03-20-2009, 02:41 PM
This thread title is misleading. It's not a done deal
It is on the main message channel on Comcast saying it will be turned off as of and I am guesing May 01 (i am not at home right now, read the message last night).
Comcast and NFL Network Continue to Haggle (
03-20-2009, 02:45 PM
I Like DTV, But I only have it through the NFL season, I have Cox Digital Cable the rest of the time. But in Oklahoma all there is are GAYBOYS Games or KC Chiefs games YUCK!!!
03-20-2009, 02:50 PM
Does anyone have Verizon cable in there area? I have it here in PA and i love it.
03-20-2009, 02:59 PM
Does anyone have Verizon cable in there area? I have it here in PA and i love it.
Gonna be switching over to Verizon Fios soon for the better and cheaper internet. Been using Cox Cable in va and az past 10 years, never had trouble.
03-20-2009, 03:08 PM
Comcast and NFL Network Continue to Haggle (
Ok that is dated 3/14. This message just appeared yesterday (3/19) on my comcast. I think comcast has just thrown up their hands and are giving up.
03-20-2009, 03:19 PM
From what I've seen, this is the actual message:
"To our Sports Entertainment Pack customers: in spite of Comcast's efforts, the NFL may terminate Comcast's right to carry NFL Network, as a result, the network may be removed from your lineup on May 1."
May be removed.
03-20-2009, 03:23 PM
Not saying the picture isn't gloomy for Comcast subscribers who love the NFL Network...just that there's still some time for a last minute solution
03-20-2009, 03:40 PM
Looks like Comcast and NFLNT can't come to an agreement so Comcast is dropping them. Great. =(
I only order it in-season but still I like watching their games. I am slowly thinking of going back to Directv but I need them to place my disk in a diffrent location this time. We will see I truly hate DircTV and their customer service.
dont do it Direct Tv stuck me with a 465.00 bill for 7 days of service. i had to cancel the service because if the wind blow to hard the tv went out. it sucked bad. finally i let it got to a collection aqency and settled for 350.00 but i still got screwed
03-20-2009, 03:41 PM
Does anyone have Verizon cable in there area? I have it here in PA and i love it.
I have FIOS and I love it. Had too many issues with DirecTV (windy days, storms, a bird farting on the antenna) and Comcast is a freaking monopoly here in Howard Co. (they used to be the only game in town until FIOS showed up). So far I'm happy with FIOS and I get DC and Baltimore local channels, something I didn't get with Dtv (only got B'more channels with them and it sucked).