best game plan in the world,but if the qbs play bad it will fail every time.the skins will finish 8-8,they are still a couple of seasons away from being a superbowl favorite.
09-19-2004, 06:41 PM
you obvioulsy wish to hvae won the game, but its week two. We can easily overcome this.
The importatn thing is that we need to work hard to overcome it. The team has a lot of work to do and hopeuflly they will make corrections quickly.
09-19-2004, 06:59 PM
this team is only going as far as either ramsey or brunnel can take them.the coaching staff can have the best game plan in the world,but if the qbs play bad it will fail every time.the skins will finish 8-8,they are still a couple of seasons away from being a superbowl favorite.
I concur it will be another year before we get the talent on defense that we need...........we just have to correct our mistakes because they are amplified on a team that doesn't have quite the talent to succeed....
09-19-2004, 07:00 PM
you obvioulsy wish to hvae won the game, but its week two. We can easily overcome this.
The importatn thing is that we need to work hard to overcome it. The team has a lot of work to do and hopeuflly they will make corrections quickly.
The coaching staff with Joe Gibbs will work hard to overcome mistakes, this aint no Spurrier group...........
09-19-2004, 07:04 PM
I agree with Skinsncanes. Hopefully this is one of those losses we can learn from. Seriously, I dont even know what to say. We blew so many chances today I cant even count them. I really wont blame the loss on one person, because just about everyone on offense made at least one mistake that f'ed us over. I was pretty happy with our defense overall, the Giants defintley did a better job than T.B. did against us, and we had some trouble, but still kept our team in the game. I mean with 17 points off Turnovers, thats pretty impressive.
Our offense is clearly still not on the same page. We need to do somthing on offense. I'm pretty pleased by the halftime adjustments coach Gibbs made. If we could execute the plays, we would have won like 37-20. Dropped balls, stupid goal line penlties ( That Samuels false start cost us bigtime), bad passes, and fumbles. We are about 100 times better than the Giants, but when you do stupid stuff like that, you're gonna lose. We better come out ready against Dallas, and I mean READY, cause you know they will be. I'm not ready to write this season off yet, I still think that we are a wildcard/ playoff type team, but we need ot play like we can, cause a team like Philedalphia would have beat us 50-7 today.
I'm watching the Browns/Dallas game.........Dallas' d came out like hell on fire, aggressive, swarming.....holding Jeff Garcia and Co to 3 field goals........However, the Browns and EX-Redskin Kennard Lang is pressuring Vinny................the Redskin defense needs to be ready to do the same......
09-19-2004, 09:19 PM
I'm watching the Browns/Dallas game.........Dallas' d came out like hell on fire, aggressive, swarming.....holding Jeff Garcia and Co to 3 field goals........However, the Browns and EX-Redskin Kennard Lang is pressuring Vinny................the Redskin defense needs to be ready to do the same......
Its the same tune guys for us guys...400 plus yards but penalties and this week turnovers kept this game very very close when we had ample opportunities to blow the Browns out
Interceptaverde reverted to his Buccaneers form..Our offense had 11 penalties
Im happy with a win but I sure aint thrilled about the way we won.
The best part? our defense..but as I ribbed you guys last week, and as I mentioned in my thread, this came against a poor offensive team
Fag Boy Jeff Garcia had a passer rating of 0.0