02-10-2009, 05:07 PM
You have a point, but keep in mind Colt was supposed to be the next top QB and then messed up his chances in college. He was playing (so I thought) for one of the big colleges. Then screws that up with getting into trouble. His play was exceptional at the school but they let him go due to his issues he had. Hawaii picked him up and he had to learn how to play in the "Run and Shoot" style of offense. He did well in that offense also. You can blame the QB but even the pro's had trouble with the "Run and Shoot." Simply look at Warren Moon always getting sacked while playing with the Oilers, Take a look at the Falcons of old, and even the Skins when they ran the "Run and Shoot" aka..."Fun and Gun."
I'm actually rooting for JC and hope he does well but every once and a while a player comes and knocks peoples socks off. Look at Tom Brady, Bret Favre, and last years Rookie QB's for the Ravens and Falcons. Heck Favre went to the Falcons first and they didn't like his throwing motion and felt he would be no good so they traded him to the Packers. He lit it up up there. I'm sure the Falcons felt stupid for doing that. Colt may turn out to be a dud or something special I just hope coach's know what they are doing and are not trying to change his throwing motions too much either(I thought it was mentioned Zorn wanted to fix the side arm throwing motion Colt has) cause that is what has brought him to this point. Now if it will allow him to throw the ball further then so be it but I feel when you start screwing up with something a player has done all his life and still has done pretty well for himself, don't change him. Changing him may take away his accuracy or speed on the ball, or how far he can throw it.
This post is kind of confusing. First off, Colt was not supposed to be the "next top QB." He was Matt Leinart's backup for most of his high school career, and was a walk-on at Colorado before getting kicked out for some drunken excursion involving frontal nudity and fondling of a coed. He redshirted the one year he was at Colorado. Not sure where you're getting your facts, but his play was not "exceptional." I don't think he even played a single snap at Colorado actually.
Second, what does some pro QB's initially struggling in the Run and Shoot have to do with Brennan's success running that system in college?
Third, comparing Brennan's potential to the unforseen success of Brady and Favre is like a needle in a haystack. The chances for any QB (let alone a current 3rd stringer) turning into the next Favre or Brady are very remote.
Sure, there is a chance Brennan could eventually be good. I guess I'm just not sure what you're trying to say here.
I'm actually rooting for JC and hope he does well but every once and a while a player comes and knocks peoples socks off. Look at Tom Brady, Bret Favre, and last years Rookie QB's for the Ravens and Falcons. Heck Favre went to the Falcons first and they didn't like his throwing motion and felt he would be no good so they traded him to the Packers. He lit it up up there. I'm sure the Falcons felt stupid for doing that. Colt may turn out to be a dud or something special I just hope coach's know what they are doing and are not trying to change his throwing motions too much either(I thought it was mentioned Zorn wanted to fix the side arm throwing motion Colt has) cause that is what has brought him to this point. Now if it will allow him to throw the ball further then so be it but I feel when you start screwing up with something a player has done all his life and still has done pretty well for himself, don't change him. Changing him may take away his accuracy or speed on the ball, or how far he can throw it.
This post is kind of confusing. First off, Colt was not supposed to be the "next top QB." He was Matt Leinart's backup for most of his high school career, and was a walk-on at Colorado before getting kicked out for some drunken excursion involving frontal nudity and fondling of a coed. He redshirted the one year he was at Colorado. Not sure where you're getting your facts, but his play was not "exceptional." I don't think he even played a single snap at Colorado actually.
Second, what does some pro QB's initially struggling in the Run and Shoot have to do with Brennan's success running that system in college?
Third, comparing Brennan's potential to the unforseen success of Brady and Favre is like a needle in a haystack. The chances for any QB (let alone a current 3rd stringer) turning into the next Favre or Brady are very remote.
Sure, there is a chance Brennan could eventually be good. I guess I'm just not sure what you're trying to say here.