RedskinPete 02-12-2009, 04:14 PM I've always liked this guy even though he played for a team Redskins fans despise. A man of his word.
Aikman getting college degree 20 years later - NFL - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-aikman-collegegraduate&prov=ap&type=lgns)
That long to get it...What was he doing while he was in school? I had two jobs and when to school and recieved my degree. At the very least what was he doing in the off season?
Ruhskins 02-12-2009, 04:14 PM Troy Aikman is a "walking, talking, prick with ears".
What does that make Joe Buck? Oh wait, don't answer that. LOL. :laughing-
sandtrapjack 02-12-2009, 04:45 PM Damn, if a Cowboys fan dislikes him that much, that's more reason for us to like him :)
Ok, I lived in Hawaii for 10 years. And the ONLY football we got there was the Pro Bowl.
I was able to attend 8 of them. And the funnest thing about the Pro Bowl is not the game, but all the fan events leading up to the game during Pro Bowl Week.
One of those events being "Fan Day" at Aloha Stadium. That is when all the players show up in thier Pro Bowl Jerseys and greet fans, take pictures, sign autographs etc.
Yeah, I am a die hard Cowboys fan, and Irvin was AWESOME to the fans there. Emmitt Smith was even better, never missed an autograph, picture or handshake.
Aikman, that pri*k, came out of the locker room, walked straight under the goal posts into the middle of the field and started tossing a football around with some guys on the field. He never, ever even acknowledged that the fans were even there. Folks were calling out to him over and over to come over, and he would not even wave or even look thier way, just did his thing in his little world.
Great QB, and fantastic commentator.
But still a prick.
over the mountain 02-12-2009, 05:35 PM ^^ haha thanks for the insight sandtrap. my only guess as to why aikman was non-interactive with fans is that he seems very stoic and objective, almost distached from emotion.
go skins!!
ps - aikman is my fav commentator, hard to say but the man knows what he is looking at on the field and how to relay that in words to the viewers.
gaudiomatt 02-12-2009, 05:35 PM Really don't have to love Aikman at all. Theres nothing cool about getting a degree when you're rich already. you get a degree to become rich. not the other way around. Plus He probably sodimizes Joe Bucks who its such a tool. And guess what he's an annoying biased cowboys quarterback. so no i don't like aikman at all.
Skinny Tee 02-12-2009, 07:09 PM Really don't have to love Aikman at all. Theres nothing cool about getting a degree when you're rich already. you get a degree to become rich. not the other way around. Plus He probably sodimizes Joe Bucks who its such a tool. And guess what he's an annoying biased cowboys quarterback. so no i don't like aikman at all.
Let the record state that I don't share my dissenting opinion with this person. The views stated in his quote are not shared by me or any other person who rationally dissented against the common affinity shared for Aikman by members of this board during this thread.
While one may find humor in the imagery of sodomy between the two, I can't in good conscious condone the use of such graphic vernacular just to defame the former cowboy quarterback.
Also, I'm no psychic but you may be getting banned soon. Not a sermon, just a thought.
Larry Michael is Satan 02-12-2009, 07:26 PM What is this thread supposed to prove? That UCLA accepts transfer credits from University of Phoenix?
The Goat 02-12-2009, 11:58 PM Ok, I lived in Hawaii for 10 years. And the ONLY football we got there was the Pro Bowl.
I was able to attend 8 of them. And the funnest thing about the Pro Bowl is not the game, but all the fan events leading up to the game during Pro Bowl Week.
One of those events being "Fan Day" at Aloha Stadium. That is when all the players show up in thier Pro Bowl Jerseys and greet fans, take pictures, sign autographs etc.
Yeah, I am a die hard Cowboys fan, and Irvin was AWESOME to the fans there. Emmitt Smith was even better, never missed an autograph, picture or handshake.
Aikman, that pri*k, came out of the locker room, walked straight under the goal posts into the middle of the field and started tossing a football around with some guys on the field. He never, ever even acknowledged that the fans were even there. Folks were calling out to him over and over to come over, and he would not even wave or even look thier way, just did his thing in his little world.
Great QB, and fantastic commentator.
But still a prick.
Not surprised by this at all... Aikman always struck me as a patrician type through and through... no time at all for the "lower classes."
... to give props where they're due he's better than most of the commentators.
Ruhskins 02-13-2009, 01:57 AM Let the record state that I don't share my dissenting opinion with this person. The views stated in his quote are not shared by me or any other person who rationally dissented against the common affinity shared for Aikman by members of this board during this thread.
While one may find humor in the imagery of sodomy between the two, I can't in good conscious condone the use of such graphic vernacular just to defame the former cowboy quarterback.
Also, I'm no psychic but you may be getting banned soon. Not a sermon, just a thought.
You sir are a psychic :)
Carnage 02-13-2009, 04:46 PM Seriously though, does anybody else think Joe Buck might actually be in love with Troy Aikman? They remind me of Smithers and Burns.