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GMScud 01-06-2009, 01:41 PM It seems like there is an ass-load of bickering and negativity going on around here in multiple threads lately. Couple that with the shitty cold rain we're having in the DC area, and it's really making my Tuesday a downer.
dmek25 01-06-2009, 01:53 PM sorry scud. if it makes you feel any better, its sleeting/ snowing up here
firstdown 01-06-2009, 01:54 PM I am not a con law atty but i believe this only applies to gov't, quasi gov't (water, utilities, schools, etc) and private corporations that receive a certain sum of gov't funding.
if i had a small business that did not provide a gov't type service to the public and rec'v no gov't funding i could hire whoever i wanted. look at hooters, if i apply for a job as a waiter i would be denied b/c i am a guy and they are allowed to do that as a totaly private company.
sorry about the rant . . . point is the constitution in this regard only applies and restricts the gov't and gov't type entities. in america you can be as racist as you want on your dime.
go skins!!
I own a small business and Sneed10 is correct and it does apply to the private market.
Schneed10 01-06-2009, 02:02 PM I am not a con law atty but i believe this only applies to gov't, quasi gov't (water, utilities, schools, etc) and private corporations that receive a certain sum of gov't funding.
if i had a small business that did not provide a gov't type service to the public and rec'v no gov't funding i could hire whoever i wanted. look at hooters, if i apply for a job as a waiter i would be denied b/c i am a guy and they are allowed to do that as a totaly private company.
sorry about the rant . . . point is the constitution in this regard only applies and restricts the gov't and gov't type entities. in america you can be as racist as you want on your dime.
go skins!!
Incorrect, it applies to every single employer in the United States. If someone can prove you're guilty of this, you get in a rather large amount of trouble.
BigHairedAristocrat 01-06-2009, 02:05 PM I dont think Vicks past is even relevant in this questions. By the time he can return to the NFL in 2010, he'll be 30 years old. Vick was never that great of a passer - his strength was always scrambling and at his age, he will be much less effective doing that. If anyone takes a chance on vick when he returns to the NFL, they will be sorely disappointed.
Schneed10 01-06-2009, 02:05 PM so you don't think people can be rehabbed? or change? if you don't give people a second chance, they just continue going down the wrong path, creating headaches for normal, productive members of society
I think some people can be rehabbed, but that's not the point. I support giving employers the option to decide who they want to give that second chance to. If they don't want to give that second chance, they shouldn't have to.
GMScud makes great points, there is gray area galore. I'm of the same mind that I can overlook a DWI offense for certain positions, while someone convicted of aggravated assault probably wouldn't stand a chance with me.
There are positions where you just don't want to take the chance. If I'm hiring someone to clean the bathrooms of my office building, I probably don't care if they've been convicted of drug charges in the past. If I'm a car dealership hiring a car salesmen, I absolutely want someone with a 100% clean record.
It seems like there is an ass-load of bickering and negativity going on around here in multiple threads lately. Couple that with the shitty cold rain we're having in the DC area, and it's really making my Tuesday a downer.
That's a REAL shame...........75, and Sunny
so you don't think people can be rehabbed? or change? if you don't give people a second chance, they just continue going down the wrong path, creating headaches for normal, productive members of society
ALSO, I think PC and possibly some Federal laws may mandate that as a convicted felon (having served your due) you deserve the same consideration as the next candidate for a job. In reality, in all but a small percentage of circumstances.....the AIN'T happening
GMScud 01-06-2009, 02:19 PM That's a REAL shame...........75, and Sunny
I know all about it. My mom and stepdad are at their place on Siesta Key right now and have been bragging about the weather. Plus I lived in Gainesville for 8 years. I miss the Florida sunshine today.
I know all about it. My mom and stepdad are at their place on Siesta Key right now and have been bragging about the weather. Plus I lived in Gainesville for 8 years. I miss the Florida sunshine today.