Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

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Trample the Elderly
01-05-2009, 11:54 PM
How do you feel about racist.....???? Should they be banned for life too, I say turn in your shit

You don't scare me with your, you a racist BS. I don't apologize for being Hispanic. If it had been Joe White Bread, Jose Tortilla, or Charlie Chang I'll bet you wouldn't have given a damn. I'll say what I want about fithy trash and the trash that apologizes for them.

The Goat
01-05-2009, 11:58 PM
You don't scare me with your, you a racist BS. I don't apologize for being Hispanic. If it had been Joe White Bread, Jose Tortilla, or Charlie Chang I'll bet you wouldn't have given a damn. I'll say what I want about fithy trash and the trash that apologizes for them.

Anything else?

01-06-2009, 12:01 AM
How do you feel about racist.....???? Should they be banned for life too, I say turn in your shit

Huh? Are you calling his opinion on Vick racist? If so, you should pack your shit. He has a very strong negative opinion on the man, as do TONS of people nationwide, myself included. I don't care if his skin color is pink, the way he treated animals is deplorable and sick. And his dumb ass baby brother has proven numerous times that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Michael Vick is a total POS, as evidenced by his actions and his current residency in the US Federal Prison System.

To answer the question in the thread title: Hell no. I wouldn't accept Michael Vick as a Redskin. Ever. Regardless of the circumstances. He should go to the Cowboys where he belongs.

Skinny Tee
01-06-2009, 12:06 AM
I would cease to be a Redskins fan if they signed Vick. To hell with him and his scum bag family. It would be the same as signing a pedophile or rapist. Vick and his brother are nothing but trash who should be banned from football period. Vick is a sicker puppy than the ones he HUNG, DROWNED, and ELECTROCUTED. Paid he's debt to society my a**! Not in Virginia he hasn't! The Old Dominion isn't through with sick Vick. They only got Vick because they busted his cousin selling dope and he snitched. The were looking for drugs not dogs. I bet he had both.

Every month it was something new with Marcus. Marcus is drinking with underage girls. Marcus is caught doing 90 drunk and stoned. I watched Marcus stick his cleats in the chest of a man on his back and grind them in. I watched him flick off his own stadium.

We had this discussion today at work and you Vick apologist make me want to vomit. If you get convicted of a felony you shouldn't play in the NFL period. Why don't we sign the beltway snippers and Dr. Death Jack Kevorkian? Why don't we get Madoff to run our front office? How about Cheech and Chong as our offensive and defensive coordinators?
Go ahead and sign the filth. I'll write a letter to the commissioner with my spit enclosed and send in my Redskins gear to Vinnie Cerrato with a big fat dump on it.

If you don't like what I have to say about scum bags brothers Vick BAN ME FROM POSTING. I though it was bad enough when we signed Deion. I'll take a million Deions over one Vick.

Am I the only one who thinks this is a bit excessive of an assessment of Mike Vick?

Granted he is a criminal and he hasn't chose the most moral life to lead but hate you are spewing for him doesn't align with his crimes. When his time is up his criminal punishments will have been fulfilled. I don't like the idea of killing dogs for sport either but condemning a man and his character permanently as if he incorrigible is a bit much.

What he did was dumb. You break the law and you suffer the consequence...I get that. But why are you so fervent about making him sound like a Nazi dictator. He killed dogs for sport, which is against the law and I'm also against, but what makes that morally different from killing and eating an animal three times the size of a dog. I do that on a regular basis and even throw some away some if I can't eat the rest of it.

If we all lived in a vegetarian society that treated animal killings like human killings then your post lines up. But just because humans own domesticated animals and are emotionally close to them doesn't mean killing them is on par with rape or pedophilia.

You sound like an animal lover, which is great, but people who have biased perspectives should not weigh the scales of justice or morality in this point.

On a side note I am not in favor of Vick coming to the Skins. I don't think he'll play in the NFL due to the fact playing QB so long hurt him developing NFL-caliber talents at any other positions. WR is the only position I can see him playing but it will be too little too late for him.

BTW...what the hell is wrong with Deion???...Deion may be flashy but as far as I know he has never committed a criminal act on paper.

01-06-2009, 12:20 AM
Ok the Trample name was a little weird but after reading that post I'm actually freaked out.
:laughing2 Trample the Elderly but don't hurt your dog? Vick provoked some strong feelings among people for what he did. That is VERY understandable. I personally can't stand to see a dog even hit.... unless he's attacking you. Vick and his brother are from this area and have screwed up every opportunity they've had. Plain and simple...WE DON'T NEED HIM! I understand your point Tee, but I think the difference is that we don't eat dogs in this country and we don't dress deer up and include them in our wills. Believe it or not ,some people do that with their dogs. I do understand your point but fighting dogs is unfathomable to me and besides that, I can't think of one good reason to bring Vick to our team.

01-06-2009, 12:27 AM
I would cease to be a Redskins fan if they signed Vick. To hell with him and his scum bag family. It would be the same as signing a pedophile or rapist. Vick and his brother are nothing but trash who should be banned from football period. Vick is a sicker puppy than the ones he HUNG, DROWNED, and ELECTROCUTED. Paid he's debt to society my a**! Not in Virginia he hasn't! The Old Dominion isn't through with sick Vick. They only got Vick because they busted his cousin selling dope and he snitched. The were looking for drugs not dogs. I bet he had both.

Every month it was something new with Marcus. Marcus is drinking with underage girls. Marcus is caught doing 90 drunk and stoned. I watched Marcus stick his cleats in the chest of a man on his back and grind them in. I watched him flick off his own stadium.

We had this discussion today at work and you Vick apologist make me want to vomit. If you get convicted of a felony you shouldn't play in the NFL period. Why don't we sign the beltway snippers and Dr. Death Jack Kevorkian? Why don't we get Madoff to run our front office? How about Cheech and Chong as our offensive and defensive coordinators?
Go ahead and sign the filth. I'll write a letter to the commissioner with my spit enclosed and send in my Redskins gear to Vinnie Cerrato with a big fat dump on it.

If you don't like what I have to say about scum bags brothers Vick BAN ME FROM POSTING. I though it was bad enough when we signed Deion. I'll take a million Deions over one Vick.

Vick is a bad guy and I really don't want him playing here. But if we did sign him I wouldn't protest it. I have news for you. There are many former Redskin players that you and I have rooted for that have done some low down and dirty shit. It's part of life bro. When he gets out he has the right to earn a living. And this thread isn't about Marcus, it's about Michael. His no good brother has nothing to do with this.

01-06-2009, 12:45 AM
the Lions could sign em... theyre so below-tier it would be understandable and they wouldnt need an excuse.

Hes not comming here...
but Besides the fact he did what he did and went to jail for it...
the questions are can he still play and how effective hell be.

I think hed still be able to play at a high level and could be effective.
Whether or not they allow him at all is the first issue. The next is finding a team with low enough prestige and desperate enough at that point to sign him.

I think theres a better chance well see Micheal Vick playing in the NFL again.. then not. Just simply because of how high his skill level was.

01-06-2009, 01:19 AM
Vick is starting to put things in place for a return to the NFL once he's released from prison.
Michael Vick revises bankruptcy plan, in hopes of expediting NFL return. - NFL - SI.com (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/football/nfl/01/05/bankruptcy.vick.ap/index.html?eref=si_nfl)

In the interest of a non Campbell/Cerrato/draft/FA thread and since it will be discussed eventually:

I'm for Vick to the Redskins, not as a starting QB but as an 'athlete' that we can use as a RB, WR, wildcat QB, etc. Giving him 15 touches a game with his skills (assuming they've only minimally diminished) would give us a dynamic we need on offense.

As for the off the field stuff, he would paid his debt to society, served his time and done his pennance for his wrongdoing.

There's going to be interest in him so my question is, would you support the Redskins signing him? (mods please poll as Yes/No)


Trample the Elderly
01-06-2009, 01:22 AM
Michael Vick: I grab a dog, I choke him and I . . . . BAM BAM BAM all day long foot in a dog's a**. That's my pleasure!

Commonwealth Attorney: Come the first of the month you don't have an NFL job, you ain't going to school, you don't need to worry about fighting no dogs . . . . you got to worry about those jail dogs fighting your a**!


It wasn't his chest it was his knee.
YouTube - video of marcus vick stomping

It was Vick who gave the finger.
YouTube - Michael Vick Fingers Crowd

Sorry, these two bright ones did so much stupid s**t it's hard to keep up with it all.

For those of you that I've pissed off, GOOD! AHHH HAA HAAA I hope I hurt your feelings and made you cry. If you want to make it racial, you can kiss every inch of my A**! Hommie don't play that!

I'm tired of the NFL and fans not saying enough about guys who snort dope (Cowboys), beat their wives, and shoot up night clubs just because they can make a touchdown. (If you smeared the football with teritaki sauce my dog would catch the ball every time.)
This isn't just about Vick. It's about dignity, whether it's an animal, another human being, or a woman.
Just because I've a twisted sense of humor (Trample the Elderly) doesn't mean I condone twisted behavior.
Yeah maybe I'm being a little self-righteous, but God D**m, electrocuting a half dead animal? At least shoot the poor thing and put it out of it's misery.

I couldn't resist having fun with that big ole chip on your shoulder NIGHT LIGHT. I'd post more but I have to get up in the morning for work. That's something Michael doesn't have to do. I take that back, keeping your cherry in the joint is hard work isn't it?


01-06-2009, 01:26 AM
the Lions could sign em... theyre so below-tier it would be understandable and they wouldnt need an excuse.

Hes not comming here...
but Besides the fact he did what he did and went to jail for it...
the questions are can he still play and how effective hell be.

I think hed still be able to play at a high level and could be effective.
Whether or not they allow him at all is the first issue. The next is finding a team with low enough prestige and desperate enough at that point to sign him.

I think theres a better chance well see Micheal Vick playing in the NFL again.. then not. Just simply because of how high his skill level was.

Well he wasn't the most skilled passer to begin with. As a matter of fact he was a below average NFL passer. His game was playmaking. Sitting and not being able to improve his game for two years is real real tough. He probably hasn't thrown a football in a real long time. He'd really need to get in the right situation that would let him sort of re develop his skills. He actually might want to think about playing in Canada for a year.

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